
I was cold.

Colder than I have ever been before.

Something inside of me was moving, scratching, itching to get out.

I could hear my heart pounding.

My eyes were clouded by tears.

The pain was unbearable, yet, somehow I knew in my heart that it would be alright.

Truly, I had a lot to live for.


Beast Boy.



I had endured far worse pain in the past. I had been tortured. Broken. Beaten.

I had been dead and come back to life.

But this was different.

This was not torture.

This was beautiful.

Yes, the pain was severe but my heart was full.

They were all here, they were all alright.

They were all safe.

I felt his hand in mind and suddenly I knew.

I knew what was coming.

A gasp, a moan, and a cry.

And then, just like that...

She was born.

Not About Angels