Chapter 2: The Man Who Laughs

Jack Napier nervously scanned the derelict chemical plant. Whoever had pursued him earlier might still have been on his trail, and in his line of work, he couldn't count on taking chances.

"Well, guess that means more money for me!" he exclaimed as he opened up a briefcase he had taken with him.

A THUMP! echoed throughout the plant.

"Who's there?"


"Olly olly oxen free! Anybody there?"

Footsteps rose from nearby.

"Show yourself!"

Napier turned around and noticed a large man standing behind him.


"I'm Batman."

Napier reached for his revolver, only to feel Batman swat it out of his hand.

"Well, looks like we'll be settling this the old fashioned way. Put up your dukes, Bats!"

Batman dodged a swing directed at his head before proceeding to counter another swing at his chest. A gloved fist slammed into Napier's face, followed by a kick below the belt.

"You…rotten son of a bitch! That's not allowed!"

"We aren't going by Queensberry Rules, Napier. Now come along peacefully, or you'll be in a body cast."

As if on cue, police sirens filled the air.

"Which will it be?"

Napier's face contorted into a devilish grin.

"You'll never take me alive, coppers!"

And with that, he leapt off the catwalk he was on and into a vat of chemicals. Just then, the long dormant machinery of the plant rumbled to life, filling the plant with acrid fumes. The vat emptied itself, and Jack Napier went out into the Gotham River.

"Idiot." Batman snarked.


Napier clawed his way out onto the riverbank, his clothes and hair soaking wet. Curses flowed freely from his mouth as he staggered onto dry land. On the ground was an old mirror. He raised it to his face and gawked.

The man in the mirror was not the same Jack Napier who had taken a swan dive into the chemical vat. His skin had been bleached white, his lips turned bright red, and his hair turned a dark green. And in that moment, Napier laughed.