Hello everyone. Sorry that I took so long. This was due to time and laziness. Anyway, please enjoy the chapter. I hope you'll enjoy it. This will we a short chapter.

Chapter 6: Sick

Shawn's P.O.V.

When I had an alien for a girlfriend, I thought nothing could go wrong: turns out, I was wrong. Somehow, Remora managed to get herself sick. I'm not quite sure how, but she did. But it seems the sickness managed to turn into a fever. I would have gone to any pharmacist and ask for prescription drugs, but seeing how the situation is, I can't do that. So the best thing I could do was feed her chicken soup while applying a cold towel on her forehead.

Though since Remora is an alien, not a human, I'm not quite sure if I could help ease her ailment. I've noticed three symptoms relating to her fever. Whenever she has a coughing fit she closes her mouth, not wanting any of her saliva to escape her mouth, and when I don't apply the cool to her temple she starts hallucinating. The last and final symptom causes her to lose all common sense and mental stability. To put it in terms, she's drunk.

Her mood seems to be erratic as she ranges from being calm, enraged, psychotic, and even pure infatuation. I reapplied the cool towel on her forehead before exiting the room and descending downstairs. I walked towards the kitchen, grabbing a bowl before pouring in another batch of chicken noodle soup. I set the bowl on the counter top before taking a seat on a nearby stool.

I took a glance outside the window, rain showering the window with a rhythmic pattern. I continued to listen to nature's song before realizing my situation. As I recalled, the previous day before remora caught the fever, the entire house was quiet. This eerie sensation left me wary, putting my senses on alert. I searched the entire house and saw that Solora and Death were gone, all of their equipment taken.

After their absence, I continued my daily routine, with the exception of Remora being sick. Though, now that I think about it, Remora is the only person or individual who hasn't left me. Well maybe that one time when I yelled at her, but other than that, she never left me. Before I could dwell deeper into my thoughts the power went out. As I stood up from the stool, I heard the sound of the door being broken from upstairs. The only thought that came into my mind was," Well, I'm about to die tonight".

Thank for reading this. Again, sorry that I took so long. I hope you forgive me. I'll see you next time.