

The Ember Prime did not move from where she stood, an oddly shaped pistol in her hand now. The Stalker had no weapons in hand. He stood, silent and still. Not surprising since there were dozens of Infested staring at him. Anyone might be a little… cautious under the circumstances.

"Sister Jasmina…" Rhino managed to gasp. "Please…" He focused and strength came to him. Not a lot, but some.

"You are one of the First." Jasmina sounded almost in tears. "I will not be responsible for your death!"

"Sister…" Rhino said kindly. "You are not. I am a threat. A threat to almost every Tenno in this system." He looked at Stalker who did not react. "Not all, but most."

"I won't let you kill him." Jasmina said firmly, her pistol moving to firing position. Stalker shifted his stance a little, not aggressive, just ready.

"You think I want to, Tenno?" The Stalker said softly. "My quarrel is with those who killed the Emperor. Who ran amok at the celebration." Jasmina froze in place and the Stalker nodded. "No one else. I do not kill for profit. I do not kill for sport. I kill to redeem the honor of the Tenno. Honor that we lost."

"I… wasn't there…" Jasmina said weakly. "I was in the hospital."

"I know." The Stalker said, bowing his head. "For the attacks on you, I apologize. I am…not always as lucid as I am currently. Richard has always been a good influence." He had a smile in his voice now, but then it turned sad. "Sister… we cannot save him."

"You don't know that!" Jasmina snapped. "You can't!"

"Sister Jasmina…" Rhino said softly. "You cannot save me. If you do, this will happen again. And again. And again. I fled deep into secret places in the Void to keep the Enemy from finding me, from using me. But he did anyway. We hurt the Enemy today, but it yet lives. It will return." He sighed and then coughed. "Sister… Please…"

"I can't…" Jasmina started to say and then broke off, her posture stunned. "No. I… I won't!" She wasn't talking to either of the male Tenno! "I won't!" She snapped.

"Jasmina." A soft voice preceded another female Tenno into the chamber. This one wore a Mag warframe and she held a Phage shotgun ready. The Stalker froze on seeing her. "Hello again, slimeball." She said as she took aim. "Go ahead, make my day."

"I make no apology for what I am." The Stalker said calmly. "My… actions have been unbalanced on occasion, but I do seek justice."

"But you serve vengeance." The Mag Prime said coldly. "Little bit of a difference there. You kill any who you feel have transgressed. Guilty or innocent makes no difference. I was not there either, and you very nearly killed me. Because you caught me unaware. Never again."

"I…" The Stalker sighed and then knelt slowly into seiza. "I cannot defend my actions to you. To me, they are the right course. To you? I don't know. Ordinarily, I would not care… But…" He nodded to where Rhino lay. "I was reminded of what I once was." He sighed. "It has been… a long time."

"Elenia…" Jasmina said sharply. "We can't kill him. We can help him!"

"Can we?" Elenia did not lower the shotgun as several of the Infested left the room. "Sister, tell me true. Can we undo what was done? Can we… rip part of his DNA out and keep the rest?" Jasmina was shaking her head and Elenia slumped a bit. Her aim did not waver. "Sister… Healer has been trying to find a way. Using the scans you took when you touched him. It cannot be done. What was done to him…" She nodded to Rhino. "…was on the genetic level. Far too deep for any repairs. Sister, think."

"No!" Jasmina was crying now as she retreated a pace, then another. "I… I can't… I can't do this!"

"You don't have to." The Stalker said quietly. "My burden. Not yours." The Rhino nodded to him and then gasped as pain flared. "It must be soon, Tenno Jasmina. Or he will be lost. To all of us."

"I…" Jasmina was crying hard as she stepped back. Two Chargers came up and moved to stand on either side of her, obviously offering support. Rhino barely managed to hide a gasp at that strangeness. She shook herself. "And when it is done?"

"I will be blamed." The Stalker said with a sigh. "Probably hunted." He shrugged. "Not the first time. Or even the fiftieth." Then he shuddered a bit. "Of course… if Nikis joins the hunt, I might just shoot myself. Less painful that way."

Rhino surprised himself with a laugh that Jasmina and Elenia shared.

"Thank you for your aid, sister Jasmina." Rhino said softly, relaxing a bit. "Please… go." He begged her. Jasmina looked as if she was going to argue for a moment, but then she nodded. She bowed, formally to the stricken Rhino and then turned and left the room without a backwards glance. The Infested left with her, filing out in orderly rows. Finally, only the Mag , the Stalker and the fallen Rhino remained. "Sister Elenia…" Rhino said quietly.

"When next we meet." Elenia said quietly, but with dreadful force. "I will blow your head off and leave the rest of you to feral Infested." No threat, that. A promise. Then she was gone.

"Dang those women are scary." The Stalker said with a wince as he rose from seiza, an oddly shaped throwing blade in hand.

"Well, of course." Rhino said with a small laugh. "They are Tenno. At least it isn't Mag." The Stalker actually shuddered at that and Rhino nodded. "Bellina?"

"I don't know." The Stalker said quietly. "She had no life signs. I tried. But… There was no response from that pseudo warframe thing. I am sorry, but I don't know if she… merged with the database or not."

"Thank you for trying." Rhino said with a gulp. "I am ready."

"It was my honor to see you again, Master Richard." The Stalker said as he readied himself. "I hope and pray you find peace." The Rhino took a deep breath and something flashed.

Schism's end

There was no pain. Nothing hurt. Indeed, he didn't feel much of anything. Everything was gray, shades of gray. But… He blinked and a line of golden code appeared in his vision. He smiled as he saw what it said.

Protocols matched. Cross the threshold?

"Why not?" Rhino mused. "One way or another… this ends today." He mentally tapped the line of code and it flared and vanished. Then everything hurt. The pain was sudden and intense. Then he was falling, but… not. The pain ebbed and faded, but…

"Richard." The voice was familiar. Nikis sounded like hell. Rhino opened his eyes and stared at the Nekros who had been one of his closest friends. The Nekros was not alone. Many people surrounded him. Some in warframes, some in robes. Some Tenno, others humans. One…wearing a crown. She looked… worried.

"Not anymore." Rhino said softly. "I am Rhino again." Nikis winced and nodded. "You okay?"

"Alive." Nikis said with a grunt. "Hurts, but I wouldn't let them poke and prod me anymore. We needed to know what happened." Rhino looked from Nikis to the small form beside the Nekros and Ona bowed from the neck.

"Master Richard." The tiny Nyx said softly.

"I am not your master, Ona." Rhino's voice was just as quiet, but carried easily. "You must find your own way. I was holding you all back."

"So you said." Ona was crying softly and Nikis laid a hand on her shoulder. "But we missed you. So much."

"I know, darling. But we are being rude." Ona jerked at Rhino's words and nodded as he turned to face the woman wearing the crown of Orokin. "Empress."

"Rhino." The Empress of Orokin said calmly. "We have… considered all of the evidence. We were played. All of us. Do you know by who?" Rhino shook his head and she sighed. "Pity. I would like to discuss some things with that one."

"You and me both." Rhino agreed. "All this time. All this pain. Because someone manipulated us into hating one another. That ends now. Rachel." He barked and one of the warframes jerked forward a step. A Saryn Prime. "Bellina fell." He said softly and the female Tenno nodded. "She wanted me to assume her role. I cannot. I choose you."

"Me?" Rachel gasped. "But… I am no leader!"

"Neither was I, Rachel." Rhino said quietly. "The schism ends here. From this day forth there are no 'False' Tenno or 'True' Tenno. There is only one group. One group who follow the Code. One group who honor our ancestors. One group who wear warframes and follow the Way of the Blade and Gun. We are Tenno."

A chorus of voices sounded form all around as Rachel and every Tenno present bowed their heads in unison. 'We are Tenno.'

"The enemy who caused this may have perished in the Collapse." Rhino said after a moment. "He or she may not have. Be wary, my kin." He nodded to a form standing by an Oberon warframe nearby. "Kori? Are you well?"

"I am, Rhino." Kori said quietly. "I have been… talking to many people. I owe many for helping me and will do what I can to repay the debts of honor I owe." She bowed from the neck to Rhino. "I only wish I could repay the debt I owe you and Bellina."

"Be happy." Rhino said with a nod. "That in and of itself will be enough." He turned to where the Empress stood, watching. "Empress."

"Rhino." The Orokin Empress said slowly. "What may the remnants of Orokin do for you?"

"I have served almost my entire existence as Tenno, Empress." Rhino said slowly. "I know not what else to do. I am… alone now." A sad murmur went around the room and he sighed. "Bellina died free of the enemy's control. It is… enough."

"No." A small voice said from nearby. "It isn't." Ona stepped forward. "Ma- Um… Rhino." She corrected herself carefully. "It is not enough. You helped us. You hid us away. You protected us the only way you could, by drawing the enemy's attention away from us while we grew up and into our power. You fought and nearly died for us. We found your broken body and put you in cryo to heal. We owe you."

"You owe me nothing, Ona." Rhino corrected her gently. "It was my duty. But more than that, it was my pleasure. Teaching you and your siblings was one of the greatest joys of my life."

"We disagree." Ona replied. "We are Tenno." She bowed her head and several other small forms did the same. Rhino sighed but paused as Nikis chuckled.

"Might as well give in, Richard." Nikis said with a gruff laugh. "They definitely are Tenno. They have the give of rocks."

"Ona." Rhino said quietly. "What can you do?"

"This." Ona held out a hand and more than one voice gasped in shock as a hologram appeared in front of her. A stone slab on which lay a young woman. She had Bellina's face... but... young. And... she wore a Valcyr warframe! "She awaits you, Teacher."

"How?" Rhino asked, stunned.

"You taught us a lot, Teacher." Ona said with just a hint of smugness. "Far, far more than the enemy could have guessed. When they took you and her, we followed. We found her first, but could not free her. But we could make a copy." She had a grin in her voice now. One that faded. "She is waiting for you." She repeated.

"Ona…" Rhino groaned. "Do you have any idea how many rules you just broke?"

"Yes." Ona's matter of fact tone brought the Rhino up short. "And you know what? I don't care. Rest well, Teacher. We will see you again. Someday."

"I…" Rhino shook his head as the holo vanished. "Empress?" He asked.

"I do not command Tenno." The Orokin Empress said, then she grinned. "I know better." A soft, sad laugh circled the room and she sobered. "But for what it is worth… You have my apologies and the apologies of Orokin for this… travesty. If the enemy who caused this did survive… We will explain to him or her why such things are not to be tolerated." A hungry growl swept the room.

"Apology accepted." Rhino said and then glanced at Nikis who was shaking in place. "Now let me go, you old coot, before you collapse."

"Smart ass paladin." The Nekros snapped, but his heart wasn't in it. "Richard… I…"

"Whatever else happened, Nikis…" Rhino said quietly. "You did good, old friend." Nikis jerked and then nodded a bit stiffly. He waved a hand and…

Rhino stood in front of the stone slab where a female Tenno lay. She breathed. It was a virtual world. He knew it was. But he didn't care.

"Bellina?" Rhino asked quietly.

"Richard?" Bellina asked, confused. "I was… I died…"

"So did I." Rhino said as he sat down on the slab and laid a hand on the now shivering Valcyr. "It's all right Bellina."

"Indeed It is." Hayden's voice preceded the First Tenno's appearance in the virtual world. "Welcome, both of you. We have been… hoping to see you again." He sat down beside Bellina as the female Tenno started to cry. "Don't cry Bellina." He said gently as other Tenno appeared in the simulation. "It's okay."

"Tears of joy, my friend." Bellina said as she sat up, marveling at the warframe she wore. "Valcyr?"

"You wouldn't take the one I built for you in life, moron." Mag's sour voice preceded her into existence. But she was crying too.

"I…" Bellina stared around and then at Rhino. "Richard… I…"

"Its okay, Bellina." Rhino said as he hugged his wife tight. Now, he didn't have to worry about hurting her accidentally. "Welcome home."

The Grineer female moved through the darkness, seething anger flaring yet again.

Lousy stinking Tenno. Taking things that don't belong to them. I will show them. I will show them all! Right before I tear their hearts out and squash them flat!

For all her anger, she was alert. This part of the motherworld was not a safe place at the best of times. Several Grineer patrols had been lost in this area. No alerts, no coms, no nothing. They had simply stopped reporting in. But something had happened to them. She had no way of knowing that the area she was traversing had once been a county called Lasria before Orokin had been founded. Nor would she have cared. It didn't matter to her. All that mattered was her anger. Her hate. Her being alert did not help.

One moment, she was marching along, following a squad of Grineer as heavy fire support. The next thing she knew, she was in a gray void.

Well, well, well. What have we here? The curious voice was everywhere and nowhere.

"Coward!" The Grineer female screamed. She didn't speak in Grineer however.

"English?" The voice sounded stunned. "Ah, I see. What is your name?" The Grineer screamed in frustration as she was pinned in place, her Gorgon machine gun plucked from her hands like a ripe fruit. She screamed insults again and again as energy played over her, scouring her nerves and scanning every fiber of her being. "Come on, dear… No need to be rude." The voice said as the room vanished, leaving the Grineer female to scream in the dark. But only for a moment.

Suddenly she froze in place as a huge mound of… something reared up in front of her. She screamed again as a tentacle shot out and encased her entire skull before she could move. Then… power washed over her mind, seeping everywhere. It was foul and dirty, but then… Everything stopped. Her armor… vanished, leaving her held upright by energy beams. A golden gown appeared and covered her.

"Ah, Marlena." The voice changed to a soothing one as the female started to cry. "It's okay. Shhh…" The fields holding her laid her out and a medical ward appeared around her, forms in surgical gown moving to close. Surgical machines powered up and moved close as well. "It will be okay, Marlena. Everything will be okay."

"Who are you?" Marlena begged as the familiar sound of a saw started whirring near her head. "Please don't hurt me. I have been hurt enough."

"We won't hurt you, darling Marlena." A mask hovered down to cover Marlena's nose and mouth and she tried to hold her breath, but a hiss and she was falling. "You are exactly what we need. We are going to give you everything you want, my very dear Valkyrie." She fell asleep and as she did, the room faded.

The scene that appeared was very different. Marlena lay on a fleshy pad, her body slowly sinking into it, her head covered by a large mass of flesh, a circular set of white teeth whirring as they cut into the bone of her skull. A tube wormed its way down her throat. If she had been conscious, she would have been screaming as her bone was removed, as tendrils burrowed into her brain through her ear canals, as organic armor was laid against her bare skin to fuse to it. Luckily, she was asleep. The real horror would come when she woke. Of course…she would not be the same.

Fifty Grineer marines of various types were affixed to the walls around the room. All of their helmets had been removed, and all had fleshy tendrils burrowing into their skulls. If they could have screamed, all would have been. If any could have begged for death, any and all would have. None could. None had that much volition anymore.

So many failures. The mind controlling all of this horror mused. But now, finally, we can begin to retake this system from the filth that infest it. The filth of humanity. And you, dear Valkyrie, will be our weapon of choice against their champions. The Tenno. You will be our recruiter. You will find our own champions and we shall remake them as we remake you. Nemesis.

An invisible surveillance device hovered the ceiling, surreptitiously watching Marlena's horrific conversion. The watcher did not shiver. Indeed, she could not. But the feeling of worry was the same.

"This is…" The Lotus said softly. "…not good."

The end of the beginning.