A/N: I am backkkk sorry I took so long I was sitting with this chapter for so long not sure if liked it but...whatever I tried.

Chapter 16

The fear overpowered her and she could only hear her heart pound so loudly she thought it would rip out of her chest. Familiar shards of pain suddenly pierced her chest and her legs went numb. She wanted to scream but she didn't have air in her lungs to do so. She was dying and there was nothing she could do but helplessly let it happen.

When it was all over Mary found herself tightly held by Edward who whispered gently into her. She couldn't hear him much less feel him. Her body felt heavy and she could barely move as the adrenaline left her. After she slowly regained her breath she immediately rolled away from him and with her belly on the grass she tried to concentrate on her breathing.

Edward moved to touch her shoulder.

"Don't touch me."

When she felt better she sat up. She felt awful and even worse she was ashamed. Ashamed that it happened in front of someone other than Lady Salisbury. In front of Edward her enemy and now he knew.

"Are you alright?" He asks concerned.

Mary looked at him confused, she didn't realize she said anything.

Edward edged closer to her and passed her handkerchief. "Here," He says.

Mary took it from and wiped her tear-streaked face.

"How long did it last?" She asks him.

"Not long."

Mary nodded and cleared her throat. She made a move to stand but her legs were still weak.

"They use to last longer. A lot longer." Mary says scanning the field for Henry but she finally saw him near the stables talking with young Eric.

"He didn't see you."

"So what you will do now that you know about this?"

Edward stared at her in astonishment then his face became red with anger. "Is this what we have come to? Do you think I'm that treacherous?"

"Why would you not?" She shot back feeling her shame converting into rage. She wanted an excuse to yell at him, hurt him for seeing her so vulnerable. If Edward hadn't been recovering in her home this would never had happened. Why couldn't Anne tend to her duties as his wife and take him back to Somerset instead of burdening her?

Edward closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead in frustration. Then he let out a deep breath and shook his head. "I am not your enemy Mary. How many times must I repeat myself?"

Mary said nothing letting her silence convey that she did not believe him.

"I don't want to be your enemy but it seems you insist of being mine." Edward said in a grim tone. He messaged his injured arm which was irritated when he had rush to help Mary.

Mary narrowed her eyes at him but still didn't speak.

After a moment Edward broke the silence. "What happened?" He asks not sure what he even witnessed.

Mary looked over at him, feeling too exhausted to argue. "It's hard to describe but I would call them spells."

Edward scoffed. "Magic?" He clearly was not convinced.

"No," Mary said. "Just…overwhelming fear."

"When did it start?"

When her world fell apart and she was helpless to stop the damage done to herself and to her mother. But Mary shrugged carelessly trying to make the situation not as serious as it really was. "Since I was a young but I learn to manage it long ago, except lately."

Mary watch Edward as he tried to make sense with that happened and suddenly felt insecure. Was he judging her? Would he tell his family that Charles has a mental wife?

"I am not mad or ill." Mary said feeling defensive.

"I didn't say you were." Edward murmured softly and Mary could see the pity seep in to his dark green eyes. She hated it and that's why she would never tell Charles about this.

"He doesn't know does he?"

Mary stayed quiet offering no comment.

A small smile crept on his lips and nodded to himself appearing very satisfied with that fact.

Charles placed a comforting hand around the older woman as she collapsed at the news of her son's death. Her husband was ill upstairs and now she would have to tell him that her only son and heir had left this Earth before they both left.

"How could this have happened?" She wrung her hands. "My only son,"

Charles' heart wrenched seeing the older woman fall apart upon hearing about her son William's death. Who was commissioned to be his esquire by Henry a few months ago. However, William and the rest of Charles's men went galvanizing around London late night and came upon Boleyn's men. Unfortunately, a fought had broken out and William and 3 other men were killed. William was not yet 16 and had Charles had known he had left with the others he would never have allowed him to go.

And here he was now explaining to this poor woman how his negligence caused his death. He blamed himself and he also held just as responsible. He will demand reparations be made to William's family. But no amount of money will ever bring back her son. Charles waited for a long time until the woman's cries turned into shudders. He let go of her and whispered promises promise of justice and retribution.

The older women eyes were red and glassy as if she was in a daze. She didn't say anything to Charles who could only stare back wishing there was more he could say or but instead he bowed and he left

As soon as he stepped out of the manner he was greeted by Anthony who was standing with his men waiting for him.

"How was it?"

"They are destroyed." Charles clenched his jaw in anger.

Anthony shook his head. "Perhaps we should be strict on or curfews."

Charles only nodded, he was too drained to speak more on the matter. But his mind instantly went to the promised he had made to Mary.

Two weeks

He could hear her voice in her head. He let a month passed by since the violence between himself, the Seymours and the Boleyns have escalated. Each week he sent letters home begging for forgiveness and postponing their reunion. However, Mary's letters became more understanding but he didn't miss the subliminal tone of her dismay.

Charles let out a deep breath, "Any news of the rebellion in the North?"

Anthony opened the carriage door for his friend ushering him inside. "Only bad news."

Mary stayed sitting outside letting the sun hit her face, finding the manor suffocating especially with that man inside who was helping more Edward back to his estate. He is their head steward and had been for years, he was a foreigner and Mary made sure to steer clear away from him whenever possible. It also helped that Edward noticing her discomfort would send him away and she was relieved that he did not ask her any questions. Not that she gave him any opportunity as well, she would often leave as quickly as he entered her presence.

Everything but today that is she thought gripping the note in her hand. So she will wait here in the garden until he would come and say goodbye. Hopefully, the next time she would see him would be from afar in court and avoid crossing his path every again.

Suddenly she heard someone approach her and she looked up expecting Edward but instead it was the steward. Mary nearly jumped at the sight of him but the man placed a finger on his lips, he didn't want to make a commotion.

When Mary collected herself she sat paralysed watching the man bow, take her hand and kiss it.

"What are you…" Mary whispered.

"Forgive me Princess, I know you expected my master but this was the only way I could get an audience with you."

Mary immediately stood up her heart pounding in distress. "Did you ever think that I did not want you anywhere near me or my family?"

The man closed his eyes and nodded knowingly. "Yes, but you know full well that what brings me here is greater than you and me."

She crossed her arms in an attempt to calm herself. He was right and Mary couldn't argue that, she was a God fearing women. "On with it then," She responded.

"We need an answer."

Mary took a deep breath and shook her head. "I do not have one."

The man watched her warily and approached her slowly. "I don't believe that's true."

She edged back the closer he approached her. "Are you calling me a liar?"

"No, I believe you are a lovesick girl not a Queen as his Eminence believes you to be. You are no Isabel or Katherine."

Hearing his words struck Mary off guard and though she knew he wanted a reaction from her she didn't allow it.

"So what if I am not." She agreed slightly enjoying the surprise on his face. "Where does that leave you?"

Anger flashed in his eyes but after a moment he smirked. "That's the wrong question Princess."

Not liking the way his sudden mood change Mary regarded him skeptically.

"Where does that leave your family? And all whom you hold dear?"

Mary smiled back in response to show she was not unnerved by his threat but inwardly she felt it was very real.

"Careful" she warned. "I don't take too kindly to threats."

The steward narrowed his eyes at Mary. "When the church wants something we take it as we have done for thousands of years."

The older man smiled and bowed before leaving her alone in the garden.

As soon as he was out of sight Mary felt sick.

Charles sat back alone in his study, drinking his wine after a long day. It seems his visit up north did nothing to stop the rebels and he was worried he would have to battle them. He wasn't sure if he was up to sending defenceless men to their deaths. But he knew Henry intended him to command the army when the time was right. Yet Charles wasn't sure he was ready to do it, he no longer was the young ambitious battle hungry young soldier he used to be.

He let out a deep sigh and loosened buttons of his shirt. He eyed the bed with longing for her underneath him, her warm soft skin and the smell of her hair. Charles wondered if she missed him as he missed her. Though Mary seemed to enjoy him and their time together, especially the sex she never really gave him assurance of her love for him. He knew Mary was loyal to him and that she cared deeply for him but lately he felt like he needed more from her.

He stood up and walked over to the bed but before he could finally settle down he could hear knocks being heard downstairs. Who would come so late at night? It was nearly 2 am in the morning. Could there be another attack? Without a word, he stepped out and was immediately met with his bodyguard outside his bedroom door.

"Someone has arrived, your grace."

Charles said nothing and continued down the stairs. Down the stairs he saw his men surround a hooded figure in a dark cloak carrying a sleeping child. The closer he approached he could see dark chestnut curls spill from the child's hood.

His heart raced and he instantly instructed his men to stand aside. He reached out and pushed back the hood back and suddenly came face to face with diamond eyes.

He smiled and took Henry from her arms.

"Welcome home my sweet."

Mary shook her head in disapproval and began to make for the stairs without making a sound.

Charles followed her to Henry's room and they gently changed the small boy into his nightgown. No words were exchanged just glances between them. When they finished they quickly crept out of his room and made for their own room.

Mary stared at the guard protecting their bedroom curiously. She didn't know things have gotten so serious.

"He will be guarding our rooms until things have settled," Charles whispered into her ear placing a small hand on the small of her back.

As soon as the door closed Mary turned around. Before she could say another word and Charles crushed his lips against hers. He gave her no chance to breath. His tongue slide along the seam of her lips demanding entrance and she opened for him. He slowly lifted her dress and wrapped his hand around her thighs, lifting her effortlessly. Suddenly he had her pinned against the wall and Mary instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist. Feeling him stiff and hard against caused Mary to tighten her grip on him. She pulled back for air and leaned against the wall panting watching him with hooded eyes as he caught his breath. He reached to grab her cheek and ran his thumb against her swollen lips.

"I told you to wait until it was safe."

Mary frowned and the wheels in her mind began to turn as she was about to respond. She was ready to rip into him but before she could say anything Charles pressed her harder up the wall breaking Mary from her thoughts. She felt his finger slip underneath and stroke her clit in a rough motion that Charles knew she liked.

Hearing her groan at the pressure Charles carried Mary away from the wall and plopped her roughly on the bed. Mary rolled in annoyance and when she noticed him coming for her Mary grabbed him off his shoulders and pushed him down on his back.

"You said two weeks." She said as she straddled him.

Charles sighed knowing that was the agreement. "I know but things have been chaotic."

Mary shook her head not accepting his response.

"Two weeks." She repeated as she took him in one hard rock of her hips. "Not six."

Charles groaned against her motions, he knew he was being punished and he welcomed it.

Then suddenly she stopped and removed herself off from him.

Charles watched her in confusion. Why did she stop? Did she plan to leave him there fully erected?

Mary walked toward the dresser and pulled out a fresh nightgown. She nearly laughed watching Charles' face who stared at her blankly, she felt a little guilty what she was about to do next.

"What it is?" Mary asked him as she began to undress.

"I thought…" He trailed off gathering his thoughts.

"No." She told him. "You are being reprimanded."

"Reprimanded?" No one ever withheld sex from him as punishment. Ever. Not even Margret who he had fought frequently. But it was the angry make up sex that always brought them together. Sometimes it seemed they fought on purpose just so they could engage in it.

"Reprimanded." She said again with a finality as she began to undress and finally slipped under the covered completely naked.

Charles watched her in wonder for a moment until he finally settled down. He leaned over and started to kiss her cheek.


"Can I at least taste you?" He said kissing her lips and slowly making his way down.

"That's not what…" Mary breathed but she instantly feeling his tongue enter her and she threw her head back in delight.

*********************Two weeks later********************************************

Mary walked through the market place with Henry hold her hand. They were on their way to see his sword master as Charles felt it was time Henry learned how to wield one. Though she wasn't sure she agreed, Mary knew ever since the Walter boy was murdered Charles has become paranoid about Henry. Though Henry was only 4 years old, Charles insisted he learned to at least hold a sword properly. So she agreed in order to give him a peace of mind. Now here she was walking the streets of London with the intention of exposing Henry to the world outside of his privilege upbringing. If Charles knew where they were he would be livid but she made sure she wasn't alone and had a few of his men come along with them.

Henry stopped at a chicken coop and watched in fascination as the butcher grabbed one by the neck. Suddenly Mary pulled him away before he witnesses the ill-fated fate of the chicken.

"Why are we walking through the market?"

"Do you not like it?" Mary asked.

Henry shook his head. "No I do like it but I don't see many boys like me."

"You see a lot of poor children."

Henry nodded his head. "Where are their parents?"

Mary sighed, "It's hard to say, some are orphans and some are just sent to the streets to scavenge."

"No mother or father?"

"No mother or father."

Henry stared at Mary for a moment then finally asked. "Where are your mother and father."

Mary blinked for a moment taken aback and was ready to respond until she heard someone call her.

"Your grace!" The man yelled. "Please your grace! It's the Boleyns"

One of the guards looked at Mary. "He is one of your husband's men."

Mary nodded and approached him carefully leaving Henry behind with the other guard.

"What is it?"

"It's Pennington your grace, two of Boleyn's men have engaged him into a duel."

Mary stared at the man before him for a moment before making a decision. "Martin, take Henry home and fetch the Duke at once. "

She looked over to the other guards and mentioned they follow her. "Where are they?"

Mary strode quickly through the market following the other man. She would have taken carriage but she rather have Henry leave in it.

They continued winding down through the streets and finally a dark alley way with people begging her for money but she ignored them. She felt adrenaline pulsate through her and she didn't look back only focused on the man in front of her. Finally they found themselves at a church and she could hear someone beg for mercy.

She was stopped by one of the men before she could enter. Mary looked at the men and nodded as the rest of the guards entered first.

As she waited she saw Thomas Boleyn come with his entourage. His eyes glared into her but he bowed in acknowledgement before he entered the Church. She followed behind and the scene she saw made her ill.

There was Pennington lying on the ground in a pool of his blood. She rushed to his side and touched his wound to put pressure but it was too late. He was dead. She looked over to her men and saw them shaking their heads in disgust.

Mary looked over to the alter and two men praying begging for forgiveness with the priest. Are they called priests anymore? Mary didn't know.

She looked right at Thomas Boleyn who seemed to be in shock at the scene before him.

"You…" Mary began but was interrupted by a commotion behind her and finally saw Charles rushing into the chapel. He stared at her for a moment and then at Pennington. Suddenly she saw his face become expressionless but his eyes flash in anger.

"Murderers!" He said taking out his sword and going after the men kneeling by the Priest.

"Charles don't!" Mary grabbed his arm but he shrugged her off.

Charles didn't seem to hear her and had his sword pointed at the neck of one of the two men.

Mary felt her chest explode in fear. Will he, do it? Inside a church?

"Please my Lord!" The Priest begged. "I beg you, in the name of our Lord, one murder is enough already."

"You scum!" Charles cursed.

Mary stood paralyzed and her breath seemed to leave her body as she watched her husband about to commit murder in a church. She wanted to speak but nothing would come out.

One of the men looked up at Charles. "My Lord-"

"Shut up!" Charles bellowed. "You are both dead men!"

"Listen my Lord I beg you! Those who commit murder in the church abandon the eyes of God!"

Charles clenched his jaw in anger and backed off reluctantly.

Mary felt herself catch her breath again in relief but then she noticed his blue eyes on her. The intensity of his eyes shook her and Mary wanted nothing more but hide under the benches. Charles was upset with her, and she almost looked away ashamed but she just stared at him dumbfounded.

He approached her and Mary nearly backed away but he gripped her arm tightly. He looked as if he was going to say something but instead Charles clenched his jaw and finally acknowledged Thomas Boleyn.

"This is all your fault, Boleyn." He seethed menacingly.

Mary looked back at Thomas Boleyn stood smiling to himself.

Charles dragged her into the carriage and slammed the door shut.

Mary sat nervously because she has never seen Charles so angry. Had she gone too far? Should she had gone home with Henry? She didn't know. After a long torturous moment of silence, she finally opened her mouth.


"Mary!" He almost shouted but caught himself. "Please…not now."

Mary nodded watching Charles curse and rub his forehead in frustration.

By the time they reached their apartment it was dark and dinner was still waiting for them. Charles excused himself saying he wasn't feeling well. Which left only Mary and Henry alone to eat. Mary tried to engage Henry in whatever chatter he brought up but her mind went back to Charles, her hands were still shaking and she knew he wasn't pleased.

A few hours later after she put Henry to bed, she finally entered their bedroom and found Charles sitting, staring into the fireplace in deep thought. She looked at the bottle of wine and saw that he had been drinking.

Mary cautiously sat down beside him and felt herself grow nervous. Suddenly he passed her a cup.

"Drink." He said.

Mary took a long sip.

"I am sorry." She told him.

"About?" Charles said not looking at her. Mary nearly rolled her eyes but knew better it was not the time for her sarcasm.

"For everything. Pennington's death and…." She trailed off.

"And what?" He said icily.

She let out a deep sigh. "For being at the church, it was dangerous and I shouldn't have been there."

"But there you were," Charles said through his clenched jaw. "Why?"

"I-" Mary began. "I don't know…I didn't think I just reacted."

Charles scoffed shaking his head. "This is your reaction? Are you mad?"

Mary was at a loss for words and couldn't respond.

"Do you know how terrified I was? After hearing my men that you sent our son home and you went after Boleyn's men."

"I didn't-"

"Think!" He finished for her. "Then I had to find you at that bloody church, kneeling over Pennington's dead body with those murderous bastards!"

"When you say it like that…" Mary cringed.

"Why can't you just listen? Be like most wives?"

Mary head snapped suddenly. "But I am not most wives or did you forget?"

Charles stared at her as if he was slapped.

"If you desired a simple woman who did nothing but stay at home and roll on her back like a good little dog then you should have said no to my father." Mary now was raging inside.

"Oh right! I forget you didn't have a choice," Mary said coldly. "I know you didn't choose me but I can give you a choice now. Divorce me!"

Charles looked at her confused and then he became angry. "Divorce you?! Who said anything about a divorce?!"

Mary shrugged and made a move to leave but he grabbed her wrist


Mary shook her head and resisted him but it was futile. Charles was so tall and strong, there was no point.

He grabbed her roughly by the shoulders and finally had her pinned against the door.

"What Charles!" She seethed angrily.

"Why would you say that." His seethed. "To hurt me?"

"Yes," Mary said evenly but the instant she said it, she regretted it. "I want to hurt you."

He let go and punched the wall in anger. "Damn it Mary. Don't you see that I love you?"

"Then that is your curse! Because I don't love you." She screamed back at him.

"I don't believe you." Charles took her by the shoulders once again. "Look at me and tell me that you don't love me."

Mary couldn't look at him and he suddenly let go of her.

"You do love me but you are too much of a bloody coward to say it."

Mary watched him as he paced back in forth in trying to calm himself down.

"I don't forget Mary." His voice became full of emotion as he sat down on their bed defeated. "Believe me. I know who and what you are."

She let out a deep breath and nodded. "I'm sorry Charles."

"Where is all this coming from?" He questioned her. "You have been different lately and I didn't want to say anything because I trust that you will come to me."

Mary's eyes stung for a moment and realized how unfair she was being. Charles had been nothing but honest to her since Scotland but she could not say the same for him.

"I don't know where to begin." She's said as her voice grew corse with emotion. "But I'm terrified."

"I won't tell them. Whoever they are." He assures her lightly. "It will be our secret."

Mary sat beside him and took his hand into hers. She saw the red raw marks from his punch in the wall and began to massage it.

Charles felt ashamed for his outburst. He was about to apologize but before he could say anything Mary looked up at him and whispered. "I know."

After a moment, she let go and stared at him gathering her thoughts.

"It is a long story." She began.

Charles nodded, "Go on."

"A few months ago when we were at Richmond court I was approached…"


"The Vatican. His eminence."

"Jesus fucken Christ!" He cursed.

She waited for Charles for a long time who was pouring himself another drink. Mary watched him down it and then sit back on their bed.

"Are you angry with me?" She questioned.

Charles shook his head and let out a deep breath.

Mary laid down beside him and placed her arm around his waist watching him. "Well?"

He looked at her face for a moment more and finally opened his mouth. "Well, what Mary?"

"What should we do?"

Charles closed his eyes. "I need to think."

Mary nodded nervously watching him. "Forgive me."

"Stop apologizing," He stops short shaking his head. "There is nothing to forgive about this mess."

"I should have told you sooner but I thought I could handle it on my own," Mary tells him. "I don't know why I thought I could take on the Catholic church."

"But I know now and we will get through this," Charles assures her.

"No one will ever take you away from me." He promised as he reached out to caress her cheek. "I will never allow it. On my life."

Mary gave him a concerned look. "Don't say that. I rather they take me hostage."

Charles smiled slyly. "So you do love me."

"Was that ever in doubt?"

Charles face grew serious for a moment and touched her chin. "Yes."

She took a deep breath readying herself. "I love you and I loved you for a long time but I didn't allow myself to feel." She stopped short trying to control her emotions.

Charles blinked in surprised by her omission. On the other hand, he felt his chest would explode by finally hearing her admit she loved him back but he was concerned.

"Why didn't you?" He began slowly.

"Out of fear." She admitted, "Fear that if I did then one way or another you would leave me behind too."

"Yet I'm here," Charles whispered slowly moving on top of her.

"Yes, you are." She breathed as she felt the pressure on her hips.

He stared down at her for a long time.

"I love you."

Mary smiled at Charles, "And I love you."

It was a short chapter...hopefully you enjoyed it. Let me know! Please Review