Some odd years later

"Wake up!" He pushed and shoved her back and forth, ignoring the pillow that now covered her face. "We've gotta go, or we'll be late!"

Jun buried her face in the bed, "So?"

"So?" He repeated. "The fight starts in 30 minutes!"

Jun reached blindly for the child's head, patting it lightly, then flicked him on the forehead. "We'll get there in 20, with 10 to spare. Now let me sleep."

The burgundy-haired boy pouted, defeated for the moment. A devious smile crept onto his face when he remembered their impromptu alarm system.

He slid off the bed and ran towards a window. As he was opening it up, his father walked in.

"Yoshi? What are you up to?" Once he understood, he plugged his ears with the buds he kept in his pocket.

The child held a finger to his lips, and opened his mouth as wide as he could, "Good morning, Babayaga!"

The dragon lifted its head and roared in response, a sound that shook the foundation.

Jun popped up from the bed exuberantly, having been shaken awake by the monstrous noise. She looked around in a haze and found Hisoka standing with his token ear buds in, while Kiyoshi was sitting on the sill.

"I told you we'd be late, and you wouldn't get outta bed!"

Jun looked at him flatly, the fatigue she felt overwhelming her instinct to chase him around the house. "You live to see another day."

"You're just mad I can outrun you."

"I let you outrun me."

"No, he's pretty fast on his own." Hisoka added in, taking out his earbuds. "He still can't beat me though."

Kiyoshi stepped down from the sill, making sure not to wrinkle his favorite outfit. "Dad, I didn't wanna tell you this, but I let you win last time."

"He's getting up there." Jun shrugged.

Hisoka narrowed his eyes at his wife, "Don't you have to get ready?"

"I am ready!"

"Not in your pajamas you're not." Kiyoshi laughed.

Jun reached out to poke him, but he'd run off and out of the room before she got the chance. Standing up, she let out a loud yawn to rival the roar of the dragon out back. When she opened her eyes, she found Hisoka watching her.


Hisoka smiled, "Was this the future you imagined?"

"Where's this coming from?"

"Oh, a passing thought. Amuse me."

Jun walked into her closet, disrobing. Hisoka followed behind and leaned up against her door.

"No, but back then I didn't think about the future." She stepped into a different pair of pants. "What about you?"

"I saw something quite different." He walked over to her, his arms tightened around her waist.

Jun placed her hands on his forearms, and leaned back into him. "Mm."

"Actually," his hands searching her body, "I planned to leave on time, but we might have to get there later than expected."

She turned to face him and placed her hand on his chest. "Really? But," her hands trailed down to the top of his pants, "then we'd be really late. At that point, why even bother go?"

Hisoka lifted her up and carried her out of the closet, "I was thinking the same thing."

He put her down in front of the bed, after taking off her pants and held her once more.

"You just can't help yourself, huh?"

"Is that a bad thing?"

Jun snaked out of his grasp, "This morning it is!" She skipped into the closet, shutting the door behind her. "I'll see you downstairs. Make sure the tickets are down there, too. I don't know where I put them."

Hisoka chuckled to himself, unsurprised at her teasing antics as it'd become something of a game with them.

"Sure thing, Jun-kun."

Hisoka walked back from the concession stand, a bag of Kiyoshi's favorite wasabi peanuts in tow, and headed towards his family. Kiyoshi was feinting and punching the air, much to the amusement of his mother.

"And if you couldn't use Nen?"

Kiyoshi held his chin, "I'd be smart with my fists. You told me a good fighter doesn't rely on Nen, but themselves."

"Right. So when he attacked him head on, what then?"

"I don't think he should've done that."

Jun raised her eyebrows, "What would you do?"

"I'd have doubled back and circled him. That's basic training! You taught me that when I was 6."

"Maybe you should be the one fighting, instead of those clowns out there."

Kiyoshi grinned, "I will! I'll get higher in the tower than dad ever did."

"Only if they built another hundred floors." Hisoka said.

"Ooh!" Kiyoshi's eyes widened and he snatched the bag out of his father's hands. "Thanks! But I'm going to beat your record. It shouldn't be too hard."

Hisoka ruffled Kiyoshi's hair, "Okay, little man."

A bell rung and a voice came over the intercom, "Ladies and gentlemen, the special event is now starting! Match #455, Floor Master Gon Freecss versus Floor Master Killua Zoldyck. Please make your way to your seats."

"Mom, who do you think's going to win?"

Jun shrugged, twirling Kiyoshi around, "Maybe, Gon?"

"I hope Uncle Killua wins!" Kiyoshi raised his arms. "He took my advice."

Hisoka picked him up, placing him on his shoulders. "Shall we?"

Kiyoshi popped open the bag of peanuts, and tossed a few into his mouth. "Let's go!"

The trio walked into the doors, slowing behind the throngs of people excited to see the two legendary Hunters face off against each other. Jun reached for Kiyoshi's hand, lifting it up into the air. Hisoka put his arm around her waist, bringing her close. She laid her head on his arm, and walked into the stadium, with each passing moment finding more value than the last.