Chapter 1: Prologue

Everything seems dark to him, everybody that seems his situation right now will know that he don't have any chance of getting off this big problem... But he doesn't care, he's still running with all his energy, trying to evade every single obstacule that is in front of him, but he knows he can't escape from this... She is the predator and he is the prey. He suddenly stops to get air knowing that will cost him time, precious time, a single breath will cost him 5 seconds... 5 seconds of freedom... 5 seconds he is suposed to waste by running... but he isn't running, he's breathing, gaining only air to continue.

He takes a look around him, he sees nothing important, besides the clouds covering the sky, and the rain drops falling from them, soaking his fur and his entire face, but he doesn't care about that, he takes a second look and he sees nobody, finally... he is alone. Calm and Peace fills his mind, he starts to calm down a bit, but the fear is still there and won't get out from his mind. Thoughts fill his mind, he can't think clearly now, as fear begins to grow in those thoughts, he can only ask himself:

How did this happened?

/Autor's notes/
Hi guys I'm new at this and I am starting writing stories so I would appreciate your opinion on this story and this chapter, yes is short but your opinion counts on this short chapter, If you like it, I will continue ... don't worry, please review :)

Short disclaimer: I don't own every single character I'm using in this chapter, but my creativity and the story its mine