Author's Note: Why hello everybody! Ok so, this idea has been eating away at my brain for weeks now, and I can't fight it any longer. I know I have other stories to update, but what's one more? Hehe, guess we'll find out! Enjoy... :)
Warning: Rated for language, references, and possible future chapter content
Disclaimer: Ok you caught me, I do NOT own Teen Titans... If I did Robin and Starfire would have gotten together in the first episode, just sayin...
Kori's POV
Parking my car in Gotham General Hospital's parking lot, I sit there for a minute taking a deep breath. Then I get out and walk towards the front of the building. As soon as they see me, they are all around me. Paparazzi. Sevral body guards come and clear a path for me as reporters shout questions at me and jab microphones into my face.
"Nurse Anders how do you feel about your new patient?"
"Are you nervous?"
"Will it be hard to treat him as a normal person?"
Who am I? You may wonder as the sea of people thickens. Well, I am Kori Anders, a no one. Never had a boyfriend, or any friends really. I am a nobody, non existent until recently. I am a nurse and all throughout nursing school I was always top in my class. Especially since I had no social life to be distracted by. Never could I have imagined this...
But perhaps I am getting ahead of myself, maybe I should rewind to yesterday...
Sitting at the nurses station, I was waiting for my next patient to finish their MRI so I could care for them. I am a nurse at Gotham General Hospital in Gotham City. It's an ok job that pays well, but things can get a little boring around here. All of a sudden everyone gasped and looked at the TV mounted on the wall.
The news was on as it read 'Breaking News: Billionaire Dick Grayson, adoptive son of Mega Billionaire Bruce Wayne, has just been shot. He appears to be in critical condition and the cause of the injury still remains unknown. He is now being transported via ambulance to Gotham General where he will receive emergency care. We all wish him well and a speedy recovery, back to you Jim."
I am thoroughly surprised. Someone shot Dick Grayson?! He is Gotham's prince, who would do that? I am no fan girl, in fact I rather hate the womanizer, but no one deserves to be murdered. Or at least shot anyways...
Our supervisor called us all into a room and clapped his hands loudly, making all of us look at him as he announced "Alright people listen up! Now Dick Grayson shall be arriving shortly, and we are going to need a medical team to work on him pronto. Soo..."
I tuned out as he called on different people for different assignments, and I rolled my eyes at the people who raised their hands eagerly. Such kiss ups and asses, wanting to be close to the rich guy so they can 'brag'. Well I don't give a f...
"And Miss Anders" Director Blood called, interrupting my train of thought, "you will be his nurse. And from now on he is your one and only patient, got it?"
I felt all eyes turn to me as I got glares from those not picked and mutter a "Yes sir."
"Good, now you all know your jobs. Those of you not picked resume your regular schedule and expect some changes. He shall be here in a few minutes, so everyone back to work!" Blood finished as we all moved out of the room.
Why would they pick me for his nurse? I'm really knew and only have one patient, still being in training and all. Maybe it was because I don't fangirl over him and am very professional. Sighing, I make my way to the entrance where he will arrive.
A few minutes later an ambulance showed up and pulls into the space outside the door. Around five others and I go to the ambulance and helped him out. Getting the gurney out of the door and to the ground is always the hardest part. We all wheeled him inside and to an operating room. Looking him over on the way there, I can see he isn't looking so good.
His white shirt is drenched completely in blood, and it appears he has been shot in the chest. Definitely not good. I know though that clothing soaks up the blood, making it look like he's lost more blood than he really has. Especially when the shirt is white. I notice scratches on his arms and bruises on his face. Who could have done this?
Since I am not needed in surgery, I prepared his room in the ICU. After I had finished, I go back to the nurse's station and waited for the surgery to be over. Two hours later, I'm informed by Dr. Light that his surgery has finished. Walking into the waiting room, I looked everyone over. Immediately spotting Bruce Wayne who is accompanied by an older looking gentleman , a red headed boy with blue eyes, a petite girl with dark purple hair and purple eyes, a boy with sandy blonde hair and green eyes, and a bald African American with brown eyes.
Walking over to them, I said gently "Mr. Wayne."
Immediately they all turned to me and Bruce Wayne shot out of his chair questioning "Is he alright?"
"Yes Mr. Wayne, he is fine" I said and a wave of relief washed over everyone's face, "surgery went well. The bullet was removed but only managed to puncture a lung. Mr. Grayson has been placed in the Intensive Care Unit until further notice."
Mr. Wayne came and shook my hand saying "Thank you so much, if there is anything you need let me know."
I smiled kindly at him when the red headed man questions "Can we see him?"
A sympathetic look found its way to my face and I replied "No I'm sorry, no visitors allowed in the ICU." I can barely stand all of their disappointed looks and the one older man is crying... I can't stand it, so I say "Alright, if you come back in a few days perhaps I can get a few of you in."
"Thank you" Mr. Wayne and everyone else says. Then he asked "What's your name?"
"My name is Kori Anders, I'll be Mr. Grayson's nurse for as long as he is with us " I answered.
He smiled and replies off handedly "Please, call me Bruce Kori." Then turning around he points to everyone and says their name "This is my butler Alfred, and all fo Dick's friends; Wally, Rachel, Garfield, and Victor."
Smiling kindly, I nodded my head saying "Very nice to meet you all."
"Damn, if this is the kinda nurses they have maybe I should get shot!" the guy named Wally calls, making me blush.
The purple haired girl, or Rachel, smacks him on the back of the head. Everyone laughs as he pouts and Bruce put a hand on my shoulder.
Turning to him he says "Sorry about that, Wally's a little immature. I thank you very much Kori and I know you will take good care of my son."
With that they all got up and leave. I sigh in relief and head up to the ICU. It was very surprising that Bruce Wayne was so, nice. He too was a playboy and I have read about him in the paper and seen him in the news, he sounded horrible. Just now though he didn't seem that way, maybe I was wrong about him.
Finally arriving at the ICU, I took a deep breath as I stood outside Mr. Grayson's door. I only had an hour left until I went home since it was seven o'clock, but considering he's my only patient now, it means I will spend the whole hour with him. However, since he had just got done with surgery he will be asleep the entire time. Thank god.
Walking inside I gently closed the door behind me. I began to check his equipment to make sure it was correct. Check his vitals and stability. I found that he was surprisingly stable, must be a tough one. I looked over at his bandaged chest and wince. The bullet had been shot at close range and punctured one of his lungs. He will be here for at least a month, maybe even more depending on if it becomes infected or not.
After an hour of tinkering around, I leave quietly and checked out at the nurse station. Leaving the hospital, I walked to my white Altima and got in. I threw my stuff in the back seat and started my car, heading home. I live in an apartment complex near the 'good side' of Gotham, if you can even say Gotham has a good side.
Getting out of my car, I grabbed my purse and walked inside. My apartment is on the very top floor, and has a great view of the city. I unlocked my door and walked into my apartment, flipping on the lights. Going into the bedroom so I can change my clothes, I grab sweat pants and a t-shirt and slip into them. For dinner I made myself a bowl of lucky charms. I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV.
The news came up and it is showing a press conference at the hospital, when Director Blood takes the stage saying "We will provide Mr. Grayson with the best possible care we can, but also treat him as a normal patient. We have an excellent team of medical professionals caring for him 24/7. Nurse Kori Anders will be Mr. Grayson's personal nurse for as long as he is in the hospital..."
I flipped the channel to Dateline and sigh. Of course, just say my name for all the world to hear so reporters can come and stalk me. If I even see one reporter I'm going to go ballistic.
Watching a few hours of television, I see it's ten thirty. Time for bed. I walked into my bedroom and turned off the lights, crawling into my bed. Laying there on my back I stared up at the ceiling in the dark.
Truly I am very nervous for tomorrow. Although I may not like Dick Grayson, it does not mean I won't get nervous. I am scared of what he'll say. If he gives me a bad report I will surely be fired, guess I'll have to be on my best behavior. Easier said then done...
Now that you're caught up to speed, let's get back to what's happening now. Never could I have predicted so many reporters as I push my way through and into the building. I hadnt wanted to see a single reporter, so instead i got swarmed with hundreds.
I walk to the elevator and go to the ICU level. Walking to the nurse's station, I check in and grab breakfast for Mr. Grayson. Pushing the cart, I head towards my only patient's room. Being my only one, I will spend all day with him. This is really going to be a challenge...
There's my new story! Hope you liked it! As you can see this one is a bit different than my other stories, but I hope y'all will love it just like the others. I will update this story when I have time, but with school and two other stories, it might not be for a couple weeks. Just bare with me and know I am still working on it.
Oh! And if I get any medical information wrong, sorry! I am NOT a doctor or any sort of medical expert, so mistakes will be made... Please bare with me and don't complain, I'm trying!
If ya liked it please leave a review! You can review even if you're not a member of the sight! I don't care if you just write 'good', it'll still help me and let me know if you guys like it :)
Coming Up: First Impressions