Whoop whoop! Another glorious story! It might be awhile for the next chapter, but hopefully this one will hold you all over..

Until then, please enjoy this new story!

(and yes, I know that I do focus on Mikey a lot in my stories. I adore that little goofball!)

"No.. No! Stop! Please!"

The desperate, unfamiliar voice rips through the air, sending shivers down Mikey's spine. He flips around in the darkness that envelopes him as he frantically searches for the source of the distressed cries for help. A deep silence then follows the scream, leaving the youngest brother alone in the darkness. Anxious, the orange-banded turtle begins to walk forward inch by inch. There is no path to guide him, and no light to lead the way. He is trapped in this dark wormhole, and there is no exit whatsoever. He picks at his thumbs in front of him, his baby blue eyes wide with terror and his breathing picking up along with his heartbeat.

Suddenly, he feels a force push against him and holding him back. Beginning to struggle, Mikey gives a few grunts of effort as he attempts to push forward, but to no avail. The invisible figure is stronger – and it's going to do whatever it wants with the defenseless turtle.

Mikey tenses as he feels hot breath on his neck. There is a tight grasp on his forearms, holding him in place against his will. Sweat beads begin to form on his head as he listens to the sharp inhales and exhales of the see-through person.

"… no."

"N-No, what?" Mikey stammers, feeling his heart leap to his throat. He swallows it back down as he intensely listens to the gasping figure.


Mikey jumps and falls back with a yelp at the screamed word, his limited eyesight covered completely by darkness. The ghastly voice rings through him as he reaches up to his face and rips off the blindfold that slapped against him. A drip of sweat manages to fall from his face and to the ground while his body shudders with every breath. He opens his mouth to yell for help, to ask if anyone is there, to question where he is. But only an enraged wheeze escapes, trapping the frightened soul inside of his own body.

Not knowing what else to do, the youngest turtle pulls his knees to his chest as he curls down on the floor. He is alone in this hellish place, and no one is here to guide him through it. Hot, helpless tears spring to the corners of his eyes, but he wipes them away with the cloth he grasps in his hand. Aware of the material that was previously blinding him, Mikey glances down at it. He stops breathing.

It's Leo's mask.

A sinister laugh comes from behind him, and Mikey darts his head around in terror. But before he can see anything, his vision goes black.


He bolts up in of bed with a small cry of shock. His head faint with the inadequate amount of sleep he managed to grasp, he glances around his dim yet comforting room. The familiar surroundings help him relax as he reaches up to massage his sore, burning throat.

Was I screaming?

He wipes away the cold sweat on his forehead and takes in a shuddering breath. The third day. This is the third day that his peaceful sleep has been haunted by the eerie dreams that creep into his head. He doesn't know how, or even why, but all he knows is that they aren't changing for the good in any way. In fact, they are only gradually becoming worse.

Pounding footsteps can be heard running down the hallway, and immediately, Mikey tenses up in terror. His breaths come in hiccups as he listens to the approaching monster. Is he still dreaming? As the footsteps come closer, the frightened turtle slouches down in his bed. He pulls the covers up around his head with shaky hands, squeezing his eyes shut as tight as possible.

"No, no, go away, no, I'm awake, you aren't supposed to be here!" he whispers, his voice cracking slightly. He hears his door open with an unnerving, spread-out squeal echoing throughout the small room. Afraid that his intruder can hear his pounding heartbeat, Mikey holds in his breath while his body shakes in convulsions. He can't be dreaming, he just woke up, he should stop being targeted by all these monstrosities!

Finding his voice, Mikey stutters out, "G-Go away, please, just let me sleep!"


Then, a warm hand finds his quivering back, and Mikey whips out of bed without even thinking. A dark figure looms over him, sending a spark of panic and fear throughout his entire body. Without a moment's hesitation, Mikey swings his arm around and knocks back the intruder with a grunt of effort. The ominous figure stumbles backwards, a loud groan escaping it's mouth.

"Just go away!" Mikey fretfully shrieks out. He jumps out of the bed, ready to make a beeline for the door, but is cut short by his foot which is entangled with his bed sheets. Clumsily, he falls to the ground face forward with a grunt.

This is it! The monster can catch me now! Oh my god, what am I going to do?

"Help! Leo, Donnie, help me!" Mikey screams out through the hushed lair. He senses a pair of hands grab the back of his shell, and he urgently begins to struggle, "Let go of me! Please! HELP!"

But before the beast can pick him up and drag him away for dinner, Mikey sees Raph and Donnie stumble in the doorway. Fearfully, Donnie flicks on the light and pulls out his staff. The light floods into his watering eyes, but it doesn't erase the desperation in Mikey's actions. He gives out a harsh cry, kicking his legs as he glances up at his two speechless brothers from the floor. They look beyond their youngest brother, puzzlement on their faces. What are they waiting for?

As if the nighttime burglar just now sees the two older brothers, it drops it's hands. Frantically scrambling, Mikey pulls out his leg from it's trap and crawls towards Raph and Donnie with tears in his eyes. He puts his face into Donnie's shins and begins to gently weep. Where were they, and why aren't they attacking?

Gently, he feels Donnie crouch down and put a hand on his shell. Perplexed, Mikey looks up at him with a blur in his vision. His brother's staff is put back around his back, and he is gazing at him with a worried expression.

"W-Why aren't you attacking-g him?" Mikey hiccups as he wraps his arms around his brother and tucks his head next to his plastron. He listens to the steady heartbeat of Donnie, and eventually his own matches up with it. Mikey buries his head even deeper into his older brother, his breaths still exhaling in small gasps. He just wants this madness to end; he just wants the nightmares to leave and let him get a good night's rest!

"We can't attack Leo for no apparent reason, Mikey," Donnie gently soothes as he runs his hand up and down Mikey's back, "It's okay, he's not going to hurt you."

"Wait.. Leo?" Mikey whimpers as he releases his brother and turns around. He feels like he was just slapped in the face as he looks at his eldest brother. Leo stands with one hand on the side of his jaw, gently kneading it. His sapphire eyes are filled to the brim with complete uneasiness as he gazes at his youngest brother.

Giving out a sigh, Leo drops his hand and walks over to Mikey to sit down next to him. Mikey wipes the tears from his eyes as he focuses his gaze from Leo to Raph, who is standing with a silent scowl on his face. His arms are tightly crossed and his eyes show no warmth as he frowns at his three brothers huddled on the floor.

"I just.. I don't understand why we are being forced to rush to this idiot's room every night for no apparent reason!" Raph seethes out, glaring down at them. Mikey melts underneath his burning eyes, and looks towards the ground in shame. He can't help it; these dreams are only getting worse.

"Raph, come on, don't say that," Leo says with an edge to his voice, "If Mikey needs us, then we will always be there."

"Yeah, but at three in the morning?" Raph exclaims as he juts a finger out to a glowing alarm clock. "If you ask me, Mikey shouldn't 'need' us until after breakfast!"

"Good thing no one is asking you," Donnie shoots as he meets his hotheaded brother's demanding glare.

Mikey gives out a small whimper at their harsh words, which pulls Leo's attention back to him.

"Mikey, it was just a dream," he begins as he continuously rubs his back, "It wasn't real. I'm sorry I scared you, but at least I know that you are capable of protecting yourself if something really does happen.."

Mikey looks up to watch Leo rub the side of his face with a wince. As he does, a pang of guilt races through him. These nightmares are messing with his head..

"Sorry, Leo.. I didn't know it was you.." he mumbles remorsefully. But instead of anger, Leo only gives him a slight smile and a pat on the back before standing up. He reaches his hand down and Mikey clasps it with his own with a weak grin. As Leo pulls him up, Mikey swallows down his fear. His brothers are always here to protect him, no matter what happens.

Well, at least two of them are, Mikey wonders as his gaze shifts over to a certain turtle.

"Well, now that that's over," Raph yawns as he stretches his arms to the ceiling, "I think I'm gonna go back to sleep, like I'm supposed to be doing at three in the morning!"

"You are so heartless, Raph," Donnie mutters as they turn and walk out the doorway.

"What? I'm just sayin'.."

The mumbled argument gets quieter and quieter as Leo slurs something inaudible and turns to follow his brothers.

"Just try and get some sleep, okay?" he suggests as he reaches the doorway. Mikey gives a slight nod before climbing into bed as his brother flicks off the light and closes the door. He listens as his leader's soft footsteps walk down the hall and eventually fade away before the sound of a clicking lock fills the silent air.

Mikey stares at the empty ceiling, willing himself to sleep, but he knows he can't. The nightmares will return, and his brothers will have to kick down the door once again.

He whimpers as he pulls the bed sheets closer to his chin. The images of tonight's horrendous dream fill his eyes, and he snaps them shut. But the picture of the blue mask and the screams of the desperate person still wrap around his head, not wanting to be forgotten. The horrid hallucinations that have been haunting his sleep for the past three nights have been highly unexpected and out of the ordinary. It seemed to come out of the blue, and no one had an explanation for it. It started with one bad dream, and no one thought anything of it. But as the days – or nights – progressed, it was obvious that this wasn't right. However, the youngest turtle hasn't been doing anything out of the ordinary recently; just some Kraang, a few Foot-Bots here and there, some measly Purple Dragons – nothing too abnormal.

Donnie had told him on the second dreadful night that all dreams had meaning, whether it be what your brain wants to happen or what it thinks will happen. And so far, all of Mikey's dreams have been about.. Leo. They are subtle hints, such as the mask or his voice in the distance, but the orange-clad turtle knows a riddle when he sees one. He also knows that he doesn't want his beloved older brother to get hurt, but he can't do anything when his brain thinks he might. However, he finds this odd, because he has no reason as to think that Leo is going to get hurt – or worse.

So why won't my head let me sleep? Mikey thinks as he curls up into a tight ball. He flicks open his heavy eyes and glances at the clock. 3:28. He sighs. Training isn't until 6:00.


Reviews are welcomed with open arms and keep me going !

But please, no flames.
