
I don't own ROTG... Or any of the Characters... Sad day, I know.

"Alright, that's enough for now." Bunny stood up and stretched from where he'd been seated against the wall. "You need a break and I have another delivery to pick up."

Jack cracked his neck and rubbed his temple. All the concentrating was giving him a headache and he was exhausted. And thirsty.

"North should be finishing up with his little meet and greet in the shop soon if ya want to wait around. Or ya can leave. Up to you." Bunny adjusted his bag on his shoulder before heading for the exit. "I'll see ya later, kid."

Jack wandered back into the main area and allowed himself to sink into one of the comfy armchairs with a sigh. He didn't have the energy at the moment to make it to the kitchen, despite his thirst. The chair was just so comfortable.

Phil slouched his way back upstairs from helping North with his meet and greet in the store. Working with children always tired him. He much preferred tinkering and building. On the other hand, North seemed to thrive off of the interaction with the children. Phil just didn't understand. At least now he could sit in his chair and relax before getting back to whittling train figurines.

The white shock of hair that peeked around the side of the chair stopped Phil short. It only took a second for him to decide that it was time for payback. Tiptoeing, he approached the back of the chair. A smile spread across his face. Finally, it was he who got the jump on the boy! Phil jumped to the side of the chair, arms raised.


The boy only snuffled slightly in his sleep. His thin body was curled on the seat cushion, head on an armrest and staff cradled in his arms. The light pulsed lightly with each breath in and out. Phil stood for a moment, arms raised, mouth hanging open. Slowly he lowered his arms and a softer expression crossed his face.

Phil pulled a blanket from a basket and draped it over Jack, staff and all. Despite the calm demeanor of the sleeping teenager, Phil didn't feel comfortable leaving him alone. Instead he gathered the supplies he needed to make the toy trains and set up shop in the opposite chair, scooting close to the fireplace and starting a small flame that quickly grew to a respectable warmth.

Phil's fingers worked quickly and quietly, scooping out small chunks of wood that he flung into the fire. A rough shape of a train cab came into shape and he sanded it down smooth. He set the figurine aside and moved on to a train car followed by a caboose to finish the small toy train. Later, they would be painted and wheels added along with hooks to attach them together. The process continued, each train piece taking him about seven minutes and nineteen seconds to complete. He hoped to someday get it below five minutes.

He'd made three sets of trains before the boy stirred. Jack yawned, stretching one arm out from under the blanket and scratching his head as his eyes blinked open. The bright blue eyes were still sleepy as they looked down at the blanket in confusion. Jack noticed Phil and opened his mouth to say something but all that came out was a rough cough.

With quick steps, Phil retrieved a glass of water and a plate of cookies from the kitchen and returned, placing it on the coffee table within easy reach of Jack.

"Thanks." Jack smiled and sat up. He downed the water in one gulp. "Much better." He bit into a cookie and spoke around the food. "How long have I been out?"

Phil shrugged. "Вы спали, когда я сюда приехал. Почтичас я верю." He gestured to the wooden trains. Jack frowned but seemed to get the gist of what Phil was trying to relay.

"I should probably get going." The boy rose and stretched his staff above his head. "Things to do. Games to play. All that good stuff. Tell North thanks for me." He smiled with those bright teeth and waved before leaving Phil alone with his trains.

Despite his best efforts, Phil found himself smiling back.

A man in nondescript clothing and sunglasses leaned on a mailbox across from North's Workshop. He glanced up from the newspaper he was reading in time to see the white haired boy take off from the roof. The newspaper crinkled as he folded it unevenly and began walking down the street. He pulled a cellphone from his pocket and hit his first speed dial.

"Boss, he's moving. Headed northeast."

The water made Jack feel much better. The air woke him the rest of the way and he sped over to the park, staying close to building rooftops to try and avoid catching people's eyesight. The park was easy to find, the only place in the city that didn't have a towering structure. He dropped into the trees swiftly and tightrope walked from branch to branch until he found with his abandoned backpack.

"No! I swear he was here!"

Jack recognized the voice and peered through the branches to see the kids from before. Jamie was looking into the woods and up into the trees, though he hadn't spotted Jack.

"We heard you the first time you dragged us out here." Monty pushed his glasses up on his nose.

"Can we go now?" one of the twins said.

"We can play our new video game," the other continued.

Jaimie sighed, giving one last look around the park. "Yeah, okay."

The group began to move away, Jamie trudging behind. Jack would have loved to jump down and prove he existed, but the Guardians had told him to lay low. He figured that included meeting up with a bunch of kids to play games.

He made his way back through the forest to an edge near an alley that he could easily disappear into. At least there was one person he could go see. He hadn't told the Guardians about Myra. There wasn't really a point. She was his friend.

"You are making quite a habit of coming to see me," Myra said as she opened the door. "I'm beginning to think I shouldn't make plans unless I talk to you first."

"Do you have plans? I can leave." Jack paused in the doorway, ready to fly away.

Myra sighed. "None sense, get in here. What business would I have?" She locked the door and ushered Jack to take a seat at her table.

"You were out when I first met you."

Myra waved her hand dismissively. "I only leave when I absolutely have to. I've got no one to visit or miss. 'Cept you of course. You don't leave me alone."

Jack grinned. "I thought you would like to hear about my day with North and Bunny." He excitedly filled her in on what they had worked on all day.

"Are you going to show me or are you just going to talk about it?"

"I don't know," Jack hesitated. "I mean, I'm not very good yet."

"Nonsense. You go ahead and show me. Here." She pulled out a coat rack and positioned a hat and coat to make it look more body shaped. "Now there's a bad guy for you." Myra stepped back and waited.

Jack stood and tapped his staff on the ground a few times, taking a few deep breaths to keep from getting nervous. Focusing he carefully aimed the butt of the staff at the rack and let the want of freezing to pass through him. He couldn't force it, he had to just let it happen. At first, nothing happened, but then something clicked and a shot of frozen air froze the coat around the middle. Another smile spread across Jack's face with his success.

Myra clapped. "Not bad! I think they're teaching you just fine."

"Would you like to see more?" Jack asked, a sense of confidence filling him.

"Of course! Just don't make this place too cold." Myra sat at the table and watched Jack as he continued to show off his new skills.

"You know where he is?" Pitch stared out the window of his office, phone held to his ear.

"Yes, sir. One of my men tracked him to an abandoned restaurant. A Subway."

Pitch frowned. "What in the world is he doing there? Is it where he lives?"

"Don't believe so, sir. Apparently an old lady lives there. Squatter or the like." The voice crackled over the speaker.

"I see." Pitch tapped his chin, thinking.

A moment of silence passed before the man spoke again. "Sir, should we move in? He seems pretty well trapped."

"No, not yet. Just keep an eye on him for now. Thank you for your good work. I think we've just found a pressure point for our Jack Frost." Pitch smiled, his eyes narrowing as an idea formed.

Tiana yawned and pushed up her glasses as she took notes. The professor, though a very nice man, was extraordinarily monotone. He was droning on about genetic base pairs, something Tiana was sure she'd learned twenty times already. She tried to take another drink from her coffee thermos only to be sorely disappointed by its emptiness. The clock ticked slowly by, only five minutes left of the class.

"And so a sequence of AATCG would have a matching sequence of TTAGC in DNA and UUAGC in mRNA." He paused and looked at his notes, slowly shuffling. "I suppose we will stop there for the day. We will be discussing translation next class so please do the reading." His last plea was almost inaudible as students shuffled to put on jackets and zip of bags before quickly vacating the room.

Tiana caught her bus home just before it pulled away. The nice thing about going to school in the city her parents lived in was that she could just live at home rent free. The brownstone she'd lived in ever since moving to Silverrock was a twenty minute ride from campus, a trek that she could have made faster on her own, but she enjoyed the ride. It was one she usually missed, often having to meet with the Guardians for one thing or another. Thankfully her watch remained silent and she arrived home just before five.

"Tia, Is that you?" her mom called from somewhere within.

"Yes, Maa!"

"Tiiiiaaaaaaaaa!" A blur of a little girl sprinted around the corner. "You're home!"

Tiana dropped her bag and held out her arms to catch her little sister and swing her up. "Tuhi! You're very excited today."

"Look, look! I lost it." Tuhi pointed to her mouth and grinned to show off the gap where her incisor had been.

"Oh my goodness." Tiana dropped her sister to the ground and knelt in front of her, eyes wide. "Do you have it in a safe place?"

The little girl nodded and leaned in to whisper. "I put it in the box in my sock drawer. No one looks through the socks."

"Never," Tiana agreed solemnly.

"Wanna see it?"

Tiana smiled and nodded. The pair snickered as they dashed down the hall and up the stairs.

"No running!" their mother called from the living room. "Your baapoo and I do not want to see you on our operating table tomorrow."

The girls paid no attention, slipping into Tuhi's room and closing the door. Tuhi quickly retrieved her treasure box from her small sock drawer and opened only enough to snag the tooth without Tianna seeing inside. "Look!"

Tuhi held it out proudly and Tianna put a hand to her mouth as she gasped. "It's so cute! Are you excited for the Tooth Fairy to come?"

"Oh, yes. I'm going to go to bed extra early so I don't miss her. I wonder if she'll bring Sandman with her. That's what my friends at school think. And that's why we don't wake up. Except for Johnny. He says Tooth Fairy doesn't have time to collect all the teeth and that it's just our parents."

"Well, I can assure you that Tooth is the one collecting your teeth." Tianna brushed Tuhi's hair behind her ear with a smile.


Tianna nodded, making a mental note to leave a sparkle from her suit behind when she switched the tooth for a coin later that night. "So make sure you keep that tooth safe."

The front door opened downstairs and the sound of their father's footsteps echoed up the stairs along with the mumbling of their parents greeting each other.

"Baapoo's home, you should go tell him your big news." Tianna watched her sister carefully re-stow her box and hurry for the stairs. Tianna followed more slowly, allowing her sister the joy of the big reveal for herself.

"I did just like Tia said. I worked at it and worked at it until it got really loose and then I just kept twisting it and-."

"Ok, that's enough. That is too much for your baapoo." He chuckled and patted Tuhi on the head. "You and your sister both have such a fascination with teeth."

"You operate on people."

"But that is different. You will understand one day."

The oven beeped in the kitchen and their mother clapped her hands together. "Alright everyone. Enough gruesome talk. Time for dinner."

Tianna leaned down to Tuhi as they walked to the kitchen. "I think it's cool."

Tuhi grinned up at her sister with her holey grin, her nose scrunching up. "I think so, too."


I am so sorry for taking so long. I am nothing but dirt. However I did give a nice long chapter, yeah? I hope everyone likes what I did for Tooth, I'm really trying to keep the characters nicely well rounded and give them each their own little bit (of course focusing on Jack).

And my terrible exam week is done (for the moment) and I will try to update before Sunday (fingers crossed).

ALSO the Avengers/Hunger Games crossover collab I'm doing is going up now! So check it out! The name is In the End, You Always Kneel by the Freelancer Collaboration. I'll be writing Peter Parker (aka Spider-Man). Super excited. (I promise that I won't let it keep me from updating here!)

Thanks for reading!
