This chapter is main story, but it's like a filler one too. So I'm just going to be putting it as a full chapter. Enjoy! And thank you so much for the nice reviews! Enjoy this chapter that is entirely my own writing, no actual plot in the Tales of Xillia game, but it is linked to the story. I actually wrote this chapter while listening to Old Friend by EarlyRise and The Escapist by Nightwish. Also sorry this chapter is so short.

Tales of Xillia – Hope and Destiny

Chapter 4

Goodbye My Friend

Alvin tossed and turned in his sleep, gritting his teeth tightly. His dream had turned from something pleasant into what he wished he'd never see.

Alvin felt like his whole body had been sapped of all its strength. He lay on the ground, bruised, bloody and weak. He looked around, seeing people he'd never met before. They were all laying on the ground as well, bruised and in the same predicament as him. He noticed Jude and Milla were with him too, both laying weakly on the ground. There were in a dark building, it looked really fancy though. A big, buff man stood in front of them all, completely unscratched. He had a huge cross scar over his face, and a giant lance in his hand. The strangest part of this was that Alvin had no idea who the other people were. He heard a pained grunt though, and his vision focused on seeing Milla struggling to her feet. Jude called out to her, but Alvin couldn't hear what she said. Milla shouted something at the man with the cross on his face, but once again, it was muted. She grabbed her sword, running at the man, getting ready to strike when the man merely struck her once with his fist. She let out a scream as she flew backwards, smashing into the wall. Jude screamed out to her again, gritting her teeth tightly as she pulled herself up to her feet. Alvin gasped, looking at Jude in concern as he saw a small trail of blood run down her cheek.

The man smirked, making Jude growl to herself, then she looked up at him with a burning fire in her eyes. It was a determination Alvin had never seen in her eyes before. She let out a yell, running at the man now. The man tossed his lance away, readying his fists and blocked a few strikes from Jude, before he hit her, sending her back a few feet. She managed to block in time, looking up with a glare that could kill. She ran at him again, jumping under his swing, and launched a blow at his chest. He didn't even look phased by it, one hit to the side of her head sending her flying to the side a little.

"Jude!" Alvin called out, feeling panic and worry for the honor's student that he never thought he'd feel. Jude straightened herself up, huffing as she growled darkly. Milla had pulled herself up onto her elbows, looking at Jude and the man fighting in worry. She was too weak to stand anymore, but she continued yelling to Jude.

Jude ran at the man again, seeming to find strength from everyone's screaming and yelling. She dashed behind him, jumping up and spinning a little, aiming a kick at his head. Time seemed to slow down dramatically though as the man grabbed her ankle, gripping it tightly as he began spinning around, spinning Jude around. She grit her teeth tightly, being spun around before being launched up into the air. Jude's body twisted and turned unnaturally in the air as she flew really high into the air. Her body twisted so she was looking up at the glass ceiling. This lasted for a few milliseconds, but it felt longer, until her body began falling down towards the ground. Alvin felt his eyes widen considerably as he watched in horror, seeing her body hit the ground in a huge thud. Alvin felt his world slow down, gasping as he watched Jude lay on the ground, contorted into a painful position. Everything seemed to go black and white, freezing in place. Milla's face was frozen in shock, looking traumatized.

"Jude!" Alvin screamed out, trying to pull himself up onto his hands and knees. He seemed to be pinned down by some kind of invisible force however. He could hear the man laughing to himself, causing him to grit his teeth as he looked up with a glare. Suddenly the talking seemed to resume, allowing Alvin to hear everyone's words clearly.

"You are all powerless to stop me!" yelled the man, laughing. Milla growled, but her eyes remained open wide in horror.

"This can't be… Jude…" she stuttered, looking at Jude's body in sorrow. Suddenly Jude moved, making everyone's eyes snap open, looking at her. She slowly pulled herself to her feet, but she was still supporting herself with her hands on the ground. Crouched over like an animal, she growled. A sickening 'splat' made my stomach lurch as a pool of blood dropped from her, splashing onto the ground. A painful whimper filled the air, followed by more angry growls. When Jude lifted her head though, her eyes had changed colour to a deep, blood red. She growled, almost sounding like an animal.

"You see… that's where you're wrong!" she snapped, her voice a few octaves deeper than usual. I felt my eyes widen more, watching in horror as Jude stood upright, bending her right arm as it began to glow. The man smirked, repeating her movements.

"Interesting. Let's decide this in one strike, the winner being whoever wins against this one strike!" the man declared, his right fist glowing as well. Jude growled, colours flowing around her fist as it charged. Mimicking her actions, the man let out a loud yell. It was at this moment that Alvin realized what was going to happen.

"Jude! You're going to die if you lose!" Alvin shouted, trying to pry himself up to his feet, but the force had pinned him down more. Jude paid him no heed, lifting her right fist back, then ran at the man. The man did the same, sending his fist at Jude. Jude did the same, both of them letting out loud battle cries. The shockwave of their attacks meeting head on was almost enough to send everyone flying. Luckily that force was still holding everyone down. Colours and sparks flew everywhere as their yells filled the air. Milla gasped as she saw Jude beginning to skid back a little, but she was still maintaining her ground. The man as still yelling, glaring darkly at Jude, managing to push her back a little more, before Jude's yell suddenly grew ten times louder. She began pushing him back, taking a few steps forward slowly before she ended her yell, managing to disarm him and send him flying back at an incredible speed. He crashed into the throne in the room, making a pained sound as he hit. His body crumpled as he lost consciousness, falling limply into the chair.

Alvin's eyes slowly moved from the man to glance at Jude. Jude was panting heavily, hunched over weakly. Alvin could feel his eyes shaking as the force was lifted off him. He crawled to his hands and knees, instantly regretting it due to all the pain he was in. Jude turned to give them a weak smile. Alvin gasped, seeing the trails of blood running down her face and all the blood dripping from her hands onto the ground. There was a pool of blood forming under Jude at a rather alarming rate.

"Jude!" Milla called out, struggling to her feet. She gave Jude a smile of gratitude before that smile quickly fell into despair. Jude's smile remained, but her body gave out and she began falling backwards onto the ground. She landed with a thud, making everyone in the room gasp.

"JUDE!" Alvin shouted before his eyes snapped open. He shot up like a lightning bolt in bed, panting and covering his forehead with his hand. What had that been about? Alvin glanced across the room, seeing Jude sleeping contently in the bed next to his. She was curled up, clutching the blanket, her mouth slightly open as she breathed in and out contently. Alvin sighed in relief, then paused in thought. Why did he care about Jude so much suddenly? Was it cause she was small, frail and young? Was it cause she reminded him of himself back when he was that age? Alvin let out a shaky sigh, running his hand through his messed up hair.

"Something wrong? Is there any reason you're staring at Jude?" Milla suddenly asked from where she was sitting upright in her own bed. Alvin glanced up at her, sighing.

"Guess I can't hide anything from you, huh? Had a nightmare…" Alvin explained, seeing Milla fold her arms over her chest.

"I'm assuming Jude got hurt in this nightmare, with how intense you've been staring at her" Milla replied, hearing Alvin chuckle to himself.

"Yeah… Guess you can figure out anything" Alvin stated, chuckling to himself. Milla giggled a little at the compliment.

"You know… they say dreams show you humans your biggest fears and your deepest desires…" Milla said, making Alvin look up at her with a small gasp. He raised a brow in confusion, before looking down at Jude.

"How do you see Jude?" Milla asked, still giving Alvin an expressionless look.

"Well… it's hard to tell right now… But I know I want to protect her… I guess I see her as a little sister" Alvin replied, hearing Milla giggle to herself.

"You'll be surprised. Jude doesn't require much protecting, she knows how to look after herself. If anything, it's us that need to catch up to her" Milla stated, making Alvin look up at her. She had an amused look on her face, before she laid back down on the bed.

"Well, it's still late… Good night Alvin" Milla said, closing her eyes as she drifted off to sleep. Alvin sat up from his bed, leaning forward to watch Jude sleep. Milla was right. Even though Jude was young, small and frail looking, she was strong. Alvin remembered how she'd bested that big man in his dream, even though it had almost killed her. She really was in a league all her own, and everyone knew it but her. Alvin smiled sadly, watching Jude's cute expression as she slept so peacefully. The dark lines under her eyes were vanishing, thankfully. Alvin reached forward, gently stroking some hair from her face, then cursed himself under his breath. He stood, hearing the snores of both Milla and Jude. He walked to the foot of the beds, then turned to look at the two of them.

Lifting his gun, he pointed it in Jude's direction, glaring at her. He never let himself get emotional attachments, no matter what kind. His finger began squeezing on the trigger before he suddenly lowered his gun, releasing his finger from the trigger. Letting out a shy, he looked down at his arm which was shaking madly. He couldn't do it. He couldn't shoot the kid, and he knew he wouldn't be able to when the time arose either. Milla would be an entirely different story though. His duty demanded it. Otherwise… Alvin shook himself of the thought, placing the gun down and walking out the room. He grabbed a piece of paper and began scribbling a note on it. Folding the paper up, he whistled into the air. A white bird flew down, resting on Alvin's wrist. He smiled, placing the paper on the bird's foot.

"Go on" Alvin whispered, sending his beloved sylphjay away. It flapped its wings, taking off into the air and disappeared from sight. Alvin smiled sadly, feeling that guilt he always felt whenever he betrayed someone, but he had no choice in the matter. Turning, he walked into the room they were sleeping in, and sat down on the bed. Looking down at Jude and Milla sleeping, he sighed to himself before he laid back. He knew it was inevitable, but eventually he would fully betray them and they would hate him for it. He was prepared for that day, and no doubt, they would fight him. He would need to shoot them, that was undeniable. If he did it sooner though, he could spare himself the pain of multiple attachments, but after that scene of not being able to shoot Jude, he knew that was impossible.