Can't Make You Want Me, Chapter 1
by Moonchild DJ and Sukino


Sukino: We have another new story!!! and it is all Dee's fault!!

Moonchild DJ: *blinks* My fault?? How is it my fault?! I didn't twist your arm, 'kino-chan!

Sukino: Demo. . .you showed me the picture and that is where I got the idea so it is your fault. .

Moonchild DJ: *giggles* Guilty as charged! I couldn't help myself, Jou and Seto in tuxes sound so delicious...

Sukino: *smiles* oh yeah we have to talk about FF.N being mean!!

Moonchild DJ: Hai! They picked on our favorite writer and my onee-chan, SSJ Sky! *sniffle*

Sukino: She is like my bestest friend and we think that FF.N was just plain evil for erasing her story!!

Moonchild DJ: Hai! A Distant Promise wasn't doing any harm! And she had so many reviews already...T_T

Sukino:. . Hai! and now she can't update it or anything because her computer crashed and now FF.N erased it!!!

Moonchild DJ: Mean FF.Net...*sighs*...poor Sky-chan..

Sukino: Yeah I know. . . .*growls* They better not touch our stories or any of yours!!!

Moonchild DJ: Right! Although...*grins evilly* I have copies...

Sukino: *giggles* Good! They can't keep us down!!. . demo now Sky can't even update anything because her stupid computer went boom. . .

Moonchild DJ: Hai..hope she gets that compie fixed soon, I wanna see more of One Last Breath....

Sukino: ME TOO!!!!!!

Moonchild DJ: *sighs impatiently, then smiles* Anywho..we thought we'd let you guys know, in case you couldn't find the ficcie...

Sukino: *nods* Yeah! Yeah!

Moonchild DJ: *glances at Sukino* Are you okay?

Sukino:. . yes why?. . .

Moonchild DJ: You just repeated yourself, and you're bouncing...

Sukino: SUGAR!!!!

Moonchild DJ: O.O Oh my...minna-chan, you may wanna hide...Sukino on a sugar rush is NOT a good thing...


Moonchild DJ: ACK!!! *pops her eardrums and quickly gets out of her way* Told ya so....

Sukino: *jumps Dee* I WANT A PIGGYBACK RIDE!!!!!!!!!

Moonchild DJ: *staggers, nearly falling over* SUKINO!! You're too old for a piggyback ride! Help!


Moonchild DJ: *yelps* Hope you guys enjoy the new ficcie, tell us what you think! Oh, and Yugioh or anything of it doesn't belong to us, all we own are the stories, nothing else! Enjoy!!

Sukino: PIGGGGGGYBACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Moonchild DJ: ACK!! *struggles forward, trying to do as demanded, but falls flat on her face instead* Mmrph.

Sukino: *whimpers* Piggyback?! *wails* PIGGYBACK!!!!

Moonchild DJ: *raises one finger in the air, voice muffled* That's more sugar for you...!

Sukino: *sobs harder* I wanna piggyback ride!!!!!!!!


Seto sighed and rolled his eyes as the girls flocked around him as he walked to his locker. They were all squealing at him to go with them to the prom.

'Gods, I HATE this time of the school year!' The brunette growled at them, as he pushed his way out. For the last time, I'm NOT going to prom!!

Jou walked up the hall witnessing Seto's outburst. . . he isn't going again. . .so why should I go. . I want to go with him anyway . . .'

Seto finally got to his locker, which was ironically beside Jou's. He opened it, growling as tons of requests come spilt out of the open door. Agh! Shimatta baka prom! he hissed.

Jou got to his locker and noticed all the invites. Kaiba what do you have against prom anyway? He asked, opening his locker.

The older boy picked up a handful of invites and waved them in his face. These, for one! And for another, I hate all the spotlight... he exclaimed.

Demo it will be fun. .. .

Seto rolled his eyes. Hai, fun. Dressed up in an uncomfortable penguin suit, feeling like a baka, struggling to not look like a fool...oh, hai, REAL fun...

Jou sighed, getting his books. I'll never get him to go. . .

Seto got his own books out slowly. I suppose you're going, then, the way you talk about it... He asked.

The blond shook his head. No I'm not. . ..

Seto blinked at him in surprise. Why not?

He flushed. . . . .I can't have the date I want. . . .

Ah. I see. The girl's taken, ne?

Jou turned even more red and nodded. .Something like that. . .'

Hmp. Something'll turn up for ya, mutt. It always does, it seems. He shrugged his shoulders at his almost friendly tone with the blond and kicked away the replies before walking to class.

'Not unless you change your mind. . .. Jou sighed, heading off to class as well.


At lunchtime, the brunette got bombarded again barely able to eat one bite of food without some baka airhead squealing at him. If I get one more request, I swear I'm gonna throw something at them....

Jou watched him. I would ask him but he is so against it. . he would turn me down for sure'

Seto growled as another girl came up to him. For the thousandth time, no!

The girl smiled, winking. But I haven't even asked.

It's STILL no.

Who is that girl. . . .' Jou thought as he glared at her.

Aw, c'mon. What's so bad about the prom? Shinae whined.

A lot. I'm not going.

Shinae grinned. I can't resist a challenge...

The blond wanted to walk over there and just ask Seto to prom himself, but he was too afraid of rejectment. . . .he won't go with her anyways. . .

The older boy growled, his borderline of tolerance pushed past the breaking point after so much harping, he finally relented. Alright! Okay, I'll go!

With me?

Seto growled, nodding his head.

Shinae beamed.

Various screams of disappointment and anger rung around the lunchroom.

Jou burst out, hearing part of the conversation.

Anzu blinked at his shout.

Yugi flinched in surprise.

Jou flushed. Nothing. . I was thinking about something. . .

Yugi shrugged.

Anzu shrugged, blushing slightly before going back to her lunch.

Oh great he is going to prom with that girl!! just great if I would have said something. . . he probably still would have said no. .. he hates me. ..

Seto grumbled throwing his lunch away, not having much of an appetite now.

Aw! Don't look so gloomy, Seto! It'll be fun, you'll see! Shinae smiled and kissed him on the cheek, giggling when Seto's eyes widen in surprise.

Jou saw this and fell out of his seat with a thump. WHAT THE HELL?!!!!'

Anzu blinked down at him. Jou, are you okay? she asked.

Just fine. . . he sighed, getting up and back in his seat.

Seto growled. You're pushing too far, onna.

And you need to loosen up, a little! look kawaii when you blush... Shinae told him.

The brunette boy blinked, then blushed furiously at the compliment.

Jou looked on at the display glumly. That little conniving bitch. . . ..'

What do you expect out of this? I'm not exactly a willing participant in this...

Shinae purred when Seto stood, gathering up his books. Mmm...should be willing enough... She grinned mischievously and groped him before leaving with a giggle as Seto stiffened.

Jou eye twitched. . . . .she is going to make me kill her. . .'

Seto muttered. I can't believe she did that...

I'm leaving!!!! Jou yelped, getting up storming off, passing the "couple" on the way out, heading to the library. PROM SUCKS!!!!'

Anzu followed after Jou, wondering at his mood. Jou? Hey, what's wrong? she asked.

Jou sighed. Nothing. . .'m ok. . .

You don't SEEM okay...

. . .It's just been a weird day. .. .

Something to do with prom, obviously...

Yeah. .. it does.

Anzu rubbed her neck nervously. Hey...about prom...

Hai. . what about it, Anzu. . .. Jou smiled at her. No need to make her day bad too'

Um...not to be weird or anything...but I was hoping...I mean thinking...of us going together? To the prom, I mean? I mean, with me? Anzu stammered.

Jou flushed. Why not Kaiba is going so I should go and have fun with my friends too!!!' Ok Anzu. . . he smiled. You got yourself a date!

she blushed at her near-squeal. Ahem...I mean, really?

The blond boy snickered. Hai. . really. . .

Anzu glomped him in sheer happiness. Arigato, Jou! she exclaimed.

ACK!! He nearly fell over. Anytime. . .

Anzu blushed and released him., see ya later! She waved at him as she left for her locker.

Jou shook his head heading to his locker. What have I gotten myself into?!. .


Seto banged his head against his locker dully.

Jou walked up eyeing the brunette boy. You keep doing that and your head might dent. he smirked.

I wish I could...gods, how could I get myself roped into this? He squeezed his eyes shut, his bangs falling over his eyes.

The blond gulped at the way Seto looked even more sexy with his hair in his eyes and squeaked quietly.

Seto opened his eyes at the soft sound and glanced at him. You okay? Hope you're having a better day than me, it'd be nice to hear some kind of good news...

Jou regained his breath. I guess it is better. . . If you like getting your heart ripped out and stepped on'

The brunette blinked. You guess?

I had a horrid surprise today but I'm ok now. . ..

Hm. Find a date for the prom? Seto asked.

yeah. . . not the one I want!.'. . . I'm going with Anzu. . .

The older boy nodded. Congratulations. At least you know her and like her. This a bit too... Seto blushed.

Then why did you agree? Jou asked, as a flash of anger crossed his eyes at the mention of her.

Seto sighed and pounded his head against the locker again. Moment of insanity?

Just tell her no then. . .

Tried. She's not listening.

Jou sighed. Then just stand her up. . .or bash it into her!!

Seto snorted, a laugh rolling out at the suggestion. Oh, that would go over real well...

I'd like to see it. . . .

Seto opened his mouth to reply, but gets interrupted by a squeal from the girl in question. he cried, as he jumped over to Jou desperately. Hide me!

Hide you?!! the blond yelped. Jou did the best thing he could and shoved Seto in his locker. Don't talk!

He growled softly, getting squished in the locker, but didn't speak.

Hey, Jounouchi! Where'd Seto go, I was gonna discuss prom plans with him.... Shinae went on.

Jou's eye twitched. He had to go to a meeting at KaibaCorp. . . you just missed him. . .

Oh, shoot. Well...I'll call him or something...ja, Jounouchi! Shinae pouted, bouncing off.

Seto growled.

GODS SHE MAKES ME SICK!!!!!!! Jou turned and let Seto out. Sorry. . . you ok?

He smacked his forehead. Now I can't go home! he cried.

'Cause she said she was gonna call...knowing her kind, she'll keep on calling until she catches me!

Well go to work at KaibaCorp or something. . . Jou suggested.

Seto rolled his eyes. She'll probably call there...which means I have to hide out...

Demo. . .where?

Seto shrugged. Get something to eat...or...something...

Y-you can come to my house. . .I needed help with the Math homework anyway. . .but you don't have to. . . Jou looked down.

Seto cocked his head, studying him curiously for a second. Sure, why not? Might as well do something creative with my time...

O-ok then. . . . Jou gathered the rest of his books. Lets go. . . .

Seto nodded, grabbing his own books and his briefcase and followed Jou.

The blond's heart fluttered. Anytime. . .

Seto walked home with him, surprised at the companionable air between them, instead of the taunts and insults.

Jou reached his home, opening the door ushering him in.

The brunette nodded his thanks, stepping in.

Jou threw his bag on the couch. Do you want anything to drink?

Tea, if you have it, thanks... Seto responded, setting his briefcase down.

Jou nodded, heading into the kitchen to make it for him.

Seto glanced around quietly, seeing the pictures nearby of a blond-haired little boy holding a little red-haired girl. Hm...must be his sister...kawaii...

Jou came back with a small tray, with two cups and the teapot placing it on the table. Here ya go. . You can sit down. . the furniture won't bite . . . Jou smirked.

Seto smirked back. Ha ha ha...I was just admiring the pictures of you and your little sister..

oh. . . Jou looked down sadly.

The older boy blinked. I say something wrong?

No. . .it's ok. . . . He poured the tea, handing a cup to Seto.

Seto frowned at his quietness.

It is my little sis I haven't seen her since my Mom took her. . .I get letters and stuff though. . .

I'm long has it been?

About 6 years. . .

Seto hissed in sympathy, placing the picture back down. It'd kill me to be separated from Mokuba that long...

H-hai. . I've been ok. Jou smiled.

He nodded sipping his tea. So...that homework?

Jou nodded getting out his book. I can't get the square root for the life of me!

Mm, not hard, really. Here... Seto showed him, sitting down beside him.

The young boy nearly fainted when their arms brushed. This must be heaven. . .

...So the equation would be...?

Jou was so out of it didn't hear the question. Nani?. . . .

Seto blinked at him. ....Didn't you hear a word I said?

Jou flushed. No. . . .sorry. . .

The older boy reached out and rapped lightly on Jou's head with his knuckles. Earth calling Jounouchi's brain, come in, Jounouchi's brain. I'm not repeating this for my health, one math class is bad enough...

I said sorry! he stuck out his tongue.

Seto smirked, reaching up a hand to push his bangs out of his eyes. Next time, pay attention, you just might learn something...

Jou went into a dazed again as he sees Seto's eyes. Oh gods. . .

Seto blinked when he saw Jou's dazed expression again and waved a hand in front of his face.

The blond boy
snapped out of it. Huh?. .

Are you THAT brain-dead, Jounouchi?

No!. . .I was thinking about something. . .

Hmph. You wanna try this again, or are you gonna float out on me?

I'll be here. . . .

Seto gave him a skeptical look and started up again.

Jou paid attention as best he could.

......You're zoning out again..' Seto stated.

I'm sorry. . . . . Jou sweatdropped.

Do I have something on my face? You keep staring at me...

Jou flushed . . . n-no. . .

Then what? the older boy asked.

n-nothing. . . .

Seto quirked a brow. Okay...maybe we should try something else..

Ok. . .

How about Shakespeare in English class? Are you understanding that?' Seto asked.

. . . Kinda. . . Jou frowned.

he grabbed the literature book, flipping to Romeo and Juliet.

He snickered. He writes like he was drunk. . . .

It's called poetry...
I guess. ..

He flipped a couple of pages, then glanced off, studying Jou as he recited a line of poetry. She walks in beauty, like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies, and all that's best of dark and bright meet in her aspect and in her eyes. One shade the more, the ray the less, which doth shine lightly over her face and waves in every raven tress...

See what in the world does that mean?! Jou exclaimed.

It's of a man speaking of the beauty of his love. Not Shakespeare, but poetry, just the same. He's comparing his love to everything beautiful...

Jou nodded. . . .oh. . .

You have to think the words out. I know Shakespeare is a bit harder with the thee thou thines, but listen....Seto glanced down at a passage. What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. If he be no more Montegue, then I no longer a Capulet..

He is saying that. . who cares about a name and just follow your heart. . right? Jou looked at Seto.

Seto smiled. Right, Jou, that's it.

I should follow that. . . .

See? It's not all that hard...just think things through...

Hai. . . Jou mumbled.

Seto blinked.

Jou nodded. Yes?. . .

Seto: You okay? You sort of went quiet...

I. . . was just thinking about something sorry. . . Jou stated.

Seto nodded, frowning slightly.

. . . what?. .

He flushed, shaking his head.

Should I tell him. . . . Seto. . .I wanted to tell you something. . . .

Seto blinked. What's that? Seto's cellphone rang.


Excuse me.... Seto answered the phone.

Jou nodded. H-hai. . ., I didn't.....what? ...... Seto sighed. ....You've got to be kidding me...alright, yes, I'll be there... Seto hung up, rolling his eyes.

What is it?. . .

Guess who showed up at KaibaCorp...

Jou sighed. So you have to go. . . . I didn't get to tell him. . .

Yup. Which means I'm going to get dragged off to gods-knows-what for the prom....oh, well...I escaped for a while... Seto stood up, collecting his books.

And my heart gets ripped out again. . . o-oh ok. . .

Seto glanced at him, smiling. Thanks for the temporary reprieve, Jounouchi. It was...interesting...

Jou sighed sadly showing him to the door. Anytime. .

Seto nodded to him, stepping out.

Jou closed the door sinking to the floor on the other side, sobbing. I just see him and my heart goes nuts. . .'

About five minutes pass before a knock at the door.

The younger boy jumped up, wiping his face, opening the door.

Gomen, I forgot my briefcase....Jounounchi?

Jou looked at him. H-hai. . .

What's wrong? Your eyes are all red...

I-I was rubbing my eyes. . . Jou lied.

The older boy blinked, then nodded. Anyways...I forgot my briefcase, it's over by the sofa..

o-ok. . . He retrived it and held it in his hands, looking up at Seto.

Seto cocked his head. Is something the matter?

Seto. . . .nothing. . . he handed it to him.

Seto quirked a brow at his odd behaviour before taking it, nodding to him. See you in school, then...

h-hai. . .

Seto turned to leave, but hesitated.

. . yes, Seto?

The brunette chewed on his lip for a second before leaning close and kissing Jou's cheek, flushing. He turned around and left.

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jou exclaimed, falling to the floor in a fit of giggles. HE KISSED ME!!!!!

Seto blushed a bright cherry red from there to KaibaCorp. Why did I do that? That was the mutt, for heaven's sake, why did you kiss him?!'

His thoughts abruptly came to a halt as he was glomped by an overenthusiastic blond girl, nearly bowling him over.

There you are! About time I find you, we have sooooooo much to do.... Shinae stated.


Sukino: *groans* My head is killing me. . . .

Moonchild DJ: Your head? What about mine? *shows her the shiny bruise under the icepack* I TOLD you to stay away from the sugar, but would you listen? Nooooooo...

Sukino: I'm sorry. . . .*head is throbbing* quit ganging up on me. . . there are three of you and one of me. .no fair. . .

Moonchild DJ: *blinks* I didn't turn into triplets..I think you'd better sit down...

Sukino: *sits down* so dizzy. . . .no more yelling. . .

Moonchild DJ: *sighs* And they say you get hangovers from drinking..I think a sugar rush-letdown is worse...

Sukino:. . d-did they review and stuff? *holds his head* Dee-chan it hurts. . *tears form*

Moonchild DJ: *huggles her* One hopes they review..well, minna-chan? Did you like it? Hate it? Let us know, that's what that little purple box in the corner of the fic is for...

Sukino: please. . .*nods, and cries out in pain, crying* Owie. . n-no more sugar. ..

Moonchild DJ: Next time, lay off the sugar, it SO doesn't help you, 'kino-chan...*glances up* Hope you liked the chappie, more coming soon! Ja ne, minna-chan..