Another Outsider's story. Will be Multi-chaptered depending on if requested by reviews or not. Please enjoy :)
-The Youngest Writer.
Title: Three Days
Summary: For 72 hours, my name wasn't Ponyboy. For 4,320 minutes, I was kept away from my brothers. For 259,200 seconds, I had never been more frightened in my life.
Rating: T, for Language, Slight mentions of Child-molestation and minor-abuse
~Three Days~
CHAPTER 1-Hazy Hours
My head felt like it was throbbing, I tried to lift it, but it felt so heavy. I moaned in pain, trying to open my eyes, but the sunlight only made my headache worse. I felt myself slightly shifting as the vehicle drove on. I fought with sheer willpower to try and stand so I could jump out of the van. Granted, that's not the smartest thing to do, but anything to get away from these guys. I tried to lift myself off the ground from the metal flooring of the van when at the front of the van, a man I couldn't make out turned around, tossing a beer can at my head, making me fall.
"Stay still!" He barked, his accent sounded southern.
I groaned in pain and agony. Having a headache and something hit you in the head didn't feel too good. The driver slapped the man on the arm.
"Knock it off! I need him stable when he get back!" He screamed, sending a ringing to my ears that had me moan loudly in pain as I ducked and covered my head, letting the cool sheet on the floor cool my forehead. I don't remember how I ended up in the van, but I felt fear rising and I tried to conceal it as best as I could, I couldn't panic now, I had to be brave and fight off as best as I could. I tried to lift my head once more, but my body wouldn't let me.
The pain was excruciating, every movement, jerk of pothole the van encountered, I felt my brain turn to mush in my head. I felt tears come to my eyes, it hurt so bad and I desperately craved some aspirin. Pretty soon we came to smooth roads and I felt my eyes become heavy, I tried to fight off sleep but darkness consumed me.
~Three Days~
I felt a cool washcloth being applied to my face and I didn't dare open my eyes. I was having a fight with myself from between fighting my way out, or laying still till whoever was touching my face left. The cloth felt nice against my temples and I didn't have a headache anymore. Nevertheless, I was still scared.
"I know you're awake, child." It was a female voice, soft and gentle, almost motherly like. Slowly I allowed my eyes to open and I was greeted by a woman with long, straight blonde hair and bright brown eyes. Her smile was gentle and she wore a white silk nightgown and matching robe. She was dabbing the washcloth on my face and although I was told never to hit a woman, I was seriously considering the option just to escape. I felt my bottom lip quiver and I felt childish knowing I was on the verge of tears. I was scared, who was this woman?
"Oh, sweet thing, don't cry." Her voice, almost a melody of chimes but brought me no comfort, spoke. "You're just sick."
Me, sick? I doubted I was the sick one, as a matter of fact, I'm more the victim than anything.
"Leave me alone!" I cried, hoping she'd leave. She just smiled and continued to pat my head with the wash cloth. Noticing I was bundled in soft blankets, I tried to cover myself, but she just removed them as I tried to hide from her. She made me feel uncomfortable.
"Michael." She spoke, firmly. At first I wanted to know how the hell she knew my middle name before I saw the door swing open. The room wasn't that big and the only things inside was the twin bed I laid on, a dresser and a screen window. My nerves were skyrocketing when the large man walked in, he was about the same built as Darry, muscular and tall. He wore faded pants and a red-plaid shirt, I could hear his boots thump as they hit the wooden floor, coming closer to me, sitting on the bed next to the woman.
"Is he giving you trouble?" The man sounded southern and I wondered if this wasn't the same man that chucked a beer can at my head earlier.
"He's scared, Rex." The woman replied, I stilled huddled in the corner of the bed, practically melting against the wall while they talked.
"Come here, Michael." The man, Rex, I assumed was his name, demanded. My first instinct was to not give in, try and escape. But he had piercing grey eyes and a stern scowl on his face that more than startled me. I didn't want to know what would happen to me if I didn't listen, he sounded loud, persistent and I didn't like it. Slowly though, I crawled back to the spot, leaning against the two firm pillows they had propped for me and before I could crawl back away the woman had me in a death-hug, snuggling and nuzzling her face in my hair. I was about to push her away but Rex continued to glare at me, daring me to move a muscle.
"Oh, he's just too cute!" She squealed. "Just a sweet boy you are, Michael."
I had enough of this 'Michael' nonsense. "My name isn't Michael. My name is Ponyboy Michael Curtis. Michael is my middle name!" I growled. I wasn't so sure that was a smart thing to tell my whole name, but what damage could it do to me now?
The woman frowned, "No. Michael will be your name from now on. I don't like that Pony name, it's too weird. Michael is a wonderful name for a wonderful boy." With that she kissed my forehead, making me squirm and blush at the same time. I shook my head.
"No! My name is Ponyboy! I want to go home!" I bawled, frustrated, slightly sleepy and scared. I couldn't keep in my emotions any longer, I was kidnapped and possibly forced to be someone's child. Rex narrowed his eyes before yanking me closer to him by the collar of my shirt, making me gag and choke.
"Now look here boy!" He hissed.
I gulped, Rex smelled like cigarette smoke and some other foreign scent of liquor. I couldn't tell if he was drunk or not, hopefully he was sober. He had a death grip on my shirt and I dare not pull away, but rather stare into his steel colored eyes, flaming with rage.
"Your name is Michael, that is your Mother." He pointed to the woman. "And I am your father! This is your home, you will like it, and you'll keep your mouth shut!" With that he shoved me back to the pillows with a force that made my neck crack. I couldn't take it anymore, this guy scared me, more so than Darry does when he hollers at me. I tried hard to bite my lip and scrunch up my nose to keep from crying but tears fell, grazing my cheek and dripping off my chin.
The woman gave me a sympathetic gaze and shushed me, eloping me into a large hug. "Oh, Baby, don't cry." She slurred, rubbing my back. "Did Dad scare you?"
I watched through teary eyes as Rex left the room without so much as a a glance back. I was glad he was gone, he scared me something awful. I didn't hug the lady back, but I did get a whiff of her perfume: Jasmine. She did her best to keep me calm, but I still shivered.
"Do you need another blanket, child?" She asked. I shook my head 'yes', hoping she'd leave the room so I could escape. To my surprise she opened another door that was a closet, inside she pulled out a blanket and I knew my plan failed. She had tucked me in gently, making sure I was secure and warm. She resumed her spot in a chair next to the bed and stroked her slender fingers through my hair. I wanted to tell her to stop, but I feared Rex might come back. I would glance at the door, left wide open, to see if he was standing in the door frame.
"Dear child, it's late. You need to shut your eyes and go to sleep." The woman whispered, still stroking my hair.
"Please," I was on the verge of begging. "I want to go home."
She smiled, shaking her head. "This is your home, Michael, I'm your mother. And I love you."
I did my best to try and stay awake, hoping she'd fall asleep before I did, but once again darkness began to consumed me, my eyelids became heavy, and with this woman's melody singing, it was hard to stay awake.
~Three Days~
Sodapop Curtis had trouble falling asleep, already it was three in the morning as he sat next to Darry on the couch. Darry wasn't too hot at the moment, he was hunched over with his hands pressed against his face. Soda knew how hard he was trying not to cry. It was just like last time.
"What have I done?" Darry spoke for the first time in four hours. Sodapop gently rubbed his big brother's back, wrapping his arms around Darry and closing his eyes.
"What have I done?" Darry repeated, more hesitantly this time as tears fell from his eyes.
He screwed up. Big time.
Reviews, please. I'd like to see some when I get home tomorrow from a Chemo, please.
-The Youngest Writer.