Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece but the OC's are mine.


I've already written 9 chapters for this story I'll update when I feel like it or you persuade me lol.

My inspiration was the Onepiece fanfiction Purple by Montezumax, so if you like this, you'll love hers.

Anyway on with the story. BTW I'm still writing my other stories it's just this has been bugging me for a while so I had to post it. Enjoy :)

Chapter 1: Intro

"Rachel you're late… again?" Mr. Whatshisface scolded in a tired voice while still writing on the board. He didn't even have to turn around to know she was sneaking in to the classroom. Snickers and giggles broke out across the room at her failed attempt.

"Damn dude you're getting good at this." She complimented with a grin causing him to turn around with irritation imprinted on his wrinkly old face. He looked at his student who had long red wavy hair and aqua blue eyes. She was wearing blue skinny jeans with black boots and a brown long-sleeved jacked with a blue scarf around her neck covering her white shirt and black fingerless gloves. Overall she looked pretty stylish. "But seriously you don't have to tell me I can tell the time too."

"You could have fooled me. Why is it you always insist on coming in late?" He grumbled out. "It's your senior year, you should know better by now."

"Because I feel like it. What's the big deal it's not like I'm distracting anybody from their work. In fact I'd say that's you." She responded pointing a finger at him.

"W-what did you say!" He sputtered out not believing the blatant disrespect.

"It's true isn't it, I come in without making a single noise and you just blow the whole thing out of proportion. It's my grades on the line not yours so you don't have to worry."

"That's it you have detention my room afterschool!" He yelled.

"Wow you must really love being in my presence huh?" she responded with sarcasm dripping off her words. "But sadly I have obligations afterschool as much as I'd love to stay." She said turning her back on him to take her seat in the back of the room next to a sleeping girl. She had long blonde hair and had a peaceful look on her face.

As she started heading for her seat she could hear mumbles sounding like 'Man I hate public schools.' She could also hear people trying to smother their laughter.

"Did you at least do the homework?" He asked sounding just about ready to give up.

"Sorry dude didn't have time." She answered taking her seat after hearing a groan she looked up to see her teacher messaging his temples.

"VALERIE! WAKE UP!" He yelled but said girl didn't even stir from her seat.

"Oh come on dude look at how peaceful she looks and she's not bothering anybody. Not to mention I'm sure you've noticed she could use the sleep." Rachel added referring to the bags under the blonde's eyes.

"Rachel, you and Valerie will be the death of me." He groaned just giving up on them. He glanced up at the clock to see how much longer he has left of this torture uh I mean session, and smiled when he saw there was only five minutes left.

"Alright class your homework will be page 140 numbers 1-40 evens its due tomorrow so don't forget." He explained and then looked towards Rachel and Valerie a beeping noise like a text message could be heard and he gave an exasperated sigh when Valerie actually woke up. He shook his head and looked at them both again. "Alright Rachel, Valerie I know you're not going to do it but I have to tell you anyway, do the homework." He said pointing to the board where it was written. "See it's written right here inside the blue box. P stands for page, this symbol '#' means numbers and the E stands for evens. " He explained slowly. "And bring it to me tomorrow... at the beginning of this class."

"Wait wait!" Rachel yelled her right hand raised as she stood up from her seat signaling she had an urgent question.

Sigh, "What is it now?" he asked supporting his body with his arms as he leaned on his desk.

"You forgot to explain what H.W means." Poor Mr. Whatshisface fell over while the class broke out laughing at the red heads antics. "Are you okay?" She innocently asked smirking inwardly.

"Just go." He groaned making a shooing motion with his hands.

"Fine fine." She said heading towards the door but before leaving she stopped and looked him in the eye and seriously said with the straightest face she could pull, "Sir you know what, I'm going to do this homework and I'll bring it back to you tomorrow with a Kit Kat on top." At this point no body in the class could hold back their laughter any longer and just let it out but who could blame them with the serious look on Rachel's face, the confused look Valerie's face and the 'What the fuck, shocked, confused, is this really happening face' the teacher was sporting.

"Whatever I don't care anymore." He responded leaving the class.

"What's his problem?" Rachel mumbled before turning to Valerie. "Hey are you alright?" she asked once everyone was out the door.

The blonde looked up at the red-head in fake confusion.

Rachel sighed before continuing the one-sided conversation. "Well it looks like you haven't been getting enough sleep, and you looked kind of…I don't know scared when your phone went off." Valerie did nothing but smile reassuringly and started walking away.


"Alright Zena, time to go to your piano lessons, a young lady must be able to play the piano beautifully." A man clad in an expensive looking black suit said to a girl around 17. Her pale doll like face was framed with beautiful long black hair, and she was clad in a white nicely cut dress that showed of her figure with a red shall around her shoulders. Her dull black eyes looked up at the man and responded with a lifeless voice. "Yes father, of course."

"That's my little princess you are turning into quite the prize aren't you." He responded happily.


"LEXI! LEXI! YOU LITTLE TRAMP HURRY UP AND GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" Yelled a sickly filthy looking women. Her hair was covered in so much dirt and grim, you couldn't even tell the color anymore as well as her skin and her clothes were tattered barely covering her up. Not to long after a young girl most likely 18 came rushing into the filthy alley where the women called. She looked just as bad as the women but she seemed to all be covered in bruises as well.

"Yes mother?" She asked hesitantly.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that!" She yelled.

"I'm sorry." She responded timidly.

"Forget it hurry up and get me my food!"

"Yes Master."


"Um Mrs. Roberts, I'm home." The girl Valerie announced weekly as she entered an average one story house.

"Valerie dear, how many times have I told you to call me Mom. " She said sternly but with a caring smile, making Valerie blush.

"I'm sorry I guess I'm still not used to it."

"It's fine, now why don't you just relax until your father comes home. Dinner should be ready by then."

"Okay." She said as she headed to her room, but when she opened the door her eyes widened at what she saw and a scream ripped out of her throat.

"Valerie!" Mrs. Roberts yelled in worry. She immediately called her husband and ran upstairs to comfort her daughter.


"Hi mom I'm home." Rachel announced as she entered her apartment.

"Hello dear welcome home." A kind looking young women responded. "How was…Oh my!" She exclaimed as she took a look at her daughter.

"What's wrong mom?"

"What is that?! You're scarf wasn't properly covering your neck! What if someone saw those marks!" She yelled.

"No one saw I swear." Rachel defended only to be slapped across the face.

"You, you talked back to me." Rachel's mom's shocked voice broke the silence.

"I'm sorry." Rachel whimpered trying to hold back tears.

"You want to leave me too right, that's why you were careless today."

"No! Mom, I would never do that! I swear I love you."

"Oh Rachel, I love you too." She answered wrapping her arms around her daughter and hugging her close. "But you still need to be punished." She continued causing Violet to shake in her arms. "Take off you're clothes."

"Yes Mom." Came a resigned reply.


"Pops." Ace called as he knocked on his father and captains door.

"Come in." He replied. Ace looked hesitant but quickly went in anyways.

"Um Pops there's something I need to tell you."

"Go on." Whitebeard replied taking a swing of Sake.

"Um well it's uh I'm…"

"Spit it out boy."

"I'm." Sigh. "Roger's my father."

"Oh that's it. With the look you were wearing I thought it would be something serious." Whitebeard said with his booming laughter.

"Wait you're not mad? I thought he was you're enemy?" Ace asked completely baffled by his father's reaction.

"A child should not be blamed for the sins of their parents." Ace gave a small smile at his response silently saying thank you.

"Now is that all?"

"No um if that commander position is still open…" Ace was saying when he was cut off by laughter.

"It's yours Ace. I'm glad you finally accepted."

Oh One more thing I really need a beta-reader I really suck at grammar, spelling, etc. I can't stay focused enough to check my work throughly.

Remember to R&R.