A/N:Hey guys! Because of all your reviews, favs and follows I have decided to continue this fic. (Never had so many reviews for the first chapter!) So thanks for all the encouragement. Oh and I've also decided to change to past tense. I hope you don't mind Here's chapter 2, enjoy! (And remember to review, fav and follow.) :D

Clarke's POV

I smiled, feeling strangely relaxed for somebody lying on the grass of a radiation soaked planet. I looked to my left and chuckled quietly when I saw Bellamy snoring softly beside me, I didn't know how long we had been laying there but I knew that soon we would have to go back. I sighed and sat up squinting up lazily at the mountain opposite. Suddenly my eyes widened and I began to panic, causing Bellamy to stir as I scrambled to my feet and pulled the map from my pocket.

"Clarke? What's wrong?" Bellamy asked tiredly from behind me. I continued to study the map in my hands, oblivious to his presence. After a while my nostrils flared and my hands balled into fists, beginning to crumple the map. "Come on Clarke." Bellamy repeated worriedly. "Just tell me what's wrong!" I turned around and gave the paper to him, too frustrated to explain what I had just figured out.

I sat down and waited for Bellamy to figure out what was going on. His eyebrows furrowed and he sighed loudly. We looked at each other helplessly, not knowing what to do.

They'd dropped us on the wrong damn mountain.

A while later, me and Bellamy made our way back to the hundred. Thankfully people were still scattered around the forest, I didn't want anybody to hear our conversation. We walked up to the drop ship and I pulled out the map and a piece of straight metal that passed for a ruler. I patted down my pockets looking for something to write with. Bellamy pulled out a short piece of charcoal and passed it to me, a wave of electricity passed through me when our hands touched. I began to blush and he smirked knowingly.

"Okay so we're here." I circled a spot on the map and drew a line representing the space from where we were to mount weather. "We need to get here."

"Where did you learn to do that?" He asked, looking at me admirably.

My eyes closed briefly. "My father." I said shakily.

Realisation dawned on him he touched my shoulder comfortingly. "I'm sorry."

"What should we do?" I asked, changing the subject.

"We need to find Mount Weather."

I smiled gratefully. I had known Bellamy less than a day and I already felt comfortable with him. He knew not to push me, he had realized that I wasn't comfortable with talking about my father and he hadn't pushed me to carry on.

I turned back to the map and Bellamy moved closer to get a better look, my cheeks reddened and he smirked. "You okay Princess?" I glared at him.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Wells walking up to us. "We got problems. The communications system is dead. I went to the roof. A dozen panels are missing. Heat fried the wires." He said.

"Don't worry about that, we have bigger problems right now."

Wells sighed. "Like what?"

"Like the fact that there's a radiation soaked forest between us and our next meal." I answered. "We've been dropped on the wrong side of the mountain. We need to get to Mount Weather as soon as possible."

"What's the rush Princess?" A boy with dark brown hair said. He was relatively tall and very slim.

"You heard my father's message." Wells spoke up.

"Screw your father. What you think you're in charge here?" He turned to me. "You and your little Princess."

"Hey!" Bellamy shouted. "Wanna repeat that Murphy ?" Bellamy glared at him and Murphy instantly backed down.


"That's what I thought." Bellamy walked to the front of the drop ship. "We need to get to Mount Weather now!" He shouted.

"I got a better idea. How about Jaha Junior and the Princess find it for us. Let the privileged do the hard work for a change." Somebody replied.

I looked at Bellamy and there was a long pause.

Bellamy's POV.

"I'll go." Clarke whispered.

"Not alone. I'm coming with you." I said. There was no way in hell I was letting her go alone.

"Me too." Wells said.

"You can't, you have to stay here. Got a camp to run." She turned to look at Wells. "And there is no way you're gonna be able to carry enough food with your bad leg. You'll just slow us down."


"You're staying here!"

Wells glared at her but didn't argue. There was no doubt that even though Clarke hated him, she didn't want him to get hurt.

"I'll go." Octavia offered from beside me.

"No." I continued before she had the chance to argue. "Look, O. I came down here to protect you."

"I don't need protecting. I have been locked up one way or another all my life. I am done following orders. I need to have fun, Bell. I need to just do something crazy just because I can, and no one, including you, is gonna stop me."

I sighed. "Fine." Octavia grinned and threw her arms around my neck.

"Thank you."

"So when do we leave?" Finn asked.

"You leave now, I'm staying. Somebody has to run things here." Clarke smiled at me gratefully. "Be careful." I said. She nodded.

"Come on lets go." Clarke told Finn and Octavia.

"How are the three of you gonna carry enough food for 100?" Wells asked bitterly

Finn turned around and grabbed two boys, pulling them away from the group they were in. One was quite tall and had brown hair. He wore a pair of goggles on his head. The other was an Asian boy with darker hair.

"Five of us. Can we go now?"

I saw Clarke walk up to the long haired boy, her eyebrows furrowed. She touched his wrist and I felt a wave of jealousy go through me. There's obviously something going on between them. "Were you trying to take this off?" She questioned angrily.

"Yeah so?"

"So this wristband transmits your vital signs to The Ark. Take it off, and they'll think you're dead."

"Should I care?"

"Well, I don't know. Do you want the people you love to think you're dead? Do you want them to follow you down here in two months? Because they won't if they think we're dying."

Finn sighed in defeat. "Okay"

"Now let's go already!" Octavia said excitedly. She ran up to me and gave me a loud kiss on the cheek. I laughed. "Be careful O."

"I will" she said and started to walk out into the woods. I watched the others follow and sighed. I couldn't help but worry about Octavia and Clarke. I didn't know how but the Princess was rapidly making her way into my heart. It was scary. I turned to Murphy and started barking orders, trying to take my mind off the face that I wasn't able to protect the only two people I really cared about on earth.

A/N: Okay, I'm really sorry. I didn't have a lot of time to spend on this chapter so it might not have been to the best of my ability. Anyways remember to read and review so I know what you think. (I promise the next few chapters will be better) xx