I own nothing other then my OC Alex.
Alex POV:

I grinned as I hopped around my little friends, they were so cute at this age. My older brother was watching me shaking his head in slight anger but I knew deep down he knew I wouldnt get hurt, I had this special way with them.
Roxy leapt up at me and nipped my knee making me grin as I got down onto my hands and knees and started play stalking her from behind a rock. She squealed for his backup as the other three ran to her aid and all split aiming for the rock I was hid behind I knew this trick by heart as Me and them had been play fighting since they hatched and imprinted on me as I wouldn't leave the lab when I first arrived. They were velociraptor, and I was a dinosaur enthusiast. I had been offered the job of observing the hatchlings until they get mixed with the older dinosaurs and then make sure they were accepted. So far there has been this small pack of hatchlings and one other who had replaced the alpha females pack as she killed the previous members and accepted them as her companions. The ones that had been killed were here before I arrived and the first ones I raised were the ones who lived and I was thankful as I had honestly connected with them and the current hatchlings. The alpha female had watched me as I had been there when we introduced them to one another and it had unnerved me, but also intrigued me to the point Hammond allowed me to have one of three access passes to the Raptor observatory and their enclosure.
My brother Robert had only accepted Hammond's request because I had jumped at Hammond and hugged him and moved to the island the next day. Me and Richard had grown close over this extraordinary park that he had become like a father to me. "Alex?" I heard my brothers irate voice call as I looked at him though the hatchlings pounced on me and nipped me gently playing as I giggled and whistled making them reluctantly go and play among one another while I stood and brushed myself of before climbing over the glass fence which went up to my waist. The hatchlings were only up to my midcalf at the moment and would be moving to the enclosure when 3 months old and would be mid thigh and they should be accepted as they are old enough for being able to defend themselves should the others attack but young enough they should still be automatically accepted as hatchlings. "Hey Robo! What's up?" I said grinning as I pulled on my black ankle boots, leather jacket and navy blue leather rucksack tripping as I made my way over to my waiting brother who always seemed to be on edge.
"Hammond has sent a message that they have arrived and wanted at the main hall." He said while walking away as I had to almost skip to catch up while waving bye to my little raptors.
"Yay!" I squealed as I ran ahead ignoring his yells of frustration.
I was looking forward to meeting Dr Grant and Dr Sattler, they are the best paleontologists ever and they are amazing writers. I wasn't as eager to meet Malcolm but he did sound interesting none the less.
I quickly ran to my room and freshened up. My long red hair was straight and down to my shoulder blades and I had a odd plait here and there, my navy eye shadow and thick eyeliner flickered around my eyes making me look exotic, and my deep red lipstick plumped my lips up that little bit more. I looked at my clothes quickly and shrugged. I was wearing a fit black t-shirt with I love dinos written on with a little cartoon brachiosaurus on and mid thigh jean shorts. My jewellery consisted of a pair of owl earrings and a pair of butterfly's as well, on my right hand my pointer finger had a silver diamond bow ring on which was my mothers engagement ring which was given to me on my 18th birthday by my father after she died a year previously. My nails were metallic purple which matched my beats headphones around my neck. Other then that my socks were odd from the same pack one purple and one yellow one with carnivores on and the other with herbivores other then that I was done. My body was gangly and thin, my skin was pale but slightly tanned from playing outdoors with some of the bigger baby dino's in my free time making me lightly muscled.
I straightened my plain black framed glasses which turned into sunglasses in the sun, I didn't need them but they were for reading and it was easier then rushing to find them when needed.
Poking my tongue out at my appearance in my hotel like room I giggled before running to the entrance of the museum like building where Hammond was hugging his two grandchildren I had met once before. We got on well but didn't each other enough to put a label on how close we were.
I noted the four others who were going on the tour with us and grinned as I hopped down the stairs attracting the attention of them all. Tim grinned and ran up to me while Lex waved, Tim gave me a hug before running to the front doors eager to get to the tour. "This is Alex Muldoon, Robert's sister. She is in charge of looking after the raptor hatchlings. Alex you know of Dr Grant, Dr Sattler and Ian Malcolm." Hammond introduced us all and we shook hands, Ian gave me appreciative looks making me slightly cringe as he kissed the back of my hand. "Alex will be accompanying you all on the journey as a procedure, she knows this park like the back of her hand. Should you want when you get back I'm sure she will allow you to meet her raptor hatchlings!" Hammond said before leading the way to the cars.
I got in with Lex, Tim and Donald (the annoying wimpy lawyer...). As much as I would love to talk with Ellie and Alan (as they insisted I call them) Ian was creeping me out and so I stayed with the kids and the money hungry lawyer discussing dinosaurs with Tim as the tour started but as Tim watched out for the dinosaurs. I leaned against the window and watched the scenery and started falling asleep before drifting off to Lex's and Tim's exited chatter and mumblings from Donald.