Well here we go again. I was updating other stories but I lost them cause my phone reset. So now I got to start all over :P. Anyway let's see what we can do here.

The team has been traveling for 3 days now. The have finally close in on the dark guild Onimakai.

Lucy woke up with her arms chained and her legs chained to the roof and ceiling of a dark room. She observed her whereabouts of the place around her. " WHERE AM I?!" She snapped as she violently wiped her head back and forth to find anyone.

"You should consider yourself lucky girl. Not many outsiders get to come into our dark guild as guests." A rather tall and buff man with short black hair said to her.

"You call being kidnapped and chained against your own will a guest? Well let me tell you sir, I'm not buying it. Why am I here and why have you kidnapped me?"

"Well you see..." He pointed to her rather swollen belly. "This child will be born and given to Tartaros as a gift. And when they take the child I'll be accepted as a demon and become one of them."

This made Lucy go into a rage hearing what this man planned to do with her and Laxus unborn child. "How dare you! I'll kill you before you can even lay a hand on it!"

"Please, you can't fight me while pregnant, and even if you could you cant use magic as long as you're chained. They suppress all magic. But don't worry, we'll let you get one good luck at the Child before we kill you."

"Why..." Lucy sniffed. "WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO TAKE MY CHILD FROM ME!?" Lucy pleaded and screamed at the man.

"Why? Well because this child is going to be the strongest wizard of tomorrow. A child of the Dreyar family along with the most powerful celestial wizard in Fiore equals to the most powerful wizard. Now take that wizard, put it in the most powerful dark guild. And it will be as strong as all the demon gates combined!" He gave a sinister laugh.

Lucy smiled at this. "You can't possibly hope to keep the baby healthy inside of me like this for another 2 months. Plus even if you do, Laxus and my friends will find me first and take you all down."

"Oh didn't I tell you? We have a wizard with a magic to speed up the growth process of the baby. It'll be born today." He gave a smile before turning around to walk out. "And as for your friends, our guild will wipe them all out before they can even get to you."

Lucy cursed before feeling a sharp kick in her stomach. "Yeah yeah I know you're hungry, but don't worry daddy will get us out of this. And then we can eat again. I know it."


"There is is... Surrounded by those dead trees." Mirajane called out.

"Seems to be heavily guarded." Erza pointed out. "We should be careful not to alarm the others that way Lucy doesn't get hurt. I devise a plan that..."

Mirajane cut Erza off. "Erza, Natsu and Gray already charged in and defeated the front guards..."


"Sir! Some fairy tail wizards have taken out the entire first floor! What do we do?!" He talked to the guild master who's name was Ivan.

Ivan spoke. "Most likely my son and his guild. Send our strongest to combat them. I'll handle my son and as for the girl. Send Anais to speed up the babies birth.

Most of the guild members we're falling left and right without much of a fight. Even the most powerful didn't last long against fairy tails strongest members.

"Laxus! Wendy! You two go find Lucy! We'll stay here and hold back the rest of them." Erza told them.

Laxus lead the way blowing through everyone who tried to stop him. Wendy was just behind him covering his rear.

Ivan then stepped out as he entered the 3rd floor for the most advanced members of the guild. "It's been a while since we battled at the GMG son..."

"Wendy you go on ahead and find Lucy. I got this."

She nodded and continued on to where Lucy's sent is.


"GAH!" Lucy cried in pain as Anais magic speed up the process of the babies body. It hurt her terribly but she was use to pain like this. But the baby didn't.

"We're almost done Blondie... After that I'll leave you here to die. You see my magic has a price on pregnant women like yourself. In return for the rapid growth of the baby, nutrients are take out of your body at dangerously high levels. Leaving your body cringing in paralysis until your body decomposes itself." She grinned widely.

Lucy was already in the birthing position on a bed in the room. But she was still chained and helpless.

"Let's finish this shall we." Anais speed it up once again and this time it was the worst feeling possible. Lucy screamed and groaned at the top of her lungs, pleading for the woman to stop. But at this time it was to late for that cause she was going into labor that second.

"It seems I've done my job here." She smiled as she prepared to birth the baby. Then Wendy came in along with Carla and happy and then dragon slayerd her out of the building with a roar, sending the woman flying away.

"Lucy-San!" Wendy noticed what state she was in. She was sweating badly and she looked very pale and frail.

"Omg! Lucy-San" Wendy said as she began to heal her giving her body the proper support and cooling it needed to healthily birth the baby.

"Alright Lucy listen deep breathes, and Wendy keep her cool, Happy go get a towel. I'll be birthing this baby." Carla took charge.

~2 agonizing hours later~

Lucy was holding a small child in her arms. Still weak from the magic Anais put her under and he stress of birth she still happened to healthily birth a baby boy. "Happy." Lucy called weakly. "Can you please go get Laxus?"

"Aye!" He flew out the room to fetch Laxus who had just finished battling Ivan. "Oi LET ME GO!" Laxus squirmed trying to get out of Happy's grasp. "Stop it, if you keep squirming then I'll drop you and you'll never see your newborn baby."

Laxus froze. "Wait the baby was born? Its nor sue for another 2 months though." Laxus questioned as his head began to spin around. "One of the wizards was able to speed up the baby's growth." Happy said as he reached the room and put Laxus down.

Laxus waited outside the door for a minute. "What if I'm not suited to be a father. I should have let Lucy go. She could've taken better care of the baby then I ever cou..." Laxus was cut off by a fiery punch to the face.

"I don't ever want to hear you say any of that garbage again. You did this to Lucy, you're not cowering out now."

"He's right..." Gray seconded. Erza nodded and Mira smiled at him.

"See we're all behind you, now go in there and meet your newborn child." Natsu cheered supportively.

"Thanks guys." Laxus said as he walked into the room to see Lucy holding a Blond haired orange eyed baby boy in her arms. "Laxus." She called weakly. "Do you want to hold him?"

Laxus didn't hesitate when he nodded at her. She passed him over to him and Laxus began to cradle the baby boy. "Everything I have is yours." Laxus said as he kissed the babies head gently.

"You pick out a name for him."

"Xavier." He smiled and rocked him.

A/N: Well I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. It was fun. Should I continue with story or just end it here? Up to you guys. But if I do continue keep in mind that it will most likely revolve around Xavier. Any who

Notes: Lol had to put Ivan in there

Note 2: of course I forgot to put natsu in. Gosh so stupid of me.

Note 3: not really fond of this ship like I used to be but hey all ships need love.


Bye ^-^)/