Rugrats: Future Beyond!

Written by: LilNate03

Febuary 14, 2033

( Valentine's Day...)

Valentine's Day is the special day to spend time with your significant others. But some are still freak out over Mandy's death. Nobody execpted for her to be murdered. Graduation is around the corner and Mandy's parents won't ever see their daughter walk with her classmate or plan colleges or wedding.

Angela's Point Of View...I'm still pretty shock as my heart been pounding inside which I couldn't believe Mandy is dead. Nobody expected this to happen especially been found dead on Mrs. Debbie rose bushes.

I don't care how a bitch she was but, noone deserves to die, not even Mandy.

During in the caferteria lunch, I was sitting at lunch with my besties, Gabby, Jackie Jacquin as Gabby, Jackie and I was discussing about Valentine along with Prom Night.