Disclaimer: I don't own YYH or the characters

This is it, the final chapter. I'm going to put a longer A/N at the end of the chapter, but before all of that, this is the shorter version of my thanks. I can't believe it's been two years, but this story is finally finished. However, don't fret. I still have my other Hiei X Botan AU, Exit Stage Left, but that's not all. I am also planning on another AU that will be…a tad bit darker? It will most likely be called either Catalyst or The Catalyst. It doesn't seem like that's much of a difference, but it's on the emphasis, and I just don't know what I'm leaning more towards. It's a tossup. Anyway, thank you so much for supporting this story. It may not even truly be the end of Trials of Life. I still have my drabble series, Day by Day, and when I started it I knew it would basically be a story of random drabbles which could include continuing excepts from my completed HXB projects, so I'd definitely recommend that one if not for random cute fluff pieces, angst pieces, or deep, bonding pieces.

Yeah…and this was my short A/N 0.0

He couldn't believe it was actually happening. After months, Hiei was finally publishing his first book. It had been the most difficult thing he had to do, but a part of him needed the story to be known. The support he received from both his loving wife and his family was amazing. A couple of times he thought against it, especially the ending, but it was a "fictional" story. No one would truly be able to trace it back to his real life, and even if Officer Genkai asked questions he could say it was just a plot device to give the story an ending.

Lives of Tribulations, that was the name of his semi-autobiographical novel. It was his and Botan's story, from the moment they met online up to and including them meeting in person and being wed. The names were different, but he put it all in there including the trials of facing an evil mob boss and destruction of his empire. Of course, there was that up incoming youth that picked up the scraps and disappeared into the night.

The book even contained his parents' tragic love story, and Botan's family crises as well as the moment where they had finally come together. Hiei hadn't really ever planned on writing a book wrought with romance ending on the optimistic note, but that was before he had met Botan and fallen deeply in love with her.

He submitted the final, proofread draft to the publisher with whom he had been working. The man assured Hiei he had a hit and begged the teenager to tell him where he had come up with the story. He was only a semester one freshman. They had just hit winter break, finished up finals, and he already had a hit on his hands. Of course, Hiei answered plainly by saying, "A good writer never reveals his secrets."

A noise and slight moan caused him to look up from his laptop. Botan had been packing while he sent in the final edit, and was now struggling to get the suitcase off of the bed. Hiei immediately pushed himself back from his desk and took the bag from her. He took the woman in his arms and kissed her chastely before rubbing her shoulders. "How are you feeling today?" his soothing voice spoke.

Botan smiled. "I'm okay," she chimed. "I haven't gotten sick today…yet."

Hiei moved to kneel in front of her, his face at eye level with her abdomen as he slightly raised her shirt. "Thank you for being good to mommy today."

"Hiei," Botan chided, her hand unconsciously wrapping themselves in his hair, her face completely red from embarrassment at the attention. She sucked in a startled gasp and quivered when his lips and tongue traced the skin of her stomach. "S-Stop that. W-We need to start heading out."

Hiei replied with a chuckle and cocky grin, before he went to shut down his computer, and grabbed their few bags. "You're right. Let's go. We have plenty of time later for that." He walked away, not giving his flustered wife time to retort.

The two of them had been married since the night of their graduation, yet only Yukina and Kuwabara knew since they had visited fairly often. Botan and Hiei decided not to tell anyone else until they returned to town. Kuwabara didn't like the idea, but he and Yukina promised to keep their secret.

When Botan found out she was pregnant a couple months earlier, they kept it between the two of them wanting to surprise everyone before Christmas. It had been easy to keep the secret, but when alone they embraced the new addition into their lives. Botan was overjoyed, but Hiei was over the moon about it. He had been astonished by how much he had changed over the years.

Hiei never planned on having kids until he thought about having them with Botan. Strangely enough, at times, he felt he was more excited than Botan, though she was very tired and sometimes felt very sick. Plus, him flustering her all the time couldn't be helping matters either, but he was just so damn excited that they would be raising a child together. He spoke to her stomach, their child, often, his pride unrivaled. Hiei had never though he could be even happier beyond the day he took Botan to be his wife.

The couple left town early enough so they wouldn't be stuck in traffic for hours. They made good time, so they stopped off Keiko's and Yusuke's first. Their friends had gotten their own home closer to the community college, though Keiko's parents were still Sakura's and Hina's neighbors, and the parents all got together much of the time.

It was the first time that Botan was getting to see her best friends' son, little Raizen, named after Yusuke's late father. She and Hiei had been unable to return for his birth due to when they registered for orientation before Keiko had realized she was pregnant. Botan regretted not being able to go and support her friend, but now she could make up for it.

Once Yusuke placed his son in her arms, Botan was reluctant to let him go. She spoke to the baby, her voice full of joy for her friends and love for the child that would one day be her kid's playmate. Hiei always knew Botan would be good with children, just from how she spoke and was, but he had never seen her with a child besides her younger brother. He was mesmerized, and he smiled fondly loosely wrapping his arm around her as he listened to her speak to the baby. She was a natural.

"I thought you might be here." Hiei and Botan both looked up to see Kurama standing in the foyer having just arrived from work. "I take it your trip was pleasant."

"It was all right," Hiei replied as his friend sat down next to them. "How's Shizuru?"

"She is well," Kurama informed them smiling. "We just celebrated our five month anniversary last week."

"Congratulations," Botan said in a hushed tone so as not to wake the baby who had fallen asleep in her arms. "How have things been at the precinct?"

"Good," Kurama answered. "In fact, I figured there would be some things you both wanted to hear."

"Sakyo," Hiei huffed. "What did he do?"

"Exactly what you requested." Kurama elaborated at Hiei's surprised expression. "The Toguro Brothers have not been seen in town, but they have been seen in other places a lot further away. It appears Sakyo has eliminated all traces of the mob in this town. There is no longer a drug problem at the school, and all of the students that had been introduced to the trade by Tarukane last year have all been handled. They each had to pay a fine as well as completing many hours of community service. It was also mandated that them and their buyers received counseling. The school has never been cleaner."

"That's a relief," Botan whispered, a bittersweet smile gracing her features. "I guess Koenma realized that some students may need counseling if they considered buying or selling a drug. It's good that all those students are being helped and not forever punished or that would make matters worse."

Hiei agreed with Botan. She had been working with a lot more young people now that she was pursuing her psychology degree. To be honest, the school had found her music therapy theories silly and tried to dissuade her from the music minor and changing up her tactics. One professor, though, saw merit, and offered Botan a space where she created her own therapy office. So far, she had been helping many young people who never really thought it would work for them. They were able to discuss their problems in a safe space while creating something beautiful and showing themselves that they could become better and do better for themselves.

Because of this experience, Botan realized that there were many like her who suffered, some having almost turned to drugs or having contemplated suicide. Being able to help them had helped Botan get passed her own past, and thankfully she had not had another suicidal thought since her lapse and had fully gotten over the guilt that had weighed heavily on her soul for so long.

"It's good that Sakyo kept his word," Hiei remarked. "He hasn't contact any of our family members, so it's definitely, finally done."

"It is," Kurama assured him. "Not for us, but for you all at least. And for Shizuru. Once Sakyo found out she was dating an officer, he decided to keep well away."

"Everything worked out then," Botan sighed contently. "Even when I struggled to believe it, I always knew it would."

"Hey, guys," Yusuke called out as he entered the room. Botan held a finger to her lips to warn him not to wake Raizen. "Sorry… Anyway, Sakura called over. She and Hina just got back from the grocery store, so we can head over at any time we want. They're cooking a big meal for tonight so I was going to head over and help them. You coming?"

"Absolutely," Botan answered, carefully getting up so that she didn't hurt the baby.

When she failed, Hiei chuckled and reached out his arms. "Allow me," he offered. Botan blinked at him before grinning as she passed him their little honorary nephew. Hiei realized this was his first time holding a baby ever, yet it felt so right. He didn't know how it was possible for a person to be so tiny, fragile, and defenseless, but he knew that, at least with his own kid in addition to this one, he would protect them with every fiber of his being.

At the house, Botan and Hiei finally revealed to everyone that they were married, both their mothers asking a million questions not to mention scolding the two for waiting so long to tell them. Once the women had calmed, Hiei and Botan made a silent agreement to wait until dinner when everyone was there to tell everyone about the pregnancy for they knew telling their mothers now would be overload.

So, they had a nice meal with their friends and family all welcoming them and Yukina and Kuwabara back from their first semester. It was a big celebration for how well they had all been doing. After dessert, though, it became a celebration of a different kind altogether. Hiei had been the one to announce that Botan was pregnant causing all of the woman to fawn over his wife.

He backed away from the crowd only partly sorry for leaving her behind as he joined the men in the kitchen in attempts to avoid attention. The men all offered their sincerest felicitations, and while the women started talking to Botan about names, room colors, and due date, the guys simply started shooting the breeze and catching up.

Much later, Hiei and Botan retreated to their room early using Botan's exhaustion as an excuse. The two of them didn't really mind the attention, but they had now gotten to the point where they were overwhelmed by the love and support from their friends and family. Botan still didn't do well being the center of attention. Hiei had just felt a bit awkward.

The two of them looked around their old room, surprised by how elegant it looked. Their room had become the guest room, though Hina and Sakura were planning to redo the basement for them to have their own separate apartment. They had discussed it with them earlier during the semester, and they had agreed to it for it was after they learned they would soon enough be a family of three. It would be their last break that they spent in their room.

Once in bed, the two of them began talking about the day, everything, and nothing all at once. Eventually, they got to reminiscing. "I still remember the first day you came home with me. You really did not want to be here, did you?"

Hiei snorted and shook his head. "I'll be honest, I was expecting an immaculately clean house and a totally frilly, girly room."

"Hey now," Botan laughed lightly. "Just wait. If we have a girl, I bet you she'll be the girly girl."

Hiei cringed slightly, but grinned. "We'll see," he joked. "I didn't know you well back then. I kept my guard up and treated you like shit."

"I really thought you wanted me to do that project all by myself, but now it makes sense why 'Pyro' asked me to give him some ideas."

"Hn," Hiei grunted, his hands slowly caressing Botan's body. "What made you think about it, anyway? We're way passed that phase in our relationship."

"I know," Botan sighed. "Just feeling nostalgic. I know we'll just be moving downstairs, but I don't know… It feels strange."

"If you say so," Hiei hummed, running his fingers through the woman's hair. "You grew up here, so it's more than just a room to you. As long as you're with me, I could sleep in a damn tree and be content and comfortable."

Botan giggled at his joke. "You're ridiculous. So, just humor me, alright? What's your favorite memory here?" Hiei's sensual smirk said it all, Botan turning very red and heated at the thought of their first time. It didn't help when Hiei's hands decided to explore her body lightly grazing her skin. "Eh, ah…'cept that," she struggled to say as she bit back a moan.

The smirk never left Hiei's face. "Let's see…favorite memory here…" He took the time to think back, but he really couldn't pick one moment. "All those mornings after our first kiss. I love waking you up that way."

She blushed, but nodded. "I could have guessed," she stated happily. "You aren't one to think in singular moments. I love that too."

"What about you? Your favorite?" he questioned, genuinely interested.

"Valentine's Day," Botan admitted. "It was so beautiful, Hiei. It was the first time I ever celebrated Valentine's Day save elementary school where everyone was forced to be nice to each other and give Valentines."

"Oh that," Hiei grunted. "I never gave those stupid things out. I let Yukina give out ones from the both of us."

"Well, then I'm even more honored."

"Hn." Hiei leaned back, a specific memory of the room hitting him hard. "Actually, I found one."

"Oh? What is it?"

Hiei looked to her, his eyes stern but soft as he moved towards his beautiful wife nibbling on her earlobe. He pulled away momentarily to softly say, "The day you said you loved me."

Botan remembered it well, too, and she mirthfully smiled at catching yet another glimpse of Hiei's hidden romantic streak. These past months, he had really changed, becoming lighter, more embracive and less abrasive. He spoke with her more about his past and internal issues and put them behind him. There would always be times where he was strict and expressionless, but the sincerity of his voice, the tenderness of his touch, the affection in his eyes, and his pure devotion always told her more than anything else. She truly loved him, everything about him, and she was so thankful that the two of them had met by chance…twice. As Hiei kissed her, all thoughts of their pasts and trials had disappeared from her mind as she kissed him back in equal fervor.

Though this was their last stretch of time being in her old room, Botan's need for nostalgia left her as well. She didn't need to focus on the past anymore. It was still a challenge for her, but she knew that their future was so much brighter. Finally, she realized, that everything had been a new beginning to her since meeting Hiei, and now they would be embarking on the greatest journey of their lives. They were well off, thanks to both their inheritances, so their child would be well taken care of and they'd put away money for his or her future. All of the stressors and pain they experienced in the past wouldn't even be a thing for their child. He or she would be wanted, loved, unabandoned, and stable.

"I love you," Botan murmured against her husband's lips. She could feel his curve upwards in response.

Hiei pulled away staring down at her lovingly as he removed his shirt. "I love you, too, you damn beautiful woman."

For the first time since Hiei had been calling her that, Botan truly believed in his words. She didn't shy away like in the beginning of their relationship, nor did she tear up being so moved and floored by his opinion. This time, she just smiled brightly, genuinely grateful for the brilliance Hiei had brought to her life. She would have never gotten to this place without him, and she knew he felt the same towards her.

And neither of them would have wanted to.

A/N: And we are done! Finding a way to end this was so hard, but I hope it satisfied you. Remember from my earlier Author's Note that it's not truly the end. There will be some drabbles in Day by Day related to this story but that I felt wouldn't tie into the story well.

This story has been a ride, for me as well as you guys. Sure, I always knew the specific major events that I planned in the story, but getting to them was always a challenge. Those transitions weren't the hardest part of writing this story, but it did contribute to the length between updates. The most difficult part of writing this was how personal it was for me. I've always put elements of my life into stories, but beforehand, I rarely took direct instances, maybe direct words but never an element that actually happened. There were parts that were edited and changed for the drama factor, and the ages, daily life, and thankfully the mafia were mainly plot devices.

This story was nowhere near an autobiography, but many of the conversations, thoughts, and fears are personal to me. I'm sure many of us can relate to one another. Life is not perfect, and I'm still working towards that moment where I can let the past go. It will take time, but I have no doubt it'll happen. For whatever problems any of you might be having, it does get better. There will be days where it doesn't feel that way, but it does, so just don't lose faith. It'll happen in ways that you least expect.

I have to thank everyone for reading, reviewing, and even following and adding this one to favorites. To be honest, it's been a difficult two, nearly three years, and writing this story was able to help me cope after losing my father. There's been a lot of ups and downs in these past couple years, and so your support means a lot to me. I hope to see many of you again in the future as I continue and write for the fandom. Thank you again, and I hope that this story has helped you, too. God bless you all!