I never wanted this.

He was the perfect one. Nothing could be dark or impure of his thoughts, his character, his morale.

So the goddesses took every flaw in his character and pushed it onto me.

Imagine ever since you were little, wanting to hurt, to kill, to destroy. This feeling that lurks within you, but isn't truly even yours, but was thrust onto your shoulders by 'fate'.

Now imagine that you actually have a conscious. You aren't the mindless, heartless monster of shadows humanity fears and abhors. That the goddesses, spiteful as they were to create you, to burden you with this "fate', couldn't even let you be a mindless zombie, unaware of the horror you were. They had to make you perfectly aware of how dark every thought of yours was.

Now imagine that this burning urge to do evil horrified you. Every time you tried to push it down, it pushed back, stronger. This lust for darkness that you couldn't smother. It burned within you like a fire.

And fire can't be tamed.

Imagine they whisper, and you can hear them, from the shadows. They fear you. They hate you. They call you a monster.

Stop imagining, now.

Lucky you can.

This is my reality. You can escape it by shifting your attention to another thought, by ceasing to entertain this notion.

I can't. It surrounds me, envelops me.

Is me.

They whisper of him, reverence coloring their tones. The chosen one, the hero. He can defeat the monsters, defeat all the evil. Defeat even his shadow.

I hear them whisper of him, and I hate him. I hate them. Hate me.

He is the powerful one, the beautiful one, the pure one. Blessed with the power of Farore herself; it shows in the marking on his right hand.

My own right hand bears the marking. But darkness shines from it instead of light.

Every bit of me is like him. My face, my clothes, my hand. I'm not his shadow.

He is Link. I am Link. He was allowed to keep the pure thoughts, I was forced into a dark mind. A mind full of his thoughts.

They stole from me the thoughts he has.

We are the same.

But I'm the monster.

I mull this over as I sit under a dead tree, surrounded by cold waters.

I never wanted this.

Catz: I was wondering what Dark Link thought of being considered this monster, and this came of it. It's the companion piece to Perfect, which was easier to write, probably because I did that one in one run and this one in two.
