Pacifica's POV:

The butler came into the kitchen just as I had sat down at the table, with a plate full of homemade waffles. He came up to me and handed me an envelope.

"A letter for you ma'am," he said, bowing before walking away.

I looked down at the bright green envelope in my hands curiously. Who would've sent this?

I turned it over to see that it was sealed with a heart-shaped scratch-and-sniff sticker. I glanced around to see if anyone was looking, and no one was. I drug my perfectly manicured fingernail over the sticker and inhaled quickly.

Mmm, strawberry.

I gently peeled off the sticker to avoid tearing it. I didn't want to destroy something so cute. I stuck it on the back of my hand and smiled.

I then opened the envelope, then pulled out it's contents. A card covered in glitter and rhinestones sparkled under the light from the ceiling as I held it in my hands. It read:

Come to Mabel's sleepover!

We'll have food, drinks, movies and games, so pack your PJs and join me, on Friday night at five!

I bit my lip as I read this. A sleepover? Sure! With Mabel? Eh...

Though we had made up to each other last week, I wasn't quite sure we were on that level yet. Would I even be able to handle her hyperness? And her friends?

Maybe... I guess I could give it a shot. It felt like the right thing to do.

Since today was Thursday and the sleepover was tomorrow, I quickly called my servant to pack my clothes. I told her to pack the wildest pajamas she could find.

After about thirty minutes, she came back down the stairs to tell me that she was finished, and that I had everything I needed packed. I praised her, gave her a quick smile, then went up to see.

There were two suitcases, three bags, and my purse.

Normally I would've been satisfied with this... but I wasn't. The more clothes the better, right?

No. Not this time. I suddenly felt embarrassed about how much I would be hauling over to Mabel's. Is that even normal? I don't think she'd like that...

Wait, since when do I care about what she thinks of me?

A/N: Uh-oh! Pacifica's icy heart may be thawing!

I honestly have no clue where I'm going with thus story. Should I turn it into Mabifica, or just have them become best friends? How 'bout you guys decide. I won't tell you which I pick after you guys have answered, you'll have to find that out later!

Also, I'm happy to say that I'm opening a tumblr blog that I'll put all my work on. As soon as I can figure out how to use it.

Review dudes!

~Unique Pines