Hey, guys! I got hit in the face with another idea, so you know what that means! That's right! Another story!

This is potentially a series of fluffy one-shots surrounding the daily life of the Seven as they raise their kids. They'll be random in timeline, so don't expect any sense or order. Example: Mark could be speaking for the very first time in one chapter and then the next will be the Valdez twins taking their first step. I won't go past five years old for the featured kids.

The main characters in these one-shots include the Seven and their kids: Lacy Jackson (and unnamed Percabeth baby, but I shall not reveal that one until Papi is finished), Esperanza and Tulio Valdez, Mark Grace, and Sammy Leo Zhang.

I also plan to (maybe) include a certain someone else's Tratie OC baby in this later on. If they let me, that is... :3

So, without further ado...

(Disclaimer: I own the kids, but not the adults-those belong to Rick)

...I give you the first installment, featuring SAMMY LEO! The inspiration behind this story can be found at the next author's note.

The Zhang Magic Trick

*~Feat. Sammy Leo Zhang~*

"The end," Hazel finished, closing her story book. She kissed her three-year-old, Sammy Leo, on the forehead. She smiled as he yawned and snuggled into his Penguin blanket. No, not like Happy Feet penguin…it was Batman's Penguin. For some reason, Sammy Leo seemed to like that villain better than Joker, Riddler or even Batman himself. Frank and Hazel had no idea why!

Frank stood in the doorway, waiting for his wife to come out. He whispered, "Hurry up, Hazel. I'm tired."

She shot him a silent raspberry and gently stood up, careful not to disturb Sammy Leo. The little Zhang was just starting to fall asleep. He always stayed up to hear the end of Hazel's bedtime stories, and usually conked out shortly after.

When Hazel came up to Frank, they shared a kiss. "I'm gonna stay up and read a bit," she told her husband as they walked down the hall. Frank nodded and headed into their bedroom, which was in between the living room and Sammy Leo's room. Hazel sat down on the love seat, picked up her book and began reading.

About thirty minutes later, she heard a noise. At first Hazel thought it was Frank shuffling around in the bedroom, but when said son of Mars came into the living room rubbing his eyes, she had to figure it wasn't him. Frank was already in his pj's (one of the Rome t-shirts he had gotten during the quest and some Simba pj bottoms) and his hair was scruffy, like he had been tossing and turning.

"What's that noise?" he slurred. "I was just about to fall asleep."

They both immediately assessed that the noise was coming from Sammy Leo's room. They rushed in to find their son sitting upright in the bed, hugging his knees and sobbing.

Frank and Hazel both immediately rushed to sit on either side of their son.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Hazel asked softly, hugging Sammy Leo.

Said toddler shook his head, making his little afro bounce wildly. He kept sobbing into his mommy's chest as Frank stroked his back.

"I-I…" he stuttered. "I…ate…"

"What'd you eat?" Frank asked. "Did the snack Mommy gave you before bedtime make your tummy feel bad?"

Hazel glared at him. He shrugged like nothing was wrong.

Sammy Leo looked at his mother with huge eyes. "I ate a penny!" he cried. "And now I'm gonna die!"

He collapsed into Hazel's chest once more, sobbing hysterically. Frank and Hazel sighed in relief. Hazel saw that Frank was holding in his laughter.

"Shh," she comforted. "It's okay, baby. Um…swallowing one penny isn't gonna—"

"I'M GONNA DIE, MOMMY!" he screamed. "I ate a penny I found on the table, so I'm dying! I don't wanna die, Mommy!"

Hazel sighed. Clearly, her son was being over-dramatic, but it was still pretty funny. She would have a good laugh about this later, and Percy would never let the legacy hear the end of it when he grew up.

She tried desperately to calm him down, telling him that swallowing a penny wasn't the end of the world, but the Roman legacy would have none of it.

Behind Sammy Leo, Frank silently pulled something out of his pocket. He looked at her, held up a penny, and whispered, "You're not the only parent that can do 'magic'."

He gently turned the frantic Sammy Leo around and said, "I know what'll cheer you up. Watch this!"

Frank, with the penny enclosed within his huge fist, reached behind Sammy Leo's ear and pretended to pull said penny out of it. He showed his son the penny.

Sammy Leo gasped in excitement. Hazel sighed in relief. Good…At least now he thinks he won't die—

Just then, Sammy Leo grabbed the penny from Frank's hand and promptly swallowed it. He clapped and squealed, "Do it again, Daddy!"

A/N: True story. Here's the excerpt I found that inspired it:

Penny Trick
After tucking their three-year-old child Sammy in for bed one night, his parents heard sobbing coming from his room.

Rushing back in, they found him crying hysterically. He managed to tell them that he had swallowed a penny and he was sure he was going to die. No amount of talking was helping.

His father, in an attempt to calm him down, palmed a penny from his pocket and pretended to pull it from Sammy's ear. Sammy was delighted.

In a flash, he snatched it from his father's hand, swallowed, and then cheerfully demanded, "Do it again, Dad!"

I laughed so hard when I saw this. I don't know who you are, internet person, but that made my day! And that is why I made this series a thing! There will be plenty more short adventures to come, and if you have an inspiring and funny baby story and want to feature the Seven's kids in it, let me know via PM and I'll credit you! :D