Sorry about the delay for this chapter but I promise you that the waiting will be worth it... :)

Chapter Nine – The Chilly Invasion

About ten minutes later, Anna and her friends were thrown out of the castle by the deadly massive snowman Elsa had created. Now it was only The Doctor, Clara and herself in the castle.

"There..." Elsa began to speak before thinking about what just happened. She froze Anna's heart. She began to walk across the room.

"Get it together..." She said to herself while pacing across the room.

"Control it..."

"Don't feel. Don't feel..."

"DON'T FEEL!" She shouted as The Doctor, Clara and Elsa looked at the icy walls. They got thicker and thicker as spikes began to grow from the walls towards the trio.

"Elsa, I know this is a bad time but I think you and Clara should know each other a little more for a moment. I have something to do..." The Doctor asked as he went into the TARDIS with his sonic screwdriver in hand.

"So then, Elsa. I want you to feel better..." Clara said as she walked up to Elsa who took a step away from her. "Elsa. I'm a teacher. Easy..." Elsa let her guard down.

"So, have you taught your students History then, Clara?" Elsa asked as she created a sofa out of ice. She sat on it and invited Clara to sit down on it.

"Yes. Why?" Clara asked even though she knew what Elsa was about to ask. She sat on the ice sofa.

"Do I go down in History as a good Queen, Clara?

Clara tried to avoid the answer by saying "I can't remember, Elsa...". She knew the Not in the history books. Arendelle wasn't even in. Clara got up from the Sofa and walked out to the balcony and saw a trio of Ice Warriors heading to Arendelle. It was this moment when the Doctor walked out of the TARDIS with the sonic screwdriver beeping repeatedly.

"Clara! Take this!" The Doctor shouted as Clara turned around before he threw the sonic screwdriver at Clara. She dropped it. "Pick it up then!" He shouted which made Clara rush to pick it up.

"Why is it beeping?" She asked

"It's a tracker for Ice Warriors. I found a old helmet and connected the sonic screwdriver to the GPS tracker inside of it. Go Clara and check that Arendelle is okay and if Hans and the Duke are still there, make sure they aren't planning something. You got that?" The Doctor commanded as Clara mentally noted every single word.

"Yep. Got it." She answered as she walked out of the ice castle.

Ten minutes later, Elsa got up from the sofa and walked towards the Doctor who was looking out on the balcony. "You sent her away?" She asked confused.

"Yeah. She does jobs I can't do when I'm doing one..." He answered as he ran down the ice staircase to the ground floor. Elsa followed.

"What do you mean? What's going on?!" Elsa asked felling even more terrified. The Doctor turned to her and shushed her up by placing his finger on her lips.

"Shut Up. Just Shut Up. Shut Up. Shut Up. Shutitty up, up, up!" He said as he let his finger of her lips. He ran towards the door to hear banging. Loud and fast banging. "Elsa. Use your ice powers to keep the doors shut."

"Why?!" She asked in fear causing spikes to grow on the lower floor's walls.

"Ice Warriors." He answered. Elsa pulled herself together and began to use her ice powers to barricade the doors. The banging continued to get louder, quicker and more violent then it stopped. Silence. Elsa stopped using her ice powers.

"They're gone!" She stated happily. BANG! Two Ice Warrior crashed part of the wall near the staircase. They began to walk towards Elsa. "DOCTOR!" She shouted as the Doctor looked at the Ice Warriors.

"Doctor..." One of the Ice Warrior asked confusingly before the other one repeated in an angry tone "Doctor." They turned to the Doctor and began to fire their sonic guns at the Doctor.

"I thought Clara was looking for these!?" Elsa asked while worrying that she could be captured by the Ice Warriors.

"It turns out they sent a squad out as a trap. We took the bait..." The Doctor explained as he tried to pull his sonic screwdriver out of his jacket but his pocket was empty. Clara has it. Bang. He tried to jump out of the way of the gunfire but then, BANG. The Doctor was knocked out.

"DOCTOR!" Elsa shouted as the two Ice Warriors dragged the knocked out body of the Doctor away from the castle they way they came in.

Meanwhile, Hans and his squad of guards arrived on horseback to the entrance of the ice castle.

"We are here to find Princess Anna. Be on guard but no harm is to come to the Queen." Hans explained as he got off his horse. "Do you understand?" He asked as two of the Duke of Weselton's men looked at each other knowing their own mission given to them by the Duke himself. Hans began to walk towards the staircase before Marshmallow (The snow monster Elsa create earlier) woke up and began to attack Hans and his men. He drew his sword ready for battle.

Marshmallow began to strike at Hans as the Arendelle guards came in as back-up. The Duke's men shot arrows from their crossbows which hit Marshmallow on his arm. He wasn't happy with the attack and banshee screamed at the guards and the Duke's men while he grew ice spikes everywhere on his body. He threw his arm at the Duke's men and knocked them in the near by snow hill.

"No..." Elsa said to herself. She knew that Hans came for her. Not knowing what to do with the Doctor, the shut the castle's door. The Duke's men noticed the Queen, got up, grabbed their weapons and ran into the castle. Hans was too busy fighting Marshmallow but noticed the men running on the staircase.

Elsa began to run up towards the second floor of the castle as the Duke's men followed her up. Elsa ran towards the balcony and noticed the TARDIS was not secure. She froze it over to make sure that Hans and the Duke's men couldn't change history to suit their evil needs. She turned to see the Duke's men who were aiming their crossbows at her.

"No. Please." She tried to talk them out of firing but one used their crossbow. Elsa was done for. He tried to flinch but an ice spike grew instantly as protected her from the fired arrow. The Duke's men tired to get another shot from another angle. "Stay away!" Elsa used her ice magic to attack the men.

Meanwhile outside, Hans was still fighting Marshmallow but was struggling to defeat the monster. He sliced it's legs before running on the staircase. Marshmallow began to fall down the mountain before smashing part of the stair case. Hans was hanging on for his life before the Arendelle guards helped him up.

Back inside, Elsa was surrounded. She used her ice magic to trap one of the Duke's men with a series of ice spikes which pinned him to the wall. One spike was slowly growing dangerously towards the man's neck. She thought about what to do with the other man. She shot his crossbow out of his hand. He tried to run away. She used her magic to create two barriers to stop him running and a moving barrier to push him outside onto the balcony. He tried pushing it back but Elsa used her magic even harder. The ice doors smashed open destroying the railings. The man continued to push back for his life. Hans and the Arendelle Guards entered the room to see the events unfold.

"Queen Elsa!" Hans shouted. She wasn't listening. "Don't be the monster they fear you are..." She turned to look at him as she stopped using her powers. The man who was trapped with ice spiked tried to use his crossbow to kill the queen. Luckily Hans noticed and pushed it upwards before it fired. The arrow broke the grand ice chandler. Elsa gasped and looked up. She ran for her life away from the breaking chandler. She slipped and knocked herself out...