Chapter Seven

Ro doesn't have a problem with hugging her robot friend, but Zee has been holding her for nearly ten minutes, and so far, he shows no indication of letting go.

"Uh, Zee... we need to get going."

It takes a few seconds for Zee to notice the clock and see how much time they've lost. He slowly puts her down saying, "Oh! I'm sorry."

Ro's smile assures him that everything's alright. And as they leave their hotel room, they remain unaware of the spy, who is slightly dumbstruck from the scene he just witnessed.

I've seen it, but I don't believe it!

The walk to the Ground Wire, located near the center of town, is quiet and uneventful. It gives Zee a chance to think about what's happening to him. These sensations are so new to him. He's touched a lot of people, but he's never actually felt them like this. Even now, as he holds Ro's hand, he can sense the warmth creeping up his arm. It's such a wonderful feeling, and he doesn't want it to end. There is no doubt in his mind that he loves her. I should tell her I love her, but how would she react?

"Zee? We're here." Ro guides a slightly startled Zee into the Ground Wire. Outside, behind a nearby tree, their mysterious observer holds his holo- viewers in one hand and his cell-phone in the other.

"Zeta and the girl have just entered the Ground Wire. If we hurry, we can surround the place... Are you sure about this, sir? This could be our big... Yes, sir. Whatever you say." With a deep sign, he hangs up and waits outside. I don't get it. This is my best chance to nab them, and he says to just keep observing. What is going on with him?

Ro buys herself a root beer-cherry-cola and then hurries back to Zee, who sits quietly in front of a computer as he copies his memories onto a file to be downloaded onto discs. Ro has purchased three discs for this task: one for Bennet; one for Casey, her brother; and one for them to keep. She figures that should they run into another of Zee's scientists, they could show him Dr. Selig's last words and verify them; to act as a 'character witness' in case the NSA thinks the disc is a fake.

Dr. Selig's last words. He still finds it hard to accept that his creator, his father, is gone forever. As he scans the images of Dr. Selig, his eyes are once again filled with sadness, and he begins to sigh heavily. Suddenly he feels his hand being squeezed. It's Ro, and as he looks into her eyes filled with warmth and understanding, he realizes that in her own special way, she loves him too. With that in mind, he's able to smile again.

Meanwhile, the spy is sitting at a nearby table, completely beside himself. Would you look at them? It's like watching a soap opera. All that's missing is the kiss scene... and it looks like they're going to do it any second.

He knows he was ordered to watch them and nothing else, but Agent West can no longer stand by and watch these two do the unthinkable. Besides, if he brings them in, it could mean a commendation, maybe even a promotion... or at least be taken seriously once in a while.

"Don't move a muscle." West suddenly finds Bennet's hand on his shoulder. Rather than risk his boss yelling at him... again, he holds his position and watches Bennet slowly approach the two fugitives. West prepares himself, expecting to join in the chase once they spot Bennet walking towards them, but much to his surprise, just as they're rising from their seats, Bennet raises his hands in the surrender position.

"You don't have to worry," Bennet says as he approaches them, "I know about Selig's module. Believe it or not, I was there. I heard the whole conversation." He notices the image of Selig still on the screen and the discs. No doubt they're copies from Zeta's memory banks. Now why didn't I think of that?

Zee takes one of the disks and hands it to Bennet. Since he knows what Selig said that day, there's no reason for him to think it's fake. "I've downloaded everything, including the Dolan assignment."

Ro asks, "What will you do now?"

"Well, at first I wasn't sure what to do. After all, who ever heard of a robot with a conscience, or emotions for that matter? We truly believed Zeta was reprogrammed by Brother's Day. When a robot stops following orders during an assignment, we have no choice but to assume the worst. That's how it is in this business. With Dr. Selig keeping that module of his a secret, we thought he was under Brother's Day's control. But now that you've given me this, it makes my next decision easier."

Zee and Ro brace themselves as Bennet says, "We'll be examining this disc from top to bottom. In the meantime, I've decided to place Zeta in your custody, Miss Rowen. That means you'll be responsible for him, but I have a feeling you'll take good care of him." As he turns to leave he adds, "But don't be surprised if we check up on you now and then, just in case." He then heads toward the exit, with a stupefied Agent West following behind.

Hearing this from Bennet was enough to put even Zee in a state of shock. Bennet is allowing me to stay with Ro? After being chased all this time, was it finally over? No more being chased by NSA? No more bounty hunters? No more wanted posters? Zee returns to the computer and scans the Federal Warrant List. Their pictures are nowhere to be found. It's over. The nightmare is over.

"Congratulations, Zee," Ro says as she hugs his waist, "Dr. Selig proved your innocence after all." And she couldn't be more relieved.

"Yes, thanks to you." He is no longer government property. He's allowed to stay with Ro, she who made it all possible. And now, as he savors the warmth coming from Ro's hug, all feelings of misery and shame are replaced with relief, happiness. and love. As soon as Ro releases her hug on Zee, he returns the hug with one of his own, lifting her off the ground so he can stroke her cheek with his own, and whispers into her ear, "I love you, Ro. I love you so much".

Ro is shocked for a moment. He loves me? Does he really understand what he's saying? But then again, no one has ever said that to her before. For as long as she can remember she's been an outcast, never fitting in anywhere. Then Zee came into her life and showed sincere concern for her. He even taught her something about caring for others. Even now, being held against his titanium body, she feels so comfortable with him. She can't imagine feeling this way about anyone else. And as she looks into his eyes, and sees the look of love on his face, she knows deep in her heart that Zee would never lie to her. With that in mind, she hears herself saying, "I love you, too."

And now, Agent West returns to retrieve the holo-viewers he left behind, just in time to join the gawking audience observing the long-awaited kiss scene. Even the robot waiters are at a standstill. West is frozen on the spot, with eyes wide open, until Bennet comes behind him and says, "I dare you to report this."

The following night, Zee sleeps peacefully on the bed. Now that Bennet is no longer a threat, and being able to feel Ro sleeping comfortably by his side, he isn't having any more nightmares. There's no reason for him to feel depressed any longer.

The End

There it is, folks! My first fan fic. I hope you've enjoyed it. Feel free to read and review while I see about conjuring up some more masterpieces.