ashion's two stories Upheaval and Unexpected has inspired me to create the following.

units of time I use:
vorns- 83 earth years
breem- 8.3 earth minutes
astrosecond- half a earth minute
groon- 3 earth months
joor- 6 earth hours
klik- 1.2 earth minutes
orn- 13 earth days
solar cycle- 1 earth day
stellar cycle- 1 earth year

:: comm link
~::~ guardian/charge bond or creator/creation
sparkmate bond speak

Ironhide was outside the barracks of the Academy for Warriors and Enforcers, waiting for the level 3 recruits to show up. He waited half a breem before they showed up and stood in front of him. "Good. Now listen, from here we will go to the abandoned ruins that is 2 breems from here where a mock battle will be. The goal is to aim to kill at the life like dummies. Do try to avoid getting each other. Once we get there, I will put you into teams. Understand?" Ironhide said and saw each of the mechs nod. "Very well. Let's get going than" Ironhide stated and moved off into the direction of the abandoned ruins with the recruits following behind.
After two breems passed, they arrived at the ruins that lay between Tyger Pax and Iacon. Turning around, Ironhide faces the young mechs, "Prowl, you will be in charge of Team Alpha and Jazz, you'll be in charge of Team Beta." He stated and waited for Prowl and Jazz to seperate from the rest of the group. Ironhide scanned the remaining mechs, figuring out which mech would be in which team. "team Alpha will be Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Trailbreaker, Bluestreak and Tailgate. Team Beta is Tracks, Cliffjumper, Smokescreen, Warpath and Ultra Magnus." Ironhide said and watched as the mechs go to their teams. "The team that has the least injuries will be declared the winning team along with having the next solar cycle to themselves" He told him. "Sir, does that include all the mechs of the winning team?" Prowl asked. "Yes, Prowl. Now, get to it" Ironhide said and stood back to watch the young mechs dive into the mock battle.
Ironhide walked around the outside of the course, noting which mech needs to work on their aim, when he suddenly felt a tremor go through the surface and next thing he knew, he was falling downwards. He landed with a loud clang on the bottom. Ironhide looked up to see Prowl and Jazz looking down. "Are you all right, Sir?" Prowl asked him. "I believe so, Prowl. Send somemech to get help." Ironhide said. "Sunstreaker, you're faster than most of us here, go back to Tyger Pax and get" Ironhide heard Prowl say as he stood up and looked around the area he fell into. As he looked around, he soon realized that it a chamber, but not any chamber, a nursery that was used for sparklings that either came from the All Spark or from bots who were able to have sparklings themselves. While he looked around the chamber, he saw that there were dead mechs and femmes everywhere and dead sparklings and surmised that a battle or something else must have taken place in order for there to be dead bots.
As he looked around, he heard a noise and he activated his cannons and turned to the area where he heard the noise coming from. Seeing nothing, he slowly lowered his cannons when he felt a tap on his pede. Ironhide looked down and couldn't believe his optics at what he was seeing. "Ironhide, Sir, is that a sparkling?" He heard Ultra Magnus ask. "yes." Ironhide replied as he carefully picked up the fragile sparkling and held it to his chassis, mingling his energy field to the sparkling's energy field to help calm it down. Ironhide noticed that it was a mech and noted that he was slightly smaller than the average sparkling.
"Help has arrived, Sir" Ironhide heard Prowl say and watched as a ladder was lowered down and than a mech. 'of all the medics, had to be the Hatchet' Ironhide thought to himself as Ratchet came down the ladder and walked over to Ironhide. "Primus, you found a sparkling, Ironhide" Ratchet stated as he scanned both Ironhide and the sparkling. "I believe he may be the last one in this chamber, Ratchet" Ironhide gruffly replied. Sighing, "it appears that the sparkling has started to bond with you already, and because of that you will need to form the guardian and charge bond with the sparkling as soon as possible and have your feeding tubes turned on." Ratchet said as he further checked the sparkling for any problems and noticed that the young one has glyhps on the cover of his spark chamber. "well, the little one already has a name, Optimus" Ratchet said as he finished examining the sparkling. "How ya know, Ratchet?" Ironhide asked. "The glyphs on his spark chamber spell Optimus. And before you ask, I do know the Ancient language." Ratchet said.
"good to know." Ironhide replied as he started towards the ladder. "I suggest you put Optimus in your carrying hold. He's a vorn and half younger than the other sparklings and still need to be with an adult in order to grow properly" Ratchet told Ironhide as he put the sparkling into his carrying hold. "Than why hasn't he perished before now?" Ironhide asked as he climbed up the ladder. "I believe it's because he was in some form of stasis and your arrival triggered that to end. But to confirm that, I will need to come back here to further look into it" Ratchet said as he followed Ironhide up the ladder and back onto the surface.
"Prowl, Jazz, you will lead the rest of the mechs back to the barracks. The mock battle will be done another solar cycle. And notify me or Sandstorm when you get there." Ironhide stated as he followed Ratchet to the shuttle.

next chapter will be up soon. Let me know what you think of it.