I don't own Worm or inFAMOUS

Tension lay thick among the present capes. The thought of the battle ahead casting a shadow over them all. The heavy rain not helping any.

To the side one stood apart, watching the rest, and he reflected on choice.

He hadn't been part of the 'cape scene' for long. In fact, one could say this was his first appearance.

Hell of a debut.

But then again, he'd been reluctant to get involved after the events that brought him to this world.

After New Marais, where the RFI stopped the Beast.

The events surrounding that day were full of hard choices. Choices that were a lot more difficult than what one would first think.

The Beast and the RFI. The reason the RFI was activated was to kill the Beast and cure the plague. The RFI activates, the Beast stops rampaging, and all the people dying of the plague would be cured. Yes, those with the conduit gene would die. But compared to the potentially billions that would die from the plague? An easy choice, one might say.


Because the Beast was trying to save people from the plague as well. In that case, conduits would be activated. The conduits would be immune to the plague. This however, would result in the deaths of everyone who was not a conduit.

'But how would this not be easy?' One might say. "Yes, people would die either way. But if the Beast continued the death toll would be vastly greater.'

Because the RFI was unproven. The Beasts method was.

Conduits were proven to be immune to the plague, if the Beast continued the death toll would be horrific, but humanity would survive.

The RFI could work as intended. But if not…If it killed the Beast without curing the plague…

That was it. No second chances.

Goodbye humanity.

The Beast, didn't know about the other potential cure before he started his work. He did not enjoy the slaughter. As far as he was aware, this was the only way to save anyone.

No…John White did not enjoy it.

The choice to activate the RFI was not a simple one of good versus evil.

In the end the RFI was activated, and the man who now stood in the corner knew that it worked. Even as he felt the RFI pulling…he could somehow also tell…know…that it worked.

The choices that had led him to that point had been hard. In the end, as the darkness decended, he knew that the final outcome turned out for the best.

Unexpectedly he had awoken in a new world, in a city called Brockten Bay.

To start with he'd avoided getting involved. This world didn't need him.

But as he learned more, he realised that he couldn't stand by. Not for something like this. Not when the forces arrayed were this terrible.

Not when the choice was this easy.

The tension increased, it was almost time.

The capes began going over strategy one last time, but he ignored them and walked forward.

There were shouts, but he ignored them.

Then he changed.

To the capes behind him, the man seemed to disintegrate, smoke filled the street ahead, and then an orange glow lit the surrounding area.

A huge form rose up.

Dark, with a red glow showing through cracks in the skin, it towered over all.

The Beast strode forward to meet Leviathan.

Just a oneshot I had to get out of my head.