Of Elves and Magicians

After all is said and done…

It has been seven long months since the fall of the castle, times were peaceful and lots of things have been going on. Drake had proposed to Demi and they were to be wed. Christine started tending to the royal magic library, and was getting a lot of reading done. And she still everyday just before sunset she would go out the gazebo, under the Joseph's Coat roses, and wait for Lance to appear once again.

The morning was a very bright and beautiful one, as they have been since the Castle of Dark Illusions had fallen. Christine's eyes slowly opened as the light from her window lit her room with an almost heavenly glow. Sitting up in her bed still hold her pillow, Christine looked at her window and was reminded of her dream. Lance came to her and sang to her in her sleep. Sighing lightly, Christine yawned and hopped out of bed. She took her time folding the blanket and fixing up the pillows all in their order. The bed was made, and now she could start her day. She slipped on a long baggy shirt, her favorite Blue-Eyes slipper and made her way into the hallway. She washed up in a by bathroom, brushed her teeth, fixed her hair, everything but put on makeup. Christine never liked to wear makeup; she was blue for God's sake, not like makeup would do much for her anyways.

Christine laughed to herself alittle remembering the first time she put on make up. She put on so much that she look like she was a white girl. A pale ass white girl. (No offense, I like white girls. ) She smiled when suddenly Demi burst into the bathroom only wearing a tank top and short shorts. "GAAAH!!! Demi!?" Christine shouted. "If you haven't noticed this room's occupied!"

"Christine! I've been looking all over for you!" Demi shouted, "I've been trying to find you all morning!"

"Did you look in my room?" Christine asked.

"You have a room? I thought you lived in the village."

"I may be a commoner, but I do live in the castle." Christine replied, somewhat offended. "Anyways, what do you need?"

"I saw something! With big wings, it flew over the castle real fast and the people are starting to worry! The castle guards asked if we could help out looking for what ever it was." Christine pause for a second and nodded. She and Demi were off.

The ran up Drake's tower (so many jokes), as they ran up the flight of stairs they saw, in the windows a shadowy form pass them by. Its speed was incredible almost like a green lightning bolt. "Is that it!?" Christine yelled dashing up the stairs.

"That's the monster, crazy isn't it?!" Demi shouted back. The girls reached the top of the tower, and Drake's room. The walls folded out and formed a large platform. Drake was sitting on a chair bolted to the ground and connected to it was a harpoon launcher.

"Arrrr!" Drake growled like a pirate.

"Drake?" Christine looked on her jaw dropping.

"Call me Drakesmael!" Drake growled. Demi ran up to Drake and stood along side him.

"Have you seen it dear?" Demi asked. Drake shook his head and turned around his chair. Drake noticed Christine and they smiled to each other. Drake looked to Demi and as usual something came over them and they kissed. Christine turned away from them and almost cried. She wanted so badly to be like that with Lance, but they never could, the mission always got in the way. She drooped her head and closed her eyes, trying to drown out the noise of them making out.

"Hello my dear." Christine looked up and jumped back, gasping at sight of a tall cloaked man. His face and whole body were hidden by a long brown cloak. But through the darkness of his hood she could see his right eye, almost glowing. She was ready to scream, but the man clamped his hand over her mouth. "Don't fight me, you've been wanting this." He voice as commanding and powerful, he almost sounded familiar.

"Unhand ye maiden ya scurvy swine!" Drake ordered aiming his harpoon launcher at the man in the cloak. The man released Christine and she ran, standing next to Demi. "Me harpoon be armed! Captain Demi?"

"To the briny deep with him!" Demi ordered. Drake launched the harpoon and as it ripped through the air the man spread out his arms.

"You haven't changed, have you? DRAKE!!!" slamming his hands together the man stopped the giant iron spear. Drake's jaw literally dropped to the floor as his harpoon and chair collapsed underneath him. The man tossed aside the harpoon, and extended his hand toward Christine. "Don't resist," he said calmly, "Take my hand." Christine held out her left hand and lowered her head in defeat.

"Christine?" Demi thought, puzzled by the elf's quick surrender. The man gently grasped Christine trembling hand. "Wait!" Demi yelled raising her staff.

"No! Demi don't, I have a feeling." Christine said with a faint smile.

"What feeling? Are you horny? Cause I can fix that!"

"Come my dear. I've longed to share something with you." The man spoke, pulling Christine to the edge of the tower's platform. "Fly with me." The man took Christine warmly in his arms, held her close and he leapt with her from the tower.

They fell freely downward to the ground, which was closing its distance with them. "Do you remember the feeling you get right as you die?" He asked, so close to Christine could feel his heart beating.

"Y-yes!" Christine said as the ground grew bigger. She clamped her eyes closed and was ready to die again, but something happened. She never felt the pain of colliding into the ground below. Slowly she opened her eyes and as she did a sudden gust of wind brushed her hair from in front of her face. The man in the cloak held her close in his arms as his giant beautiful wings carried both of them. "You crazy bastard!" Christine shouted. "You scared me to death!" The man simply ignored her and continued on his way. She knew he wouldn't answered any of her questions, not until they reached their destination anyways, so she just decided to keep quiet and enjoy the view.

The flew over the forests on the outside of the castle's reach, past the plains with their miles of green grasses and flowers dancing in the winds, even over the Legendary Ocean, where the most mysterious creatures lived. Christine shuddered in the man's arms just thinking about the monsters that scared her since she was very young. Finally they reached the mountains. The man landed in a cave near the summit of a mountain almost in the shape of a dilapidated tower. Dusk was already settling in and Christine was growing tired.

Christine was struck breathless by the beauty of the inside of the tower. It was looked like the inside of her home castle, down to the smallest detail. "What is this place?" Christine asked the man as she ran out into center of the main hall. She spun in place gazing entranced at the mural that stretched across the ceiling of the grand hall. She turned to see the man had removed his cloak and she was paralyzed. "Y-y-you…I-I-I…h-h-…"

"Breathless are you? I can understand, but before you try to say anymore, please let me tell you…I missed you." The man said his powerful eyes looking into Christine's soul. The elf was speechless as she stumbled backward, almost tripping over a chair.

"I-I-I…" Christine mumbled still in search of words.

"Yes my dear, we will get to you, you, you soon enough. But to answer your first question, were are we? We are in Babel! The tower constructed by man, and struck down by gods themselves. Christine finally gathered enough courage to finally ask a single question.

"D-do you think it's time?" The man turned his back to Christine and lowered his head,

"I'm sorry. I can't give you any good news, nothing new has come up."

"But there has to be something!?" Christine stated grabbing the man's arm.

"Come on Christine, I can only do so much for you. I mean…damn blue girl, just how much longer can we keep this up? " He asked placing his hand on hers. "Look, I just need sometime to myself. It hurts to see you like this and I just need you to remember that…"

"Yes, I know." Christine replied, "I was told to be patient, but if I can be with him one second earlier then I'd search for that second." The man faced Christine and opened his arms. She rested on his chest while his tender embrace sweetly relaxed her soul. "Will he ever come to me?" Christine asked, with her eyes closed thinking of her beloved.

"I promise he will Christine," he answered.

"Thank you…Joey." She smiled. A calm silence swept away the moments like the wind does the leaves and soon Christine spoke again. "Joey, where did we go wrong? Why did we leave each other?"

"We didn't leave each other, we've been here all along. Just a little farther apart than usual." Joey answered, holding Christine alittle tighter.

"No, why did we stop being together?"

"So that you would meet him." He answered with no hesitation.

"But don't you ever…" The elf began.

"I do, miss you. I do miss having you in my arms like this, I do miss hearing the sound of your beautiful voice everyday. And I do wish to be with you more than anything this world can offer, but you and Lance… You two are meant to be. So I will be happy for you, so long as you have someone who loves you as I do." Christine looked up and gently kissed Joey not saying a word for moments after that. He tried to cover his slight blush but she could see he was still so nervous to just be kissed. "It will be a long flight back and it is growing dark, you may stay with me here if you wish." Spoke the magician after his blush faded.

Christine didn't speak for a minute then nodded.

"For old times sake, I'd do anything for you." Christine smiled backing out of Joey's arms. He smiled and picked up Christine. She yawned and closed her eyes, smiling.

"I love you, my dearest Christine." He thought as he slowly lifted off the ground and into the air. "I will take you to your room…Christine? Do you think I, that is, do you think I will ever find a love again?"

"…" Joey looked to Christine and saw she was sleeping peacefully, with a dim smile on her face. He kissed her forehead and flew off into the tower with her in his arms.

"That's alright, some questions shouldn't be answered."

As Joey disappeared into the tower, a dark figure emerged from the shadows. "Splendid performance Joey. Sleep well Christine, I promise, I will show you what only I can soon enough." With parting words it spread it's wings and flew off again into the night sky, leaving behind but a single white feather.