Hi guys this is my first fic I have no idea of the layout this is going to turn into as I have never used the writer in this way so please forgive if the layout is very different from other Fan fics. If you have any tips please I welcome them very much. If you're going to hate at least help me learn from it. I plan to have this be called "Only Time Can Heal a Dragons Heart". This is going to be A NatsuxUltear fac fic hopefully a fulfilling length that will spread over several chapters I will update every other day or every few days. I plan on uploading two tonight to set up the story.
- Chapter 1: Broken Heart
Natsu was walking down the street to the guild he had been very distant the past few weeks because of two certain female mages. Originally he had no idea of their feelings towards him, but thanks to a beating and a little enlightenment from a certain scarlet haired mage, where she revealed to him the fact that both Lucy and Lisanna had a good deal of feelings towards the young dragon slayer, which shocked him as he was quite thickheaded.
He soon realized that he had grown feelings for Lucy and never lost his feelings for Lisanna. But he knew he could only love one in the end so he had spent the last few weeks deep in thought (which utterly shocked the guild, as he started no brawls nor responded to Gray's insults) trying to choose between two.
One night at the guild after almost everyone had gone home, with only the Cana, Wakaba, Macao, and Mirajane left he had finally decided that although he loved Lucy very much, but when Lisanna returned from Edolas it was the happiest moment of his life and he couldn't let the shared memories between them fade away.
So although it hurt him ever so much to choose Lisanna over Lucy, he knew he had to.
Determined that he had made the right choice, he went straight to Lisanna's house to tell her of his feelings.
When he arrived at the door(unusual of Natsu) before he could even knock the door was opened and a shirtless slightly sweaty Gray stepped out of the house, at first Natsu had no Idea what this was supposed to mean until Lisanna walked out right behind him, clothes wrinkled and with a little frost residue, then she saw Natsu standing there with a curious look on his face until it turned to a look of shock and then to a look of complete and utter sadness as he suddenly realized that he had waited too long and she had moved on, and to Gray of all people.
"N….Natsu? Lisanna stuttered.
"I came to tell you how I felt, why…why is Gray here," he asked even though he already knew.
"Well, you see me and Gray here started dating a little over a week ago and we sort of…" she started to trail off.
At this point Natsu couldn't stand this any more so he just started to walk away with his head hanging and his bangs covering his shadowed eyes.
"Come on Natsu don't be like tha…" he said as he tried to reach out to Natsu but Lisanna simply pulled his arm back and shook her head.
"Leave him be, there's nothing you can do to fix this, and besides I made the choice to be with you and I'm happy".
They could only stand there and watch as he walked away, both knowing that his heart was now broken.