I stand next to Tobias, he picks up a glass and takes a drink. Uriah scowls as Zeke does the same, jumping onto the counter he tries to knock his glass. The glass sways and stays put. We only have a small amount of power in real world, as ghosts we can change but only weakly.

I slid into Tobias so I can hear his thoughts,

why did she go? Why did she leave? I love her. But now nothing is right, I'm never going to love again.

you will I think.

"Zeke!" Tobias slurs, "I can hear Tris in my head."

"So can I, I can hear Uriah. He is telling me to stop drinking and not give up hope."

"Tris just says I love you, don't give up and bury your pain. I will come back."

"They won't come back." Zeke sniffles, he puts his glass down and takes Tobias' s and his to the bar to empty them.

"Tris, do something. Show me your here." I glide over to the piece of paper on the wall, grabbing a chalkboard write I love you Toby xxx. A faint line appears enough to be seen, I then drop the chalk to get his attention. He looks over and see' s the note. Uriah grabs the chalk and writes Zeke if you drink once more this month Shauna will be pissed. Tobias grabs Zekes wrist and both of them stare at the note.

"They are here, they are here." Tobias whispers, I look at Uriah, a tear slides down both our cheeks.

"I love you Tris." Tobias puts his arm around Zeke.

I feel a pang in my chest, as if something is breaking out. Then as if a piece is placed in a puzzle I feel better.

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George xxx