A/N: Now, I have a few motivations for this rewrite, the first of them is that for a début chapter, it was one of my worst and it was WAY too short (I don't think anyone will argue with this one) The second was it was too much like the fiction this is inspired off of, I want to put my own touches on the idea not rewrite that writers fiction, So I hope you all enjoy the changes! And as for why I didn't get a chapter out Monday or Tuesday, My final Exams have started and they are Every Monday and Tuesday for the next month and a bit, so I will try to get those fictions updated, but I am so tired after Exams I can't make any promises.

Natsu trudged along the winding paths of the east forest, he had accepted a 'dangerous' courier job, well not that there were any other missions really available and so the Great S-class mage Salamander was a mailman, it wasn't all bad at least Happy was still around.

"What's up, Natsu?" Happy asked, munching on a small fish they had recently caught.

"I'm itching for a fight," Natsu growled irritably "It's been week's since I got to hit something and these courier jobs aren't even a little bit hard."

"Well, monster activity is always down during winter," Happy looked up as if pondering "And since the Council cracked down on the Dark guilds, there are almost no criminal mage guilds left."

"I know, peace is great but why do all the monsters have to go to sleep," Natsu continued to complain, he wore a large dark black cloak to guard against the winters chill, which surprisingly even effected him in all his heated dragon slayer glory, although he still wore his signature Jacket and pants underneath, he was glad for the fabric to protect against the wind "Ice queen went off and married Juvia and they are going for a month, i just wish something interesting would happen."

"Hey, Natsu?" Happy asked

"Hm?" Natsu hummed in response.

"Have you ever heard the saying: Be careful what you wish for?" Happy finished.

"Yeah, of course I have," Natsu replied, a little annoyed at his best friends crypticness (A/N: Is this a word? Prolly not *shrugs*) "Why?"

Before the small blue feline could open his mouth, the bushed beside them shook and Natsu barely had time to turn his head before he landed on his back with a heavy thud, he groaned and shook the stars from his eyes as he rubbed the back of his head "What was that?"

"I don't know, but it got the box!" Happy shouted, his small white wings keeping him hovering above Natsu's head.

"Stay here!" Natsu shouted as he broke through the underbrush after the thing that had decked him.

He heard a long howl and raised his head slightly, so the thing that hit him was being chased by more than just him 'Be careful what you wish for seems appropriate for this.' He thought wryly as he vaulted a broken in half tree.

He frowned at the splintered trunk of the thick tree 'There shouldn't be anything awake that can do that.' He thought as he lowered his body and slowed his pace, he could see the tracks of what appeared to be a human girl clearly in the ground 'I swear to god if this is my fan club again.' He almost growled audibly at the thought, his status as the Fire Dragon Slayer of Fairy Tail had garnered him a small but devoted fan base, one that just happened to be the scary follow you home and lure you into the forest kind of fan club.

He lowered onto his stomach and crawled under a thick bush and another downed tree, peering out of the cover of the greenery at the small clearing, The human? That sat in the centre of the clearing had the box set on the ground, she pawed at it curiously much like a cat would, Her body was barely clothed, what looked like midnight black fur covered her chest in a band that wrapped around her back and the same material made up the almost nonexistent shorts she had on, leaving almost her entire body for wandering eyes, and quite the body she had. Her large mounds moved with her rapid breathing and her long slender legs were perfectly toned, but what drew his attention were the pair of red, white and black fox ears sitting atop her head, the things twitched and turned listening all around her as she played with the small brown box that was Natsu's mission, and a similarly colored tail flicked above her head, his eyes fell to the very full ass that was practically staring him in the face and he looked down at the dirt beneath him as his mind had a field day.

He shook his head violently and crawled out from the bushes, he stayed low and moved silently, a twig snapped behind him and he lost sight of the cat-girl as he whirled around, a low rumbling growl came from the bushes that he was just in and he glared down at them as his fists lit up, a large black and white wolf stalked its way out of th bush, moving around him in an arc as four more jumped into the clearing, Natsu watched the beasts carefully, the larger of the five snarled at him and he bared his teeth at it "Come one then! I have been waiting for a fight and I don't have all day!"

The wolf seemed aggravated as it charged him, he broke into a run towards it as the beast jumped at him he slid under it and threw his arms into its stomach, it let out a pained yelp and hit the ground, its fur slightly singed, it let out another yelp before running off back into the forest, the other followed the first creature and Natsu pulled on his shoulder and rolled his neck, before turning his attention back to the cat-girl who had his box.

The girl had changed considerably, she crouched low and glared at him, her teeth were longer and sharper and her nails had sharpened into claws as she kept her unflinching gaze on him, her ears were pressed back against her head and her tail swished behind her adding to the aggressive Aura she was putting out.

"Oi!" The hybrid froze and frowned at him in confusion "I helped you, so give me my box back!" Natsu demanded a little harshly, before sighing and rubbing his face, all his pent up frustration was apparently released in that little fight and he had barely 'fought' at all.

The girl cocked her head to the left cutely, moving towards him slowly lifting her head at regular intervals and taking deep inhales of the air, he would call it an excited smile if her teeth weren't sharpened to a point, he raised his hands in defense "Uh, Don't eat me?" He said worriedly

The girl snapped out of whatever stupor she had been in, her teeth reverted to normal human teeth and her nails retracted leaving the cute fox ears and tail as she continued towards him, she got within a few meters and lowered like she was about to pounce, before Natsu could register anything he had hit the hard forest ground again, the stars in his eyes took a little longer to dissipate this time and his vision was still blurry when color and shape returned, the girl buried her head in his neck and took another long inhale, before sitting up slightly and looking directly into his eyes a twinkle of excitement lay in them, before he could question why she had tackled him, her mouth was over his, her soft lips moved passionately into his and their warmth overwhelmed his mind, her was vaguely aware she was poking his lips with her tongue, and he rather blankly open his mouth, his mind slowing down to a crawl as the sensation of her tongue inside his mouth hit him, she explored his mouth quickly and enthusiastically. Before the warmth was gone, and she was merely sitting there looking down at him expectantly and with a slight and insanely cute look of puzzlement on her face, his mind only had enough time to process three distinct words 'Damn, She's, Cute.' Before it blanked.

He stared up at the deep brown eyes of the hybrid that had just kissed him blankly as his mind struggled to process and reboot, he was aware of her mouth moving but he couldn't hear anything, he sat up slowly and she stared at him worriedly, he shook his head slightly and sound came rushing into his ears.

"I could never eat my mate, don't be silly, but I am sorry if I scared you, is there something wrong, am I displeasing you?" The questions hit him at the same time and he was unsure if she had said that all in rapid concession or if he had just heard it in rapid concession.

Natsu held up a finger and she closed her mouth, He rubbed the back of his hand and looked at his fingertips, a small matted dark splotch of blood covered his fingertips, he turned his head and looked at the spot where his head had connected with the ground, of course he finds the one stone on the forest to hit his head on.

The girl spotted the blood on his finger and went into a state of panic, her mouth releases another torrent of questions before he could answer any of them "Are you okay? Did I hurt you? What do I do to help?" She ended up looking at him slightly teary eyed in dismay and he smiled reassuringly.

"I'm fine," He answered "It's just a scratch I will get check out at the guild."

"Guild?" The girl coked her head to the side and her ears twitched curiously.

"Yeah, I suppose you could say they are sort of like my family," Natsu smiled "My name is Natsu."

The girls smile seemed to light up the forest a little bit "You may call me Erza, my mate."

"Mate?" Natsu questioned.

"Yes, Mate," Erza nodded excitedly "It's taken a really long time to find you, but now that I have can we start mating?"

Erza leaned forward and captured him in another rather passionate kiss, he managed to retain control of his arms and he placed them on her shoulders and moved her away from him slightly "I'm sorry Erza, but I don't think I am who you are looking for, I mean we only just met we can't just start mating."

She frowned at him, leaned forward and took another long inhale of him "Nope, You are definitely my mate." She nodded determinedly.

"But I do-" She cut him off with another kiss, this time she ground her hips against him and Natsu froze.

'Why did that have to feel so good?' He practically demanded his mind, he managed to push her away a little again "Erza, I don't think we can just start mating."

Erza placed a finger on her cheek, before she seemed to her an idea, she snapped her fingers on got off of him, he was still having trouble deciding if that was a good or bad thing, before laying on her back "Of course, you want to start in the standard mating position, can we start now?"

Natsu stared at her in disbelief "I really don't think I am who you are looking for Erza."

She pouted and puffed her cheeks a little "You smell like my mate, therefore for you must be my mate."

"Maybe we just use the same soap," Natsu replied "How can you be sure it's me, I have definitely never met you before."

"Well of course you haven't met me before," Erza sat up looking a little confused "I only just found you."

A loud thump cut Natsu off, he looked at the tree's in front of him before another noise caught his ear "NATSU!" The small blue feline barreled through the canopy and hit him in the chest with a soft thud, Natsu caught him before he fell any lower.

"What is it buddy?" Natsu asked quickly.

"It's a mountain Vulcan, the biggest I have ever seen." Happy said worriedly.

Natsu stared in the direction of the loud crashes, that were steadily growing louder, he looked around himself, before pulling the cloak over his head sprinting forward and grabbing the box that was his mission and running back.

"Erza, put this on," He held out the long black fabric "Happy you hold this, lead her out of the forest and wait at the road, I will meet you guys there and then you can explain what you meant Erza."

Happy looked at the hybrid and raised an eyebrow at Natsu, a suggestive smirk enveloped his face "Is this your secret Giiiiiiiiiiiiirlfriend?" he elongated.

"Now is not the time Happy!" Natsu snapped.

The small blue feline pouted before landing on Erza's shoulder, the girl scratched him behind the ear before Happy pointed and the two set off Happy leaned a little closer and whispered something to Erza, but that was all Natsu could see before a loud crack and the sound of splintering wood met his ears.

A/N: I think this is much better than the old first chapter, well tell me what you think if the rendition! I will see you in the next chapter! Peace!