There are a couple of swears in this chapter. You've been warned.
Sam and Tucker were quiet in the first few seconds, waiting for Danny to open the door. They glanced at each other when it became apparent their friend wasn't going to move.
"Eeeer, Danny?" Tucker's voice was almost a whisper, "Aren't you going to get that?" The boy in question shook his head as though to clear it of something and slowly walked towards the door. The men at the door were back in their suits, looking official again. The shorter one – Dean – looked down at an object in his hands.
"Eer, is there a Tucker Foley here?" Danny looked down to see what the object was and saw his friend's bag, firmly closed but looking considerably lighter than it had before. "We found his bag and it was full of Fenton inventions, so I'm guessing he's a friend or something." Tucker, who had been silent up till this point, stepped forwards and grabbed his bag.
"That's me! I keep the things for safe-keeping, so to speak."
Sam snorted. What Tucker had said wasn't too far from the truth. If Danny's parents still had these weapons, they'd be trying to shoot at the ghosts causing trouble but would most likely hit their son due to how fast ghosts could move when fighting. With Tucker keeping hold of them, Jack and Maddie wouldn't be tempted to use the things to see if they worked. Of course, they wouldn't intentionally try to hurt Phantom. An alliance had been struck almost a year before and while they didn't know yet that their son and Phantom were one and the same, the truce had made Danny's ghost life a helluva lot easier.
"Why would they give dangerous weapons to a kid like you for safe-keeping?" FBI Sam asked, looking extremely doubtful.
Danny, who had yet to say a word, answered.
"My mom and dad didn't. I did." The two men looked at him, obviously waiting for Danny to elaborate. "Tuck likes all this technology stuff." He shrugged slightly as though it was no big deal. "Besides, you've met my parents. Do you really think all this stuff would be safer in their hands?" Dean frowned as he remembered their encounter with the Fentons the day they had first come to Amity asking about Mrs Gomer's death.
"Okay, you got us there." Dean admitted, then gave them the slightest of smirks. "Care to explain why that Phantom ghost had your bag, Tucker Foley?" The boys froze but fortunately for them, Sam - their Sam - was a quick-thinker.
"We help him out sometimes." Her purple eyes glinted slightly "We heard a scream, ran towards it, and found Phantom just finishing up with a ghost. Tucker sucked the ghost into the thermos, then we saw the remains of the body and Phantom told us to go home while he called the police. Tucker must've dropped the bag because..." She grimaced "well, you saw the body." Sam finished quietly. The two men were silent for a moment, contemplating what the teenagers had told them. They glanced at each other and seemed to come to an agreement.
"Know where Phantom is now by any chance?" Dean asked gruffly. The teens shrugged.
"Probably in his lair." Danny replied, mirth dancing in his blue eyes. Phantom was definitely in his lair. He moved out of the way of the door, clearly inviting them to come further in. Sam and Tucker exchanged amused glances.
"Yeah, in the Ghost Zone."
"Ghost Zone...?" The two men looked incredulous.
"Yeah. Are you guys gonna repeat everything I say, or are you gonna come in?" Sam and Dean entered the house and Danny closed the door behind them. "So did you come here just to drop off Tuck's bag, or was there something else?" The men stood a little straighter as they remembered why they had decided to come here in the first place.
"Uh, actually, we wanted to see your parents. Are they home?" Dean asked. A mini explosion seemed to rock the house slightly and a muffled cuss word followed it. The three teens were unperturbed by the distraction and in unison pointed towards the kitchen and the entrance to the basement.
"They're down there."
"Uh, thanks." They started moving towards the kitchen but Danny smiled and stopped them. He made his way to the basement entrance.
"Mom! Dad! Those FBI people are here again," He glanced back at them and smirked, "I think they're here to talk about ghosts!" There was a dull thud and a muffled exclamation of 'ghosts?' before quick heavy footsteps all but ran up the stairs. Danny stepped back just as the door slammed open and his dad stepped out wearing a huge grin. Maddie followed not 10 seconds after. As soon as Jack started talking, it was obvious Sam and Dean were regretting their decision to come.
"-and they really are fascinating creatures. Their ability to defy our laws of physics is just one of the things that makes them so interesting to study. Of course, we hunt them too, being that they're evil, nasty beings-"
"Jack, dear, what did we talk about?"
Jack looked sheepish and smiled apologetically. "Sorry, not all ghosts are evil. Just most of them."
"Jack. The other thing we talked about."
"Oh... right. Do you want some coffee? Or some fudge? We have lots of fudge."
The three teens watched, amused at the bewildered and lost looks on the agents' faces.
"Uh, no. Thanks. We're here to talk about Phantom," Big Sam replied, "If he's really the hero everyone thinks he is."
Danny took that as his cue and spoke up. "Mom, we're going upstairs. Shout if you need us."
"Of course, honey." Maddie replied, sending her son a warm smile. Danny smiled back and headed up the stairs, Sam and Tucker not far behind.
When they were safe in his room, Danny collapsed onto the end of his bed with a groan. Sam nudged him out of the way so there was room for her, Tucker opting to sit on the chair instead.
"Ran into some trouble, huh?" Sam said dryly. Tucker snickered while Danny groaned.
"They showed up and just started shooting at me! I got hit by dad's de-ghoster and it short-circuited my powers for a while." He grimaced at the memory. "I had to hide in the woods like a fucking rabbit."
"I don't care about technicalities, Sam." Danny sighed. "Whoever those guys are, I don't think they're FBI agents."
"Maybe they're part of the Guys in White. Y'know, undercover and stuff," Tucker suggested, "Didn't think I'd ever see one out of a white suit though."
Sam shook her head, "those knuckleheads? I don't think so. We haven't heard anything from them in months. Besides, I think those suits are melded onto their bodies. No way are those two part of the GiW," Sam frowned and looked at Danny as she seemed to think of something. "Maybe we should eavesdrop. See if we can find out any more information."
Danny shook his head. "If I get desperate, I'll follow them around, but until then I think I'll be fine with not knowing." He looked between his two friends before telling them the weirdest part, "they wanted to know where my bones were."
"Your bones?!" Both their jaws had dropped and they stared at Danny. Tucker grimaced when he saw his friend was being serious.
"Ew, dude, that is just nasty! Why did they want to know that?" Without an answer, Danny just shrugged and they lapsed into silence. Out of everything the men had said to him, that had been the thing weighing most heavily on his thoughts. There was no explanation that he could think of that would warrant such a question. Other than them being extremely weird and disturbed.
The silence was broken by Sam. "They wanted to burn them." She said it so quietly that Danny barely heard her.
"Huh?" Tucker stared at her in surprise. She looked up at the both of them, eyes glinting.
"They wanted to burn your bones. Back when you first got your powers, I did a lot of research. Most of it was bullshit. Like, really stupid bullshit. I remember reading something about burning the remains of a ghost destroys it, or lets it crossover or something. If they read the same things I did, it would explain why they asked about your bones."
"But-" Tucker began. Danny shook his head and cut him off
"No, it doesn't matter. Whoever they are and whatever they wanted to do, we can worry about that later. The most important thing is that ghost." He looked to Sam. "Where is it?"
She reached under his bed and brought out the thermos. "I put it here when we got back to stop your parents asking questions if they saw it." Danny took the container from her, glancing at the green light that confirmed a trapped ghost.
"So," he held the thermos up, checking for a crack or anything that the ectopuss might use to escape, "what do we do with it?"
"It murdered two people. Give it to your parents."
"Tucker! That's as good as a death sentence and you know it!"
"It deserves it! Or did you not see what was left of the body?"
Sam sighed angrily and looked away from Tucker. "Can't you just pull rank on it, Danny?" At Danny's confused look, she elaborated, "you know, keep it away from Amity by making it know that it's your territory?"
"No. I don't want to make Amity my territory, Sam. I just want to keep it safe."
"It's already your territory, Danny, whether you like it or not. You've fought for it and claimed it as your own in the other ghosts' eyes."
Danny opened his mouth to argue against that, clearly not liking the idea that he could claim any place as his own at only 16, when his father's loud voice yelled for him from downstairs. The suddenness of the noise made all three jump and with only a little bit of hesitation, Sam and Tucker followed Danny out of the room. His parents and the not-FBI agents had all sat at the kitchen table, a box of fudge in the middle - though only Jack was eating any.
"Danny-boy! These two men are ghost hunters like us!"
"Well... just Hunters."
Jack ploughed on, ignoring them, "they've come to get more information on ghosts! Isn't that great?"
"Yeah, dad, super great. So why did you shout me down?"
"Your father and I thought it would be a wonderful opportunity for you to learn more about others in our line of work" Maddie grinned at him, eyes sparkling with delight. Danny glanced at the two men and frowned, more than a little concerned.
"Didn't you guys say you were FBI agents?" He asked. Feigning ignorance, he figured, was probably the best way to go. Sam and Tucker nodded in agreement. Dean and Sam exchanged looks and the former did a one-shoulder shrug.
"It's kinda like an X-Files thing. Y'know, Mulder and Scully. All that stuff. We go out investigating paranormal cases - the ones that no-one else can solve."
"So which one is Scully?" Sam asked with a grin. Danny and Tucker snorted with barely contained laughter as the two men instantly pointed to each other. Jack clapped down on Danny's shoulders, making him wince slightly.
"Anyway, they want to come and kick ectoplasmic butt with us! You and your friends should come too!" He pulled out the Fenton Bazooka from underneath the sink so suddenly that the two men skidded backwards in their chairs, comical looks of surprise on their faces.
"Uh... dad, I don't thin- ow!" Danny glared at Sam, who was staring back at him with a look that told him he'd be stupid if he turned away this opportunity. A glance at Tucker told him the same thing. He sighed and started again. "I mean, uh, yeah dad! That'd be great."
Jack's grin got impossibly wider and his enthusiasm levels rose tenfold. "Great! Let's go now!" He grabbed the keys to GAV and almost knocked over the kitchen table trying to get outside as quickly as possible. The two men stood up hurriedly and cleared their throats.
"Well actually, we were hoping we could do this tomorrow night instead?" Dean said, already grabbing his jacket and backing away to the door. Sam nodded, one arm already through his jacket sleeve as he concurred.
"Yeah, we've got... things to do tonight." The men couldn't leave the house fast enough, their assurances that they were busy seeming a little too forced to be true. Jack, although looking quite clearly dejected, bought it and let them leave with the promise that they would definitely hunt those foul ectoplasmic monsters tomorrow night instead. He would show them how professional, full-time ghost hunters did their job, teach them a thing or two. And then they left in their old black car, engine loud in the quiet night.
The next day was torment for Danny and for Sam and Tucker too. Not wanting to be left alone with his parents and the strange men, Danny called his friends at least 20 times to make sure they would go with him that night. He needed the back up, he told them, otherwise he'd go insane. What if he got shot at because his parent's equipment targeted him? Sam and Tucker could cover for him if he needed to make a quick escape. They soon got fed up with constantly assuring him and set up a game of DOOM to distract him. It worked, thankfully. Danny hadn't been this nervous since he'd told Valerie his secret. There wasn't even any reason for him to be like this. It was just another routine ghost hunt with his parents - albeit with two strangers who were anything but feds.
The Fentons (with Sam and Tucker because, really, they had become honourary Fentons a fair few years ago ) were all geared up and waiting on the two men. The sun had set an hour ago, meaning Ghost Hour (a misnomer, really since the increased influx of ghosts lasted from 12am until 5am) was another 2 hours away. This left ample time for traps to be set and battle plans made. Danny had called Jazz earlier, updating her on what had been happening. She had had some interesting theories on who had set free the ectopuss and why, but as soon as she had been told about the strange FBI agents, she had lost all interest in the killer ghost. She wanted to know everything about them, asking so many questions that Danny had to fake a ghost attack just to get her off the phone. He knew she was only concerned for him and his safety, but the overprotective big sister thing was getting even more than he could bear now that she was in college. It had seemed to get worse with the distance, as if she felt he couldn't look after himself without her.
Still, even if it was annoying, her warnings to be careful were the only thing on his mind when the two men walked up to them. Now he was paying attention, he could recognise the way they walked; constantly tense, moving as silently as they could. It was the way he moved - the way he had learnt to move - after years of bullying and ghost attacks. It was the walk of prey constantly alert of the threat of danger. This annoyed Danny. They had shown themselves just last night to be not the hunted but the hunters. Even they had said so themselves, calling themselves hunters as a side job..
As Dean and Sam reached them, the tension left their bodies only a little and Jack launched straight into a spiel of all the traps they had set up that day and what traps were left to set up. As the adults conversed and planned, the teens were left to their own devices, and the trio made use of the short time given to them. Tucker got to work disabling the new upgraded Spectre Deflectors that Maddie had handed to them while Sam told them what she had found out.
"There are these books by some guy - Carver something-or-other - about these guys who pretend to be FBI agents to investigate ghosts and stuff."
"And that is relevant, why?"
"I think they're probably LARPers taking it too far or something. I managed to find copies of a few books in the library. Here-" she reached into her bag and pulled one out, thrusting it into Danny's startled hands, "I didn't have to read much to find out that these guys are nutjobs. They took their names straight out of them."
"...Mystery Spot'?" Tucker's spoken question mimicked Danny's mental one.
"It's basically a rip-off of that Groundhog Day movie. Sam has to keep reliving the same day over and over again as some kind of joke by an angel."
Danny stared at the image on the front cover, wondering whether he should laugh or cringe; at the overly-detailed muscles or the comical looks of horror on both of the men's faces as a piano fell on top of one of them. "Can I keep this?" The book was already halfway in his bag so the question wasn't necessary but Sam nodded anyway.
"Go ahead. I've got plenty more. All of them with stupidly defined muscles on the front covers," Sam snorted and took her newly modified (defective) Spectre Deflector from Tucker, "that one is pretty entertaining if you ever get round to reading it."
Danny grinned and accepted his Deflector, grateful that his two friends had his back in this.
"Thanks," he clicked the belt in place, "you guys rock."
"We know."
"You three ready?" Three heads whipped round simultaneously to the adults. The four of them stood in the glare of the GAV's headlights, Jack's form huge and imposing, Maddie casually holding the heavy Fenton Foamer over her shoulder like it weighed nothing, the two brothers standing in an easy slouch and looking for all the world like they were just going out for drinks. The sight of it was more intimidating that Danny cared to admit, even knowing that two of them were on his side and none of them knew his secret. He was suddenly more glad for Sam and Tucker standing at his side, supporting him. He sighed and nodded and all seven hunters turned to face whatever horrors the night would bring.
Witching hour had begun.
Hey guys! *rubs back of head* heh funny story here... see, the reason this took so long (2 years good god) was because this was actually intended to be just a one shot. The only reason I marked this as incomplete was because I had already started typing up this chapter because someone over on tumblr had asked for it to be continued. I didn't expect for one minute it would take me this long. But it did. I had no idea where I was going with it, I didn't know who let the ectopuss out of the thermos, I didn't even know they were going to go out for a hunt until I wrote it. It didn't help that I just started university that year and that pretty much completely drained me of motivation. I was on a course I didn't enjoy at all. I'm on a different course now and I'm much happier but I still have more bad days than good.
That being said I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my hearts. This story, despite only having one chapter and not having much in way of plot, is my most favourited, my most followed, and my most reviewed chapter. Every time I got an email that said yet another person had favourited or followed or reviewed this story.. well sometimes I felt really guilty, but other times I got very very motivated and managed to do some more writing. Honestly, just reading through the reviews again makes my heart swell with happiness.
So, since this is still very much plotless, if anyone has any ideas of what they want to see, review and let me know. I can't guarantee that it'll be written any time soon, but it will be written. Especially if you guys continue to be super awesome and keep showing me how much you love this the way you have been doing. And if I can get Iymea to nag me often enough for it (you all should go check out her Supernatural and Danny Phantom crossovers. They're much better than mine and they have Crowley in. Go!)
Thank you again for sticking with me and pushing me to write. You all deserve the best in the world. Hopefully, this will do *grins*