By now, you've probably realized that I'm not going to be updating this again. The reasons are pretty straightforward: When I wrote this, I was like, twelve, and my writing was soooo bad and I can't deal with that anymore; I never even liked mpreg in the first place?; I'm not even into Hetalia anymore; I don't even use this website anymore and posting fics on here is so much more complicated anyway. Any fics I do write are for book fandoms anyway, and maybe one or two yoi or ons or twewy fics, and they won't be posted here.

If, for some reason, you actually like this story, I figured I owed y'all an explanation. If you'd like to know what I'd planned after all this, then keep reading. If not, then just feel free to leave with my explanation in mind. Again, I don't plan on writing any Hetalia fics again nor do I plan to post anything on here again.

So, without further ado, here's what I'd planned on:

~ Seborga gets his explanation of why Romano became Lovino and he becomes a doting uncle on Chiara and Dante

~ Spain is very, very confused when he drops by Lovino's place and finds Seborga OR Seborga interrupts one-too-many dates and Spain gets suspicious

~ Spain continues getting headaches and flashes of something but he doesn't quite know what this something is

~ Enough memories surface the more Lovino hangs out with Spain to the point where Spain wants to know why Lovino was in his past and why Lovino never told him

~ Lovino avoids Spain for a while, but Veneziano gets impatient and essentially forces the two to talk

~ Lovino explains that he was once a nation but isn't anymore and it takes more prodding on his friends' parts to get him to explain Chiara and Dante

~ Spain doesn't get all his memories back but it definitely sounds right to him so he believes him and he feels really, incredibly upset at having made Lovino so sad that he decided to stop being Romano

~ Somehow Canada finds a way to get Spain's memories back without Lovino becoming a nation again (which is a thing they already know how to do) but then Lovino decides "no I want to be a nation again"

~ With Lovino becoming Romano again, Chiara and Dante become nations too (well, Sicily and Madrid but whatever)

~ The nations that didn't know suddenly get their memories back and are like "wtf Romano"

~ Epilogue flashes years forward and Chiara and Dante let themselves age up to, like, sixteen to nineteen, idk

~ Chiara is completely and totally aromantic/asexual and she acts so much like Romano with more of a regard for following the rules but she looks more like Spain while Dante is definitely more like Spain personality-wise but with Romano's language and he's totally bi and in love with a boy he met in Rome

~ What would happen is Dante either tells the boy that he's a nation and gives him the option of becoming a nation with him or he becomes human to be with him, I never decided

~ Either way, Romano and Spain (happily married with very little chance of ever getting divorced like a lot of nations) completely support his decision

(I am way too used to going on tumblr hc rants wow) So yeah, that's essentially what I'd had in mind. Um, that's about it, I think. I won't be on here anymore if at all unless I feel like posting a twewy one-shot or something on here for whatever reason.

With that said, I'm actually pretty flattered with the responses I got when I first wrote it. As a thirteen year old (I think I was thirteen) that definitely meant a lot and it helped me grow because I kept writing since people actually liked it. Thank you for the endless support back then, and special thank you to the people I met last year who were blown away by the fact that I was the author. It did mean more than you could ever know to me, and I'm sorry we don't acknowledge each other anymore. ^^;

Thank you, I love you all, and this is the end. I'll leave this up, but it will be considered complete from now on.

-Heaven's Dusk