A/N:Hi! A few people asked me a couple of times about a longer story in English. Since I still feel to semi-skilled to do it by myself, my dear friend, Pati (Zoja/Pajamela) has agreed to help me with translation. She's sooo much better than me and is the best beta I've ever had, so I would like to dedicate this story to her.

Pati, I'm at lost for words when it comes to you. I'm so very grateful for your effort that no words are able to express it, so I simply say: THANK YOU!


Disclaimer: Sue Thomas FBEye and its characters are the property of PAX. This story is for entertainment purposes only and not for profit. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the author. This story may not be posted elsewhere without the consent of the author. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. Copyright © 2014 fanka77


Jack Hudson didn't use to feel sorry for himself, but it didn't mean that he didn't experience doldrums every now and then. Today, however, he had a very good reason to sit in this smoky bar alone and sip a (surprisingly) undiluted drink.

It wasn't the place, where he always went to. He usually drank in a small pub, where lawyers like him or police officers were gathering every day, but today he didn't need a company of his friends. He didn't want them to see his failure and ask questions, which he didn't want to answer. As for now, nobody needed to know that his beautiful wife cuckolded him and the child, who he was so happy about, wasn't his.

He couldn't believe that she deceived him like this! When she finally agreed for a child four years after the wedding, he was rapturous. He really wanted to be a father, so the news that Allie was pregnant almost made him crazy with delight. What he didn't know then was that the baby, which she was carrying under her heart was a result of a passionate romance with one of the co-owners of the law-office, which he worked in, the affair, which he accidentally discovered when he returned from a business trip early.

Mrs. Hudson obviously didn't expect him home, judging by the fact, how busy she was in their marriage bed. She got so caught up with her lover, that she didn't even hear her husband enter the house, and then the bedroom and at first, she didn't notice his shocked and later disgusted look, until he acidly spoke:

"So, how long does it last, Allie?"

Only those words stopped the two adulterers, who froze in fear and weren't able to say a word, only desperately tried to cover their naked body, as if he didn't see them in all their doubtful glory earlier.

"You know what? Don't answer me. I don't want to know." he added. "I'm just interested in one thing. Is the baby mine or his?" he asked and before she manager to lie again, he read the truth in her deceitful eyes. "I see." he said in what seemed like a sarcastic way, although his heart was shattered to million pieces. In this one moment he lost everything, his biggest dream included. He could do just one thing, then… "My lawyer will contact you about the divorce. You can keep the house, but don't expect a child support or any other assets, prescribed by the law. Just know, that I'll demand your fault to be pronounced and I expect you not to oppose. Have at least enough honour to admit that you've destroyed our marriage." he continued.

"Jack, I…" she finally mumbled, but he stopped her.

"Save it, Allie. I don't want to listen to more lies. Be so good and pack the rest of my things and send them to the our apartment in Washington, which I plan to keep, by the way. After that, I don't want to see you again or contact you in any way. Forget that I've been your husband, because I definitely plan to forget, that you were my wife." he said, and added leaving: "Think of what you'll tell your parents, 'wife'." he spoke with irony. "James and Ella will surely be disappointed when they hear that they have a two-faced daughter. And don't try to convince them that it was my fault. Remember that the child you're carrying is an irrefutable evidence of your betrayal." he reminded, knowing that even if she wanted to, it was too late to get rid of the 'problem'.

He didn't say anything else, he just turned around and after taking the bags, left in the hall, once and for good left this life and deceitful wife behind himself. In the car he called a familiar lawyer, who was a specialists in divorces, and asked him to initiate a divorce case, and then made his way to the nearest hotel, when he planned to spend the night. It was where he left his luggage and went to drink on foot, because he had the right to drink after something like this, after all.

There was one thing he knew for certain. He wasn't going to stay in NY. He'll leave the law-office tomorrow and then he'll move to D.C., where he has been offered a job a few times in the past. This time he planned to accept it…

Six scotches later, a little, but not fully drunk, he returned to the hotel room and threw himself on the bed, falling asleep.

To hell with shower. He could take him in the morning. Now he just wanted to sleep.

On the next morning he washed the remains of the previous evening away, shaved himself, put on one of his best suits and went to the law-office, where he quickly wrote his resignation. He personally delivered it to his boss, who despite being surprised, didn't have another choice but to accept it.

"It's a shame to lose such a good lawyer, but if this is what you want Jack, then I accept your choice."

"Thank you, Sir." the brunet spoke and after shaking his ex-boss hand, went to empty his office. Half an hour later he didn't have anything in common with the office "Jordan, Harris and Partners". He just quickly went to the lawyer, to sign the divorce papers, which were going to be delivered to Allie, and he could be on his way to DC!

"Hmmm…" he murmured. "When I get there and settle down, perhaps I'll go to my parents for a few days?"

However he didn't look at it, he should tell them about his divorce personally, and not on the phone, shouldn't he?

"Yes, it's a good idea." he said to himself and joining the traffic, he started to put his new plans into action.

Today he was starting a new life and he planned to use this opportunity well.