NOTICE: This is a work of fiction, however certain events in this story were based off from real events. Any other characters and events are works of the writer's imagination. Any person, living or dead, or future event related to what is depicted in this story are purely coincidental.


Deck – Balto's Boat; Nome, Territory of Alaska (Now Alaska, United States)

11:12, Sunday April 15, 1928 (Less than 2 months before the last scene in Balto 3.)

Author's notice: At the beginning of all new scenes, or at any time a location or non-immediate time is changed, the new location and/or the new time will be specified in underlined lines. The location is specified on top of the time. When a scene is taking place in a specific room or area in a building or place, the place in front of the en dash ( – ) is the room/area, and the place after is the building/place as seen in the example above. In case the new time is not specified with the new location, then the time is immediate. If the new location is not specified with the new time, then the time is in the exact same location.

It had just been a beautiful morning when Balto woke up from his boat, stretching his legs over the planks underneath him, then tilting his head to yawn. He shook himself and then hopped out of his boat, into the melting snow at the beach.

It is Sunday, so Balto headed to Nome's church, to listen to humans speak, so he can learn how to just like them. He sprung his legs, facing his head to it, because the church tower was so high it is like a beacon to him.

He usually goes on a flight with Duke on his "Balto Flyer," but on Sundays Duke attends church. That usually keeps Balto waiting outside for his morning flight.

Outside wall – Nome Church; Nome, Territory of Alaska

11:13 (About 1 minute later)

Once he was waiting at the left side of the church's main entrance, outside of the large glass windows of the church, he was able to hear the pastor speaking through the glass. Balto got an idea. I think I want to learn how to speak like how humans do, He thought, Barely any dogs were able to barely speak with humans, but what are the odds?

So when the pastor was speaking, Balto didn't feel like moving his mouth at all. Doh! I don't want to interrupt the Sunday service and then make a lot of attention, he thought. So he just stretched out his legs, and made another yawn, and took a small nap, like how a few church patrons really wanted to, but their parents were there to make sure they were listening, eyes open, no slouching.

11:24 (About 10 minutes later)

Later the pastor asked everyone to stand up because they were going to sing another song. As the church was singing, that woke Balto up, and that's when he felt like he was going to sing with them because the session has nearly ended, so he won't worry about interrupting.

Balto tried to sing, let alone talk, but he just kept howl-barking! He felt like nothing but a howler! but he knew that's how to start off. Back in this time, they didn't have projectors to show the carol lyrics on, so everyone depended on books. Balto didn't have one so he only just repeated after the humans.

11:26 (Less than 2 minutes later)

During the last line of the song, Balto said the last line 1/4 like how the humans did! He felt so accomplished, but that does not end there.

From behind Balto, past the wall came Jenna—who is also waiting outside the church for Rosy. She came in with a chuckle, sounding like, "Mphm-m-mhey! Balto! I heard your notable singing this morning! Are you just waiting for Duke?"

Balto looked behind her, fancying up a smile, ready to say (in dog language), "Nope! I'm also waiting for you." Then he gave her a light nuzzle. She layed down next to his laying body that's fully on the ground. Balto said, staring at the patrons leaving the building, "I figured you're waiting for Rosy."

She replied with a little grin. "Exact as you are!"

Then Balto figured he wanted to tell Jenna about his idea. He said, "Hey Jenna, I figured I want to learn how to speak like how humans do."

Jenna broke into laughter, laying her back on the ground with her eyes shut. She then gave Balto a Noogie with the bottom of her paw. She then said, "Balto, very funny."

Balto thought she saw this idea in a negative way, trying to tell him that this will defy the laws of common logic. So he barged in saying, "What's wrong with that?"

Then she said, "Uh, nothing. I just picture you being like Muk having to translate everything Luk says!" She rolled on the floor laughing again.

That gave Balto lots of ideas crawling into his head. I'd be able to be a talking dog! he thought panting, I could tell the humans precisely what I want, and I can tell the humans what the other dogs want too! I'd be going all over the town, showing the humans how awesome it is to have at least one talking dog! Beautiful!

"Baa-ll-to-o-o!" echoed a young female voice. "Balto!"

Balto woke up finding out that was Rosy wondering how he could enter la-la-land so easily! Rosy now was 10 years old. She asked, "Balto! before you go on a flight with Duke, how about we go and play some fetch?" Balto barked back, knowing that this won't be any game, this will be a test.

Tune in for chapter 2!