Rugrats: Future and Beyond! Chapter 1: Pilot

This is the sequel of Rugrats: Growing Up! I'm so dying to do a sequel of Rugrats: Growing Up! Thank You Rugrats Fans for liking my stories: Rugrats: Total Divas!, Rugrats: Days of the Past and Rugrats: Growing Up! You guys deserve this sequel and I hope you guys love this sequel!

Author Note: The next generation of Rugrats are taking over! So, get ready!

Tommy and Silvia Home.

Tommy and Silvia are now happily married and has two sons, Darin is sixteen, he very tall, he has blue eyes and long black hair and very gothic. Darin also likes to skateboard most of the time and also he kind of trouble maker, he gets into trouble at school a lot.

Keenan is twelve, he sweet and has the best smile. But, he can be a little gross like his Uncle Dil and Phil when they was younger. Keenan likes to eat worm, bugs, and mug. Keenan has brown curly hair and his favorite color is orange.

Silvia Pickles was making breakfast for Tommy, Darin, and Keenan since they got school and work today. While Silvia was making pancakes, Tommy came up behind her with his nice black suit and dressy black suit as he kiss her on the cheek.

" Morning honey!" said Tommy.

" Moring babe!" said Silvia. " Are you excited about Directing your first movie?"

" You know it honey! I just believe this is really happening! I fucking love it!" Tommy was excited.

" You need to stop cussing, we have a twelve-year son." Silvia remind Tommy.

" He probably heard somebody cussing in school." Tommy replied as Silvia gave Tommy the look like she is going to smack him or something.

Meanwhile, Keenan and Darin was rushing in the kitchen. Darin was skateboarding in the kitchen as Silvia was mad at Darin and told him to quick skateboarding in the house.

" Darin, quit that damn skate board in the house!" said Silvia.

" Yes mam! Whatever!" said Darin as he grab a toast with jelly and hurried and left.

" Darin, you didn't eat your breakfast." said Silvia.

" I have to go to school! Don't want to be late." Darin replied. as he opens the door, Tommy's younger brother, Dil shows up as Darin was happy to see his Uncle Dil.

" Uncle Dil!" said Darin.

" What it do nephew!" Dil replied as he give Darin a hugged.

" So, what are you doing here in Reptar City? You live in Detroit." Darin asked.

" Not anymore! Me, Your Aunt, CeCe and your cousin, Bella are moving back here!" Dil revealed.

Darin was freaking out as he was excited to hear that his Uncle Dil, his Aunt CeCe and Bella are moving back here. " Awesome! I can't wait to show you my new tricks of Skateboarding!"

" I can't to see it nephew!"

" Darin, you don't want to be late for school." said Silvia as she grab her keys to take Keenan to school.

" I'll see you later, Uncle Dil." said Darin.

" I'll see ya man." Dil gave Darin a handshake. As Darin skateboard outside and was skating to school, Silvia gave Dil a hugged before she leave along with Keenan.

" It's good to have you back, Dylan!" said Silvia.

" It's good to see you again, sis!" Dil smiled.

Silvia smiled at Dil and told Keenan to hurry to the car. " Bye Uncle Dil."

" See you little man." Dil responded as Silvia and Keenan both left and it was just Dil and Tommy. As Tommy wasn't that happy to see Dil back and Dil could tell.

" So? I take your not happy to see me at all." said Dil.

" You damn right! What the hell are you doing here?" asked Tommy.

" I came here to see you bro!" Dil answered. " I thought we was past that."

" You think I forgive you for stealing my money?" asked Tommy.

" Look Tommy, I'm sorry!" said Dil.

" Sorry doesn't cut it when you stole my money, you just like mom and Mr. Chaz Finester! Two baluster make a stupid baluster baby!" Tommy yelled. " Your just a half-brother, you are dead to me!" Tommy pushed Dil. " Get out punk!"

Dil was getting angry and was ready to punch his own brother.


Bobby POV

At Harold and Susie's house. There was family portrait of Susie, Harold, Bobby and Kristina on the table. Bobby was six in this picture while Kristina was three. Bobby is now 21, living like a young man. Bobby been go through changes, He's built and muscular like his father, Harold. He has short brown curly hair. Bobby tries to be man now and be responsible as he watch over his little sister, Kristina.

Kristina is the daughter of Harold and Susie, she fifteen years about to be sixteen in three days as Kristina is throwing her sweet sixteen party. Kristina is a girly girl. She has long curly brown hair. Her skin peach color, she skinny, her eye color are hazel, her favorite color are (Red, White, Blue, Pink, and Purple). Kristina is spoil and she also a daddy's girl.

Meanwhile, Susie heard Bobby and Harold arguing and coming downstairs.

" You come back here! Don't turn your back on me!" yelled Harold.

" I'm not listen to you lecture me, Dad." said Bobby as Bobby kisses his mother, Susie on the cheek. " I'll see you later, mom."

" What's going on?" asked Susie.

Harold snatch the bag out of Bobby's hand and was holding it out. " It's Weed!" said Harold. " Our son is smoking on this shit!"

" Bobby, is this is true?" asked Susie.

Bobby nods his head, " Yes mom, it's true."

" Why? Why are you doing this?" Susie was questioning him.

" An't it obvious? That's what him and his friend, Tucker been doing!" yelled Harold. " Smoking on this shit!"

" It's really not your business."

" The hell it is! It's my house!" yelled Harold. " I pay the damn bills around here, not you!"

" I'm leaving." said Bobby.

" Where you going?" asked Susie.

" TeenNick" Bobby answered.

" To that night club?" asked Susie.

" What are you going to do? more drugs?" asked Harold as Susie shove him.

Bobby couldn't believe his father just said that and was angry about it. " Don't bother me showing up." said Bobby as he walks away from his parents and shut the door behind him.


Destiny POV

Destiny Wehrenberg is the daughter of Zack and Starr. Destiny is seventeen years. Destiny has long golden blonde hair, her eyes are sky blue, her lips are red as an apple. She skinny, she loves to talk and text on the phone. She a daddy's girl. She gets away a lot of stuff. Her best friend is Kristina. Destiny is also a twin, her sister, Christy Wehrenberg is more of a drama queen than Destiny. Destiny is more the responsible one and the bigger person compare to Christy.

Monday Morning, Destiny and Kristina was walking to their first period class as they was chatting about their family drama.

" So, Bobby is smoking weed again?" asked Destiny.

" Yeap! I afraid so!" Kristina answered.

" Why? Why would he do that? And know well that your dad is going to find out?" asked Destiny.

" He going through a lot." said Kristina.

" Like what?" asked Destiny

" Bobby got a girl pregnant." Kristina answered. " And it's Amanda Deville."

Destiny was shock to hear that Bobby got Amanda pregnant " What?"

" I know! It's crazy!" said Kristina.

" Yeah! Your parents is going to freak out!" Destiny was freaking out.

" I know that, Des!" said Kristina. " That's why I want you to keep a secret. Please don't tell anyone."

" Ok! I swear!"

" Thanks Des." said Kristina. " So, I heard that you and your sister, Christy got into an argument."

Destiny shake her head as she rolled her eyes, " I'm not worried about Christy, Christy always wants the center of the attention and always thinks that she the victim and really she not."

" Oh!" said Kristina.

" She's just a brat and always wants the attention ! If I ever see her, I'm going to scream!" Destiny is getting irritated.

Suddenly, Christy came up to her identical twin sister, Destiny and Kristina with her friends, Cameron and Maryse. Cameron is the daughter of Cree Carmichael and Peter-2. Cameron is more feisty and cruel on her mom gene but, she has Angel wings like her father except his is different. She has similar genetic type like her father, Peter-2.

Her father, Peter-2 left her and her mom for Kimi-2 and stay at the second dimension and never return. Cameron doesn't know what's it like to have a father so she takes out her anger on somebody else. She has long black hair. Her eyes are green, she shorter than Christy and Maryse. she wear this yellow design school girl uniform attire that say " Girl Bye!" She take it off of her mom, Cree. Sometimes you feel bad for Cameron but sometimes you don't.

Maryse is just another that friends with Christy as she likes to talk a lot.

" Well, Well! Or is it my some call twin sister, Destiny and her friend, Kristina." said Christy.

" What the hell do you want, Christy?" asked Destiny.

" Who the hell you talking to?" asked Cameron.

" Nobody wasn't even talking to you, so, stay out of our conversation!" said Destiny.

" Whatever Girl Bye!" Cameron rolled her eyes as she let Christy talk.

" Destiny, you are just a wannabe!" Christy was talking about her own sister. " You wish you was me! And I don't blame you, who wants to be you? Your lame and boring!"

Before Destiny could say anything, Zack Wehrenberg came up to both of his daughters as he gave them a sugar on the cheek. " Morning sweethearts! Ready for class?"

" Daddy! Not here with my friends!" Christy whined.

" Sorry honey cakes!" Zack apologizes. " Morning girls!"

" Morning Mr. Wehrenberg!" said Maryse, Cameron and Kristina.

" Hey Dad, is it true that Uncle Dil is back?" asked Dominique.

Zack nods his head in agreement, " Yes, I afraid so."

" Isn't Uncle Tommy and Uncle Dil can't stand each other?" asked Christy.

" Yeah! What happened?" asked Destiny.

" Long story! I'll explain to your girls later, right now we got class." Zack tries to change the subject and hurried and push the girls into class.


Charles POV

Charles Finester is the son of Chuckie Finester and Nicole Finester. Charles has curly orange hair, blue eyes, and wears glasses and looks exactly like his father, Chuckie. Charles is friends with Darin Pickles who is Tommy and Silvia's son. They been friends since they was babies like his father, Chuckie and his friend, Tommy. Charles likes to skateboard with buddy, Darin most of the time and do tricks. Charles also has a sister named, Rachel which he is a year older than her sister.

Darin meet up with Charles at the locker just to hang out.

" Sup Charles man!" said Darin.

" Sup! Darin! How's it going?" asked Charles.

" Nun much man! My Uncle Dil is back from Detroit!" Darin revealed.

" For real? Man! That's fucking cool!" Charles was excited. " You Uncle is the coolest!"

" I know bruh!" said Darin.

" Why can't our dad be cool like Mr. Pickles?" Charles asked.

" Because they are boring!" Darin answered. " They never do anything fun! I bet they was boring even they were younger. It's 2045!"

" Who cares! We just do what we do! There's nothing can scared us." Charles replied as he open the locker and Blood was coming out the locker as Darin and Charles screamed like little girls.

Then, it was a paper that was for Darin and Charles. Charles went to open the letter and read it.

" Your parents thought this shit was over, No it's just the beginning! And we are coming after every next generation of Rugrats! Payback is a Bitch!

Kisses, Bitches!


" Who the hell is -A?" asked Darin.

Charles shook his head and was clueless, " I don't know and I'm sure as hell I don't want to know."

To Be Continued...

What you guys think about Chapter 1 of Rugrats: Future and Beyond? I know it's kind of slow but, I'll get better later on. Thank You guys again for follow my story! I like to thank Celrock for let me borrow Zack, Silvia, Aunt Celeste and Zack's parents and grandparents. Also, like to thank TCKing12 for let me borrow Peter, Peter-2, Z Morton, Z-2, Rugrats 2nd Dimension, George, Abigail, Charles, Rachel, Tamera, and Logan! Jesse. J Barrow, Thanks for the Ideas of the Rugrats: Growing Up! Your the man! And thank you for let me borrow your OC, " Jesse" and last I like to thank Rigbyrules123 for let me borrowing Ben and Jamie!

And Mostly, Thank you Rugrats Fans! You are Awesome!