Author's note: I finally decided to put some of my recent Tumblr requests in one section instead of separate stories seeing as they aren't oneshots but drabbles (although some will be longer than others). These will be Ace, Sabo, and Luffy focused, not necessarily about all three of them, just a heads up. My other pairing requests, well...I'm still not sure what to do with them, so they're floating around my Tumblr. Some of these will be SaboAce focused by the way, seeing as people started requesting that, while others will have all three brothers but I'll be sure to label them for you guys. I'll be updating this whenever I decide to take requests on Tumblr again for drabbles. So here you go! ASL first.
This didn't exactly take the cake on dumb things his brother had done but really, he was speechless.
"Shishishi~ Ace couldn't do it!" Luffy continued laughing.
"I have a feeling I'll regret asking this but…how did you get stuck in a tree?!" Sabo could only see the lower half of Ace as the male tried pulling himself out.
"OI, LUFFY, instead of laughing your ass off, help ME? You too Sabo!"
Luffy laughed some more still not able to contain his laughter and Sabo raised an eyebrow.
"Not sure I want to. The view from here isn't too bad." The blond said boldly staring.
"You fucking pervert." Ace said to the blond unable to even see the expression he was making.
"So are you~"
"Yeah! Ace is a pervert too~" Luffy agreed.
Ace could only sigh in defeat afterward. This was such a losing battle and to make matters worse, he was stuck in a damn tree.
"No, really. How the hell did you get stuck?"
"I was…trying out a stunt on Luffy…and—"
"I just stepped out of the way and Ace went crashing into the tree, SHISHISHI~ It was pretty dumb."
"A STUNT got you stuck?" Sabo could only hold back the laughter for so long. "You're such an idiot! How fast were you going? What the actual hell!"
"SHUT UP SABO! I swear, I'm kicking your ass first!"
"He came swinging down really fast from that other tree!" Luffy pointed to the tree across from the one they were at. "It was pretty cool until he crashed."
Sabo burst into laughter. He wasn't even sure on what the hell to say anymore. As for helping Ace, he wanted to calm down a bit because he couldn't even contain himself.
"OI, LUFFY STOP!" He wiggled some more as Luffy poked his butt.
"It's firm. Ace has a nice butt~"
"Yeah, he does." Sabo poked it in return as both males laughed.
"Hey, we're complimenting you here. Seems like you need more of a time out."
"No way… Luffy get me out."
Luffy looked to Sabo and the blond just shook his head signaling not to do it.
"Nope~ Sorry Ace!"
Ace was already plotting his revenge. Although, he shortly afterward had a narcoleptic fit so before the brothers knew it, they wondered if he was dead. Luffy panicked and tried to pull Ace out as an amused Sabo laughed at his younger brother's reaction but aided in getting Ace out as well. All Ace knew was that he really hated trees and he really hated his brothers. Next time he tried out a new stunt, he'd be sure to avoid crashing into trees.
End Note: The request for this one was "Why are you stuck in a tree?!" I had to practically make a drabble using the sentence. The rest of these will be like that as well.