Evie Lewis, at the young age of fifteen, ended up pregnant with Dil Pickles babies. However, before she could tell him the news her father broke the news they'll be moving away. Four years later she has returned with twins, now she is co-parenting with Dil. Can this lead to them being a family again?

During this time Dil has found a girlfriend, someone he thinks will help him move on. He ends up dumping her and she becomes obsessed. This ex, doesn't want them together, will she be stopped before it's too late?

I will be rewritten this story, I won't change much. I decided to move this to Wattpad, I will still have it here and I will still work on Stay My Baby II. My cousin Sean is now on Wattpad with Broken, but I convinced him to still upload it on here. If you want to read the Wattpad Version of Stay My Baby or if you just want to check out my books, my wattpad is DarkBlueJay :)