So, because of an adorable review by Unnoticed Silence, I am writing this chapter today. I couldn't write them a message, but I decided this was a good enough way to thank them for their support.
So this is for you, love.
(Guys, really though. Your reviews really do mean everything to me.)
I love you!
I spent the day mostly napping, knowing I wouldn't have much time to sleep that night. I showered, stretched and started working out. I had to keep my body as strong as possible, just in case. Who knows, with a madmen after me I was going to need to be able to fight and fly.
Man, if only I were able to really fly.
Regardless, I ran the length of the apartment, did pushups, sit ups, squats and lunges around the house until my body was shaking and sweat poured down my back. I loved the burn on a good workout and felt satisfied as I fell onto my bed once again. It tooka few minutes to catch my breath and in the mean time I focused on my goal ahead.
I'll leave by two. The junior high is three miles away and I'll try to get there by three thirty, four o clock. I'll break in through the sky light and hide in the sound booth in the theater. As soon as it's empty and dark, I'll find Mystery Boy. I'll corner him and demand answers. Then, well... we'll see after that.
It was set. With determination, I showered again and set a timer for myself. Fully dressed and ready, I lay down and slept.
It wasn't hard to get up.
It wasn't hard to sneak to the school while hiding in the shadow.
It wasn't hard to jump a few buildings to get to the roof of the junior high.
It wasn't hard to open the sky light and repel down it.
It wasn't hard to hide my tracks.
It was hard to sit there and wait all day.
Seriously, people. Can we say boring? I checked and re-checked my supplies, slept, ate and even poked around the school a bit. I was hiding above the theater in a tiny room that was their sound booth. But, when school got out and the only people left were the janitors, I climbed out and explored a bit. I counted every seat in the theater (624), messed with all the props backstage, and even skittered around the halls until I found a bathroom. I was like a shadow, dancing in the corner of your eye. I wasn't worried, because if a cleaner caught me I could always pretend to be a student who forgot something.
It was pretty fun for a couple minutes. After that, it just got repetitive and I went back to my little booth. It wasn't long before the sun set and the building went dark. My eyes adjusted as the light dimmed, making it quite easy for me to see despite the lack of lighting.
As soon as the last door was shut and locked, I jumped out of the booth and went to the main hallway. I flipped on the lights, letting the ugly lighting illuminate the scene around me. On both sides of me were the lockers, no windows. I realized no one could see me and with fright, I straightened as something occurred to me.
This could TOTALLY be a trap. Why did I not realize that until now?!
I took a defensive pose, walking back into a corner where nothing could appear behind me. I nearly screamed when the lights made a snapping sound and went out one by one down the hall until the entire building was without light. I couldn't see a thing in the pitch black darkness. I took deep, silent breaths as I waited for someone to pop out of the black void. I jumped again when a voice boomed overhead.
"Hello Max."
It was the intercom. I couldn't believe it.
"I'm glad you could make it."
That was definitely Mystery Boy's voice. That dirty, awful, sonofabi-
"There's something you need to know. The Angel knows you're out there, and he is determined to find you. He sends out search parties almost daily, and these people are recruited from all over, not just his lackeys. Which means you can trust no one. And yeah, I realize that means me as well. Which is why I won't be contacting you after this. Not only am I in danger now, but any contact I have with you is too risky."
While he spoke, I sprinted down the hallway blindly, looking for the office where I knew he was hiding. I ran into the walls, the lockers and even tripped over some random trashcan. Still, I scrambled back onto my feet and ran, determined to catch the kid before he got away.
"But I warn you now: any type of communication you have with the outside world can and will hurt you. With your brother, me and even the friend you made at the bar. He disappeared last night. Did you know that? Stop putting people at risk, Max and stay hidden."
Dylan! No, no not Dylan... he didn't do anything wrong! Is Gaz next? Are they after him?
I turned the corner and saw the office door. I sped up, using every bit of strength I had to propel myself forward. I tried to run as quietly as possible, hoping to catch him by surprise.
"That's it." Then the line went dead.
I threw open the door only to find...
Nothing but an overturned chair and a tape player, which just ended as I walked up to it. I cursed loudly, throwing the tape player agaisnt the wall. It broke, the pieces scattering about. I let out a short, frustrated scream, pulling at my hair.
Mystery Boy tricked me.
Dylan was gone.
I was hunted.
In my haste to finish this chapter, it's ridiculously short. I'M SORRY.
Want a chapter dedicated to you? Write me a review! I'll see what I can do for ya.
Love you!