Guess what? My one-shot isn't a one-shot could say it's a two-shot. Someone did request an epilogue. So here it is. I hope that you enjoy it.

After the unspeakable horror that she had endured at the hands of Ellen (who to add insult to injury had pretended to be her friend to make the process of subjecting her to said unspeakable horror easier), Viola was feeling a bit depressed. But, on the plus side, she managed to reunite with her father. But unfortunately she never managed to get her body back. There was no simply no way to get it back since it was a consensual spell.

It was a shame really, being stuck in Ellen's body was surprisingly painful...especially after Ellen decided to stab her eyes and remove her legs before the switch. She also managed to trick her into drinking a throat-burning "medicine". To think that she trusted her even after that.

Next time she would be more careful when agreeing to switch bodies with someone else. If she had done a bit of research, she probably would have found out what a twisted sorceress Ellen was. If she had known that she had murdered her own parents, she likely wouldn't have gone through with it.

But of course, Ellen would probably continue to manipulate her regardless. Maybe it wasn't her fault that she had decided to switch bodies with Ellen. This probably wasn't the first time that Ellen had tried switching bodies with someone else, either. How many victims had she gone through now? A dozen? A hundred? Two hundred? She couldn't get a good estimate.

She heard a rumor that she had even murdered an innocent frog that had tried to help her. That poor, innocent frog. And to make matters worse he happened to have children...and apparently Ellen had killed them too. What a horrible little girl. Oddly enough her father never seemed to hunt down frogs. Maybe he wasn't that fond of frog legs.

Of course, the frogs and his family were probably going to die off eventually since the house was beginning to disappear. By the time she had finally found wasn't nearly as big anymore. It was just a regular house. At least it made chasing Ellen around the house easier. Before then it was like searching for a needle in a haystack...especially since she was as blind as a bat without her eyes.

Perhaps Ellen had done so that she couldn't chase her down. That, and she heard that witches apparently died from despair if they ended up getting too depressed. That might explain how Ellen managed to survive even with such a terminal illness.

What kind of sickness did she have, anyway? She wasn't familiar with the symptoms.

Still, part of her wished that she had her old body back. It felt awkward not being in her regular body.

Of course, since her father had shot Ellen in her body to prevent her from hurting him and his daughter, it didn't seem like a good idea to try to reinhabit it. Maybe she could try dyeing her hair blonde? Of course, she knew the stereotypes associated with being blonde...which she found to be offensive, though admittedly she was not a feminist.

But having Ellen's body had its perks. Using magic was awfully she doubted that she could ever visit the local church. Wouldn't want to get hanged for witchcraft now...though she got the feeling that she could defend herself considering all the people that Ellen had killed.

As such, her father decided to keep this a secret from the rest of her friends and family, claiming that his daughter was killed in a hunting accident. It was a rather lonely life, unfortunately. Should she simply tell them the truth about what happened?

Of course, they probably wouldn't believe her. Who would believe that Ellen could be so horrific in her depravity and that she was an evil witch? It seemed kind of ridiculous to be honest with herself.

Not only that, but she happened to cough fairly frequently. Fortunately, her father had medicine that she managed to use to cure her illness...mostly. Apparently, she was stuck with that cough for the rest of her least whenever she didn't drink cough syrup. Still, she was rather lucky to be alive...and to have her sight, voice, and legs.

Of course, she probably didn't need the latter considering how fast she could crawl. She was a bit surprised how fast she could chase Ellen...even if she managed to outrun her in the end. If only she didn't have such a horrible illness holding her back.

And to make matters worse, she happened to have a trail of blood leaking everywhere from her legs back then which always indicated her presence. It appeared that surprise had not been on her side.

But on the plus side, she was able to use her magic to help her father with hunting. Oddly enough, the author claimed that his name was Travis instead of Cello...perhaps that was an oversight by the author since he did not know what her father's name was.

However, she got the feeling that her problems weren't over yet. Something told her that a certain individual was going to pay her a visit.

Sure enough, she began to hear scratching on the window, and wondered what was going on.

"Yo!" exclaimed the black cat.

"Oh, it's you. What do you want?" asked Viola.

"I'm going to offer you a deal..." answered the cat.

"What kind of deal?" inquired the witch. She had a bad feeling where this was going.

"Well, as you may know...I happen to collect souls. I in fact collected Ellen's soul the other day...she should have been more careful how she worded the contract. Technically she was Viola now and you were now you're the witch of the house..." stated the cat.

"I'm not interested in making deals with a demon, thanks. You probably make people suffer..." noted Viola.

"Not really...they just end up in the witch's house where they get to meet other people that got their souls consumed by me...once the house vanishes, they get to go back to the afterlife..." answered the black cat.

"That's a relief...but I don't think they would like to suffer delays before going to know how pleasant that place is..." said the girl.

"I think heaven sucks. Why would anyone want to go there?" stated the cat.

"Of course you do. You're a demon." answered Viola.

"Heaven makes you feel like your head is in the clouds...and the rest of your body too." noted the demon.

"True..." acknowledged the girl.

"Just for the record, I won't ask you to kill your father...I know that you're on much better terms with him than Ellen was with her parents...she hated them with a passion and a vengeance..." answered the cat.

"No wonder they were her first victims." said Viola.

"By the way, your house appears to be becoming a witch's house as of late..." noted the black feline.

"Huh?" asked the girl.

Sure enough, her bed now appeared to have a red blanket instead of a green one. Also, the pillows were black. She might have something to tell to her father.

"I'm not sure how I feel about this..." acknowledged Viola.

"I think your bed never looked better!" exclaimed the feline.

"Um..." answered the girl. She wasn't sure how she felt about this.

Suddenly, her father showed up.

Immediately, he shot the cat with his shotgun, causing him to yowl.

"This black cat will do nicely..." noted Viola's father. It was time for supper.

Viola sweatdropped. That was not something that she had been expecting.

"Well, he'll probably be back..." acknowledged the girl. How did she kill a demon, anyway? Did she pour salt on it or something?

But for the time being, it appeared that she didn't have to worry about him. Apparently, now was the time to try to relax after everything that she had gone through.

"I'm never disobeying my father again..." noted Viola.

So, did you enjoy the epilogue? Someone requested it, so yeah...I hope you enjoyed it.