I hope you like this. Please leave me some feedback, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Rubbing her eyes Athena glanced over at the sleeping man beside her, he slept flat on his bare stomach whilst his lips were parted slightly and strands of his two toned hair marred his tanned face. With a small smile she leaned forward and brushed the rogue strands from his face, smiling even wider as she looked down into the perfect face of Seth Rollins.

His heavy lidded eyes were firmly closed and she could see he was breathing out of his slightly hooked nose.

Rubbing her aching arm Athena threw her legs over the side of the bed. She massaged her arm gingerly, still infuriated with herself for letting that little runt AJ Lee get her excruciating Black Widow wrapped around her. She had been sure her arm was going to snap in half and had tapped within seconds of the submission hold getting locked in.

The continued ache of her arm was nothing in comparison to the embarrassment and disappointment she felt in herself.

Athena had been signed to the WWE for almost two years and had held the Diva's belt around her waist once, though that was over a year ago and it seemed like it would be forever before she got another opportunity again. She put her body on the line night after night, lived on hundreds of miles from her family and put up with back stabbing and bitchiness of the Diva's roster all whilst doing it with a smile and not a hint of a complaint. She'd hoped that Stephanie McMahon would have given her another opportunity by now, but then again, how could she when she was tapping out as the first sear of pain ripped through her arm?

She ran a hand through her wavy auburn hair as she opened their hotel bedroom door, making her way into the shared living room and kitchen area that was shared with Seth's best friends.

She flicked the light on and instantly gasped loudly, her hand coming up to cover her plump lips.

A naked women lay panting on the hotel couch, her huge breasts were marked and her nipples red and swollen. She had her long toned legs spread wide and had Dean Ambrose's mouth buried with her sex.

"Oh my God I thought you'd be in your room," Athena spoke in shock to Dean, who turned from his midnight feast smirking. He leaned on his jean covered knees though he was shirtless and his hair was slicked back. "You do have a room you know," she added trying to make light of it, though her cheeks burned red.

Athena began to turn away when Dean spoke. "So do you, it's right down the hall, with all the other mid-carders," he pointed to their hotel door. Finally turning, Athena marched back inside Seth's room and was about to close the door when Dean spoke again. "Why don't you come over here and join us, red? I promise I won't make you tap," she closed her eyes tightly at his harsh words and quickly closed the door, shutting out Dean's mocking laughter as she climbed back into bed.

She hated him. It's like he'd made it his mission in life to either completely ignore her or make her feel uncomfortable and crappy about herself. It's like her mere presence offended him and she had no idea why, and as much as she wanted to swallow her nerves and ask him what his problem was, the wimp inside her was terrified. She didn't want to confront him, he scared her and she didn't want to know his answer.

Sniffling she pulled the covers higher as Seth's eyes fluttered open. "You okay?" he asked placing a large hand on her small hip.

She nodded and turned over not wanting to show how much Dean's comment had hurt her.

Whatcha' think?