Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon, I wish I did though, seriously, how awesome would it be to live in a world with Pokémon? AMAZING! :)

I don't get why everyone is after love. It's almost pointless to go after love. You get hurt, you get all weird and stuff. I have yet to see anything good happen from it. Maybe as much as I say I don't believe it. Somewhere deep deep deep inside, I would like to believe it just as much.

I closed my locker and rolled my eyes as Gary went on and on about his major crush on May since the 6th grade. I was worried about him sometimes.

"Hellooooooo…" Gary waved his hand in front of my face. "Are you even listening to me Leafy?" Gary asked in an annoyed tone.

I blinked a couple of more times before I spoke. "Of course." I snapped back, nodding, very slowly. "You and May get… married in –Unova."

"Yeah…NO!" He yelled at me.

I let out a laugh, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I scratched my hair, nervously smiling at him.

"UGH, who cares anymore?!" He sighed. "May and I will never be." He looked down sadly. Damn, I hated his negative side. What happened to the smug, confident Gary I used to know, oh wait, love happened.

"Oh shut up! You two will get married one day." I laughed and pushed him, playfully trying to cheer him up.

"You really think so?" He said, looking at me with those rich hazel-green eyes, with a slight smirk on his face.

"Nope." I spat. "Love is shit!" I rolled my eyes.

Gary shook his head, knowingly. "Leafy, Leafy, Leafy, how are you going to be a writer if you can't even believe in one thing that inspires the whole word, including Literature?" He ended his sentence with his ever so famous 'look at me I'm right grin'.

I hated it, but he was right. "It's not that I don't believe in it, it's just… it has never stuck around me for me, It's stupid." I spoke, as I shrugged my shoulders.

Gary chuckled. "I'm here, aren't I Leafy?" He spoke while putting his arm around my shoulder. "I have to love ya, remember that." He smirked his oh, so famous smirk at me.

I shrugged his arm off of my shoulder, "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah" I replied lazily, while rolling my eyes, as we headed over to our class.

"May, I'm late for class." Drew tried telling her. "June, Come on, can't we talk about this after school?" He sighs in aggravation. What happened to them? They were so crazy for each other, or at least infatuated with sexual tension. Did making their relationship official ruin them?

May glared at him, "Don't call me that grass-head! And no, you have been trying to avoid me for the past few days, I want to know what's up?" She stated in a firm not budging tone, as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Drew started at her, and gave her one of his 'famous smirks' "I like you a lot Maple… okay?" He pulls her into a hug. He knew how much May cared about him.

She let out a giggle, and hugged him back tightly, "Back at you Hayden." She smiled gently.

He pulled away. "We're late for class, so, I'll see you at lunch." He gave her a quick chaste kiss and ran down the hallway.

May sighed, she wondered what was up with them lately, they just recently became exclusive and ever since then all she feels is him holding back from her. She clutched her bag tightly and walked off to her class.

"Ello." I said, as I raised my eyebrows and sat down at the lunch table.

"Hey girl." Dawn smiled, already sitting. "Leaf, I need help." She said in a low whisper. She sounded nervous.

"What?" I mimicked her tone to be like hers.

"I slept with Paul…" Dawn's eye glued to my face to see my expression.

I tried to keep my mouth from dropping down, but my eyes were wide anyway. "Oh shit, does your mom know?" I ask her curiously.

Dawn squinted her eyes, and narrowed them at me, "Uh… do you think I would be alive right now if she knew? Leaf, I'm only 16!" she screamed while whispering. How does she do that? I wondered. Wait, no, not the time to get distracted.

"Exactly!" I snapped my fingers at her, while rolling my eyes.

Dawn was about to respond, but got interrupted. By the look on her face, I could tell she was going to whisper-yell, at me again.

"Oh, I see an eye roll, what did Dawn do to upset Leafy?" Gary chuckled as he sat down next to me.

Dawn instantly cheered up forgetting her problem and giggled while looking over at me. "You do roll your eyes a lot Leaf!" She stated, while shrugging her shoulders.

I rolled my eyes at them, and then realized, shit they were right. Well, rolling my eyes is kind of my signature move, you know every girl has one. Well, at least I do.

On the whole other side of the Cafeteria.

Drew ignored all the cool kids calling him out. "Hey June." He grinned cheekily, stopping in front of her.

May rolled her eyes, playfully, while looking up she saw her boyfriend. "Hi, Grass-head!" she responded, by giggling.

Drew smirked, and winked at her then looked around at the people sitting at the table. There were five people, and all of them were girls. "I just came over to say hi." His smirk, then turning into a wicked grin, while looking down at May.

"Hi." May nodded, while giggling, and smiling up at him.

Drew looked around the table once again, and smirked. "Well, see ya later ladies, Maple."

"Wait!" She grabbed his arm, "Wait for me after school?" She asked nervously.

"Always." He said, while he went back to his popular table.

One of May's friends giggled, "How cool is he?" She squealed out.

May blushed. "I know, I just can't believe he is even mine." She stated softly, while biting her lips nervously.

I got all of my books and notebooks for my homework. I was holding pretty huge and heavy books. God, what the hell, does this school want to kill us, or something? "There." I sighed, and smiled satisfied. Finally stuffing a few more papers in my bag and then getting up with the rest of my books in my hands. I closed my bottom-locker. Then, I heard a shout.

"LEAFY!" Gary yelled out.

I dropped all of the books that I was holding, startled. I also heard laughter. I looked over to where the sound came from, and it was a green-haired guy. Then, I turned to see the one who's fault, that I dropped everything, Oak himself. "Gary!" I glared, and whined annoyingly at him.

"Sorry, Leafy." Gary, grinned sheepishly while rubbing his hand on the back of his neck.

"I'll help you." The green-haired guy said, walking in front of me, and then kneeling down, picking up my books.

"Thank you." I smiled softly at him, grabbing my books from him as well. "I'm Leaf, and you are?" I asked curiously.

The green-haired guy looked surprised when I asked what his name was.

I felt Gary elbow me. "That's Drew Hayden." He whispered to me.

Oh, well how the hell was I supposed to know that? I don't keep tabs on everyone at this damn school, I could barely keep tabs on my friends. I shrugged my shoulders, "Well, Drew, nice to meet you. You and probably the rest of our grade know me as the 'awkward girl'" I stated truthfully.

Drew looks at me curiously, "You're that Halloween costume winner?" He asked confused, while rasing his eyebrows. "Well, nice to meet you." He stated.

Halloween costume winner? I rolled my eyes, confused to what he was talking about…OH, wait I remember now, it was the party Dawn, and Gary dragged me too and everyone was dressed up, but me. But I won the costume contest, when I wasn't even wearing a costume at all. Nice kids we have at this school, don't you agree?

I nodded my head at him, then, we heard another shout. Gary and I turned around. "It's May." I said, turning back to Drew. When something dawned on me, "Oh right, you're her boyfriend. I remember you now." I said, while smiling sheepishly.

Drew chuckled, and responded with a light, "Yeah." Wow, His green eyes, and green hair are so… how should I put this? HOT HOT HOT.

"Smell ya later," Gary said, as he pulled me away, when May came over.

"Later." Drew waved to us, I tried to wave back, but Gary was clearly holding my arms down, while dragging me away. Sheesh, you'd think he actually want to at least try to talk to his 'so called crush'.

Authors Note: Hello, lovely people! So, I'm writing a new story. Since Books and Coffee, is almost over. I decided to try one of my new ideas :) I really hope you like it. sorry if the first chapter is kind of boring! It will get better, I promise! any who, reviews are lovely, and criticism is always welcomed! Sorry, if there is any grammar issues, still working on that! xD OH and the couples of this story are Oldrivalshipping OF COURSE ;) Contestshipping, and Ikarishipping as well :)