Well, this is awkward. It's been years since I ever updated this. Honestly, two things happened. 1) I feel like I grew up for fan fictions. It seems to me that mostly young teenage girls are interested in them and I'm focused on different things now. 2) I didn't have access to this account. I forgot my email and password and you get the story. With that being said, this chapter was found in my old files. Nostalgia hit me and I felt slightly guilty for never finishing this.

I might consider finishing it, I'm not sure yet. But for now, take this. If I do continue it, I promise you that next chapter will be way longer.

Kevin woke up early today which was so not like him. He couldn't get any sleep all night, he had a weird feeling on his stomach. It felt like something was alive and moving in there. He felt something familiar when he was stressed but this was slightly different. He felt like that since the kiss last night. He wasn't sure what it was and he wasn't sure if he liked it. It felt different...

He looked out the window and he saw something moving by the trees. He didn't see what it was but he decided to investigate, in case it was a threat.

He went to check if Gwen was still asleep, which she was, and he walked downstairs.

As he went outside, he started getting bad vibes. He saw something moving by the trees again and he walked towards the direction he saw the trees moving.

He absorbed a tree and he saw something moving again. Now he was completely sure that whatever it was back there, was not an animal.

He put his arms in the bushes and he grabbed whoever was back there. He pulled and then...

"Argit?" Kevin asked, slightly confused but angry at the same time. Argit did a nervous, "innocent" laugh and looked at Kevin.

"What are you doing here?" Now Kevin was furious. No one was supposed to know about this place, especially Argit. How did he even find it? Did he follow them?

"Kevin buddy, I can explain." Argit said, still trying to seem innocent.

"How did you find this place?" Kevin was trying so hard not to hit him. He didn't have a reason not to.

"I...eh followed you and-"

"You what?!" Kevin yelled and he was trying to control his temper.

"I'm here to make a deal." Argit said, hoping to make Kevin listen to him.

"I have more important things to do. No deals." Kevin said something that left Argit quite surprised. Kevin Ethan Levin just said no to a deal. That was a first.

"You might want to hear this one." Argit said, with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Okay, you have 30 seconds. Speak." Kevin said, showing interest in what his old friend had to say.

"I can make sure everyone forgets about your powers and you won't be wanted anymore. Everything will be the way they used to be." Argit said and Kevin listened his words carefully.

"How?" He asked, showing interest once again. What Argit just said was hard to believe. And even if it was true, he would want something crazy in return.

"I know people." Argit said and Kevin knew that was true. Argit knew way too many people.

"Let's say that I believe you and I agree to this. What do you want in return?" Kevin asked, wanting to know what the trap in this deal was.

"The Anodite." When Argit said that, Kevin tensed up.

"Forget it." Kevin said and Argit was left back by his response. He wasn't expecting him to say no.

"What do you mean "Forget it"?! What happened to the Kevin I knew?! He would never say no to something like that!" Argit was yelling now and he was right. A week ago he would never say no to a deal like that. Especially if it mean about his safety.

Kevin stayed silent. He didn't know what to answer to that. Argit was right. Kevin looked away now and Argit put the pieces of the puzzle together.

"You're falling for her." It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

"Stop it." Kevin was getting mad again. He didn't want to admit he was falling for her, even if it was the truth.

"It's the truth and you know it. You're falling for her." Argit repeated these words and it made Kevin furious.

"Shut up!" Kevin yelled and moved his hand to punch Argit. Argit didn't flinch, but instead smirked. He found Kevin's reaction ridiculous and it was the proof that he, indeed, was falling for the Anodite.

"So what's the answer to the deal?" Argit asked him. He already knew the answer but he wanted to hear him say it again.

"I told you, forget it. I'm not making any deals with you." Kevin said with an aggressive tone on his voice.

"If you change your mind, call me." Argit said with an oddly calm voice and he walked off.

If someone didn't know Argit they would think that this was it, you wouldn't hear from him again. But Kevin knew that wasn't the case here. He knew Argit and he knew that he wouldn't back up with this. He wanted money. And if he didn't get it the way he wanted, he would surely find another way to get it. That's Argit and that's mainly the reason Kevin never trusted him.

Kevin walked back home, troubled with what Argit had in his little, devious mind. He's seen Argit bad side, he's seen what Argit does when he doesn't get what he wants and that scares him.

Argit might be a liar but he was right in one thing, Kevin was falling for Gwen. He was falling and he was falling hard. All this time, he was trying to avoid, he was trying to lie to himself. He's never fallen in love before and just the idea of it scared him.

These days, she's all that has been in his mind. It's not that she was perfect, but she definitely was ideal. Her personality was something he really admired, she was strong and brave. She was fierce and at the same time sensitive. She was the last person with powers, apart from him of course, which in his opinion was extraordinary. Her looks just added to everything. Her emerald eyes, her fire-like hair, her rose lips. She had this spark and she was someone he admired.

She made him happy and alive, something that he hasn't felt in a long time, since his parents died.

He opened the front door, walking in the house. The house was quiet, which probably meant that Gwen was still asleep.

He walked to the kitchen, hoping to find something to eat. As he was about to open the fridge, he noticed the frame next to it. It was a picture of his mom and dad and him hugging them. Kevin picked up the frame, smiling as he remembered when they took that photo. A sudden flow of sadness hit him as he also remembered what happened to them.

He was trying hard to control his temper but he was so mad. He threw the frame and it hit the wall, shattering in pieces. After he eventually calmed down, he realized what he did and ran to the frame, to see if the photo was okay.

He picked up the photo but a letter fell down. He looked at it with a puzzled expression.

He looked at it carefully, wondering how it got here and he decided to read what it said.

"Give us the Anodite if you want to see your parents. Meet us in the old factory."

Kevin's eyes widened when he read that. His parents are dead, for years now. They are trying to mess with him, they are hitting his weak spots, and they know what they are doing. But it has to be a trap, it has to be! But sadly, he still had this little feeling of doubt. What if they are alive? What if all these years were a lie? His thoughts were driving him crazy.

"Kevin?" He heard that sweet, familiar voice. Gwen probably heard the noise and came to check what happened.

"What happened? Are you okay?" She sounded so worried and all he could think about was the letter. But he couldn't tell her anything.

"Fine. You can go back to sleep now." Kevin said coldly, trying to make her leave so he can figure out what to do.

Gwen was taken aback by the tone of his voice. He was so warm, and so kind last night and now he talks to her like they are enemies.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked again, with a calm voice.

"I said I'm fine." He replied again, with the same cold tone. It felt like someone was stabbing him repeatedly in the heart when he looked at her expression. She looked so worried.

"Look, I'll... I'll tell you later, okay? I just need to be alone." He said, calmly this time, hoping to make her leave. She got the hint and she nodded and went upstairs.

Kevin was at the garage, trying to fix his car. This car was originally his dad's, but he remembers how his dad said he would give it to him when he turned 16. He never put the effort into fixing it, which was saddening for him now, but he finally got to it.

It felt like nostalgia hit him, just by being near the car. While it was a slightly positive feeling, the dark memories didn't take long to come back. He tried to avoid as much as he could, the thought of his parents and how they died. He tried avoiding telling anyone about it as well.

He didn't want to admit it, but it did hurt him a lot. His life could have been so different now, whether it was in a positive or negative way. It's so hard to know that your parents were murdered. The good thing is, they died for a purpose and for a cause. That would matter to them.

Now it got even worse. He finally met someone whom he could relate to, even a bit. She didn't do anything wrong either, she has the same morals as his parents. But these people claim to have his parents. It could be possible that Hex had trapped them in his creepy dungeons.

He did see them die with his own very eyes, but everything is possible after all. If it was, then it means that he gets to have his parents again, with him. But if it wasn't, it means risking a righteous person, who he was falling for by the way.

"Argh!" He yelled, punching a wall with all of his strength. He was lost and he didn't know what to do.