10/05/16: Because of a lovely guest that made me laugh (to said guest: it's really impressive you've read this story 30 times; that's a lot of frikkin words to read and re-read, dude), I now feel like I have to explain why this story is so much of a train-wreck and why I find it embarrassing to have on my record. XD Now, keep in mind, I'm giving an overview of the story as a whole, not in individual chapters. I despise the story as a whole with a burning passion, but there are chapters I do like and think, "Oh, that was clever." Also, just because I hate this doesn't mean you will. Unfortunately. XD

Ok, so this story is all over the place. I mean this in the most literal sense of the word problem. All good stories are based on a three-act structure. I cannot find that structure in this story. I can find two separate stories with three acts, and I can find three acts within individual chapters, but I cannot find only three acts with this as a whole. And even within the separate three acts, there are still pieces (like a mirror moment) missing. That bothers me a lot. Also, Danny's "lie" was never fleshed out enough, in my opinion, and it completely disappeared by the time this story got to "Not A Happy New Years." By then, it was little lies that were resolved within a few chapters. That also bothers me just a lot. Danny's character consistency was also not on point. There were literally chapters where he was basically crazy and by the next chapter, he was fine. And those are just a few points. I could go on all day why this is, in all technical terms, a bad work of fiction (because that's what evolving writers do: critize their work when they realize that probably wasn't a good idea), but I will not because you lovely people have better things to do. (Unless you want to know all the reasons, then PM me! I will gladly rant from the first act to the resolution! XD) Overall, it's just a random story (people have doubted me on this and then later admitted I was right; it's hilarious), and I cannot claim that it was good. Cause it wasn't. However, there are a lot of people that say otherwise, and I've finally given up fighting them on that point. It's just not worth it. XD

Hey guys! KodiakWolfe13 at your service!

Kadzait: AND ME!

Me: And Kadzait... He's here too...

Kadzait: You suck.

Me: I KNOW I DO! Anyways! This story is one of my favorites out of all the ones I've written! So please don't kill my soul with flames or I will hunt you down (Kadzait: When she gets ticked, she turns scary...). I hope you all enjoy! This story is kinda exaggerated so ignore that part.

Kadzait: Or you can ignore all of it!

Me: *smacks Kad* PLEASE ENJOY!

Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom (he's my cartoon crush, though), Young Justice, or that picture.


Danny held onto his bucket for dear life. The boat he was on hit another wave, and he vomited into it again. His head swam like it was in the sea he was on, he couldn't see strait, and sweat dripped down his face. His white hair fell into his eyes, and his green eyes remained dull. Withdrawal dubbed with sea sickness sucks, this cannot get any worse,he thought.

He regretted even thinking it instantly.

He heard a loud BANG, and felt the boat rattle, but this was different from the other times. At least he didn't retch again.

He heard screaming, something about the boat going to blow? Danny could care less right now. Then an idea struck him. This was his time to escape! Danny shakily got up, and headed for the door. Whose idea was it to put him in the boiler room again? Oh yeah, everyone was drunk when they did it.

As he was walking past the very big water tank, he felt another explosion as the boat hit another wave. The two combined had enough force to knock the tank over, and fall right on Danny. The boy in question fell to the ground and screamed. He thought he felt his spine splinter from the force of the tank. He tried to get up, but upon moving his arms, he convulsed in pain.

So, now he was sweating, his head was spinning, he couldn't see straight, he had a water tank on him that felt like a thousand pounds, he couldn't feel his legs, and moving everything above the waist convulsed when he moved it. Great, just peachy.

The boat hit another wave and Danny really wanted to hurl again. He groaned as pain landed in his stomach. Oh, how he wanted out right now.

He heard more screaming, something about getting to the life boats. With Danny's head hurting, and the fact he couldn't think of what the answer of two plus two is, he couldn't comprehend what the heck that meant.

He didn't have to wait more than two minutes because the boat exploded, and everything faded to black.

When he woke up again, he found that his hair was black, the feeling of wood under him, his head and stomach still hurt, he still couldn't feel his legs, and he also didn't dare move his arms. Though he was now stuck in the middle of the ocean, and he somehow survived an explosion (again), he found himself staring at his black hair. When the last time he had seen it, he didn't remember.

When he finally pulled his eyes away from his raven hair, he found himself staring at a sinking cargo boat, and the water turning brown and red from blood, some of it his. Debris floated in the water, and Danny vaguely saw a life boat being paddled away with a few survivors.

Now, he knew he should feel like he should help them even after everything they did to him, but the only thing he felt was numb. He didn't care, he realized vaguely, he wanted them gone and to never see them again.

The survivors were soon out of sight, and Danny just stared at the brown red sea water. He saw something pop into his line of sight.

A dorsal fin.

It was a perfect triangle, no curve. A shark. More started to appear as the one left his line of view.

So, he was going to die. As long as it was quick, he didn't care. He had nothing left to live for anyway, so what was the point? And who would want to live with the memories of what happened to him? No one, that's who. So, why should he?

He was going to close his eyes and wait for his doom, but before he could, another fin appeared. It was black, and huge, and slightly curved. It was three or four feet high, and shined. For some reason, the word 'orca' popped into Danny's mind, but he couldn't figure out why.

As soon as it appeared, all the sharks fled. Danny sighed mentally. And there went his chance of happiness. Weird, most people didn't want to die, and would be happy they were rescued. But Danny was weird, and would remain that way.

The orca swam over, and Danny noticed something weird, it didn't have any white on it except for the two spots on the sides of its head. Other than that, it was completely black. I attract all kinds of weird things, Danny thought.

The orca gently nudged his hand that was floating in the water, since he was lying on his side. Oceanus; that was her name. Danny didn't know how, but he knew that was her name.

"Thank you." Danny whispered, almost inaudibly. Oceanus let out a clicking noise before sinking into the sea. Danny felt her presence under and around him. She was not gone. She was simply swimming around him, pushing the water so he would float in the direction of land, he supposed.

Danny let his eyes close, though he did not fall asleep. It didn't feel right that he should fall asleep under the watch of the female orca. Something wasn't right with that. What? He didn't know.

So, Danny floated for a few days and nights, in the middle of the ocean, unmoving, and being watched over by the orca Oceanus. Danny ended up retching more than once, causing him pain at his violent movements. He usually baked in the hot sun, but Oceanus was quick to throw some water on him to keep him cool. In the night, it felt so good to feel the brisk air.

Danny, here and there, saw a black dolphin dorsal fin. More black?,he had thought. The dolphin had approached him, and gently nudged him hand. It brought a smile to his face. Whisper, he had thought, Whisper is your name. The dolphin had given him an approving(?) clicking sound and dove into the water around him.

It was calm like this for a few days. A few days that Danny had been starved and dehydrated more than usual. And he couldn't figure out why he kept hurling, except for the fact he was still going through withdrawal, and sea sickness. Danny thought it couldn't go any smoother. (If you could call this smooth) Of course, he just had to jinx himself once again.

The storm hit in the middle of the night, scaring Danny half to death when he heard the giant rumble of thunder, and saw the flash of lightning in the sky, lighting the water up for a split second.

Oceanus and Whisper tried to stabilize the pathetic piece of wood he called a raft, but he still ended up falling into the dark waters.

Upon the violent jerking, he ended up convulsing as he started to fall to the bottom of the very deep Atlantic Ocean.

The spasms gradually subsided and Danny, ignoring the sting to his eyes, opened them and looked around. He was still fairly close to the top of the water, and very little light actually made it to his level of the ocean, but that was all Danny needed.

He carefully looked around, moving his eyes back and forth. A flash to his right, a bigger one to his left. For a minute he thought it was Oceanus and Whisper, but dread filled his stomach, making it feel worse. Unlike with these creatures, a warm feeling would spread throughout his body.

No, these were not the sea mammals he knew. They were sharks. Hungry sharks.

Danny closed his eyes, and accepted his fate. Oceanus and Whisper only prolonged it. This time he would not be spared. This time he jinxed himself for the better.

The sea mammals came out of nowhere and the sharks fled once again. Oceanus gently started pushing Danny to the surface. They easily broke the water line, but was met with howling winds, giant waves, loud thunder that made Danny's ears pound, and lightning that burned his eyes.

Now that he could breathe, Danny felt some pressure from his head leave, but most of it stayed, making it throb.

Oceanus had already taken off in some direction, unknown to Danny. Whisper was ahead of them, leading the orca. It seemed that the farther they went, the worse the storm got, until it stopped and only a few raindrops dropped on Danny's skin.

The hybrid cracked open his eyes. The storm was all around them, going on full blast. He looked up and saw a few stars. They were in the eye of the storm, the one place where they were safe at the moment.

Now that they were safe, Danny, being as gentle as he could, slid himself down to pectoral fin, and laid on his stomach before retching. He had kept the urge down, but he couldn't fight it anymore.

When he was done, and was resting his head on Oceanus's fin, she swam a few feet away, and stopped. Whisper appeared next to the orca, clicking worriedly.

Danny laid on Oceanus's fin for some time, puking every once in awhile. Then, as Whisper floated next to him, he got an idea. He slowly slid off Oceanus's fin, and Whisper was there to catch him before he went under.

Oceanus disappeared under the waves, and swam around them. Danny rested his head on Whisper's back, and closed his eyes. Whisper stayed afloat, even as Danny added more weight to vomit.

When the storm dispersed, Whisper and Oceanus came to silent agreement, and somehow, Danny ended up back on Oceanus again. He didn't argue since it was easier to hold onto her this since they had somehow got him propped up against her dorsal fin and sitting up on her saddle. (On orca's, it's a little patch of grey behind their dorsal fins, but here it's a light shade of black.)

The two sea mammals swam day and night, occasionally switching off to hold Danny and take the lead. A few days after the storm, Danny felt like his stomach had caved in, which it had. Whisper usually tried to catch some shrimp for him, and he'd eat it hungrily, even though he usually puked it up later on.

After what felt like forever, they spotted land, and the two mammals took Danny into a big boat harbor.

That is why Danny was now holding onto Whisper weakly, as they floated near a small boat dock. He had no idea where Oceanus was, she had left some time ago.

Danny added some more weight to Whisper as he leaned over and heaved up the small amount of shrimp they had caught him earlier in the day. When he placed his head back on Whisper's back, he noticed something.

He felt warm.

Normally he felt cool during the night, his normal body temperature. During the day, when the sea mammals splashed water on him, he would feel his normal body temperature there too, instead of the fake heat he felt when the sun beat on him.

That meant he had a fever. Freak.

He groaned. Another thing wrong with him, how could this get worse? He heard a boat driving towards them slowly, and Whisper swam into the shadow of another one. The boat went past them with no delay. You know, shouldn't they be getting help? I mean, Danny was practically dying.

After the boat had left his sight, Whisper swam towards the dock and floated next to it. Danny's eyes closed. Maybe he could rest for a minute, maybe five. You know what, ten sounded good. Twenty sounded even better. A good night's rest sounded fantastic. Yeah… He'd do that. His eyes closed, and not even a second later, strong but gentle hands grasped his arms.

Danny's shoulders tensed, dramatically. The person started to pull him out, but Danny screamed when a shot of white-hot pain flared throughout the upper half of his body. The person, in shock he supposed, dropped him back onto Whisper, who made a disapproving clicking noise.

The person didn't give up though. Somehow, he was able to get Danny out of the water and laid him onto the wooden dock without hurting him. Once out of the water, Danny noticed how sticky and crusty his skin felt. It was uncomfortable.

"You awake, kid?" Oh yeah, his eyes were still closed. Danny cracked them open and was met with black boots. His eyes traveled up the figures body. Black suit, black cape, black cowl, black bat symbol.


Danny, not concerned at all by the intimidating figure, looked to the bay. Whisper had swam away, and now floated next to Oceanus. The orca must've gotten the Dark Knight, Danny guessed.

His eyes drooped again. "Kid, you ok?" Danny's eyes closed. As he did, the two sea mammals made clicking noises. They knew he was ok and he felt their presence leave. Not like they swam off to the ocean, but more like… vanish. As they did, the Dark Knight had started shouting at him to wake up.

But Danny fell into Nevermore before he could ponder where the two sea mammals went, or why the Caped Crusader was begging him to stay awake.

(nudges you) Heh, heh, so how'd you like? Did it completely suck or should I continue? AS LONG AS ONE PERSON WANTS ME TO, I WILL UPDATE! So if you want me to update, REVIEW AND TELL ME SO! I would love it if you reviewed. I'm gonna be updating tomorrow, so please tell me as soon as possible! Thank you! Love you all!

Kadzait: Stop with the authors note.

Me: *tackles Kad and starts beating the crap out of him* I would also like to add that if you see any mistakes, don't hesitate to tell me! I HATE IT when I find mistakes when I've been over one chapter a few billion times!