Percy's POV
"Are you OK? You look nervous." Grover asks as I get dressed the next morning preparing myself to face the camp.
"Ive never had to make friends or been faced with meeting people my own age, or really anybody." I admit embarrassed.
"Wait you had to of met like minor gods or nymphs or something, right?" he asks looking at me shocked.
"Nope I've only been around the 14 main gods and Persephone. My best friend is Cerbeus and a couple of fish that hang out outside my window in Atlantis. " I shrug. I couldn't help but smile at Grover's shocked facial expression.
"Wow I guess it wasn't as great as it first sounded. I'm sorry, that actually kind of sucks...wait what did you do for liked school and stuff?" he asks after I am finished getting ready and near the door.
'"Athena taught me school book stuff and battle stragedy, other gods and goddesses taught me combat skills." I shrug not really seeing the big deal. In my eyes they were family not these great unapprpchable beings that Grover was making them out to be. "Now we can't talk any more about this Grover once we leave this room, any last minute lingering questions?"
"Yeah, was your mom there to? Or did they like one day appear at her house and take you away?" he asks curious
"She died in a car accident when I was a baby." I reply my heart growing a little heavy at the mention of the woman I knew nothing about.
"How did the gods know then? Did your dad tell you anything about her? Are you like a missing person in the mortal world? Do you know anything about her? I mean she must have beenpretty great if she caught the eye of a Big Three." Grover says over wheming me.
"I don't know. I never asked. My dad made it clear she was a topic that was off limits. Can we get going now?" I ask anxious for the questions about my mother to end.
"Yeah sorry Percy. Alright no more talk about your life at Olympus from this guy. You're just a normal demigod that I had helped get here last night." Grover smiles at me patting me on the back.
We head out to the main part of the Big House where Chiron and a blonde girl that is about my age are waiting.
"Percy, I would like you to meet Annabeth. She will be giving you a tour of the camp and making sure you get settled in OK. Annabeth this is Percy he just got here last night and he hasn't been claimed yet so if you could make sure he gets to Hermes cabin later today that would be great." Chiron introduces us and we shake hands. The look Annabeth was giving made me nervous, it was like she was trying to figure me out. Defintly a daughter of A Athena, so much for avoiding them.
"Come on Percy. We have to get going. I have an ancient Greek lesson I'm teaching in an hour. Are you coming Grover?" she asks getting straight to business andtactically dragging me out the door.
"Yeah at least for a little while." he replies quickly following us outside.
I follow Annabeth as she points out the different landmarks, aall of which I had read about but the actual sight of them made them even more real and exciting for me.
"Which one is your godly parent? Your mom or dad?" Annabeth asks as we near the cabins.
"My dad. What about you? Who is your godly parent?" I ask even though I already know.
"Athena goddesses of wisdom." she replies clearly pleased with her parent. Before we could reach the cabins a group of about five kids approach us, all of them big and angry looking. Ares kids.
"What do we have? A newbie?" the head of the group, mean, brown haired girl asks a look of trouble in her eyes.
"Leave him alone Clarrisa." Annabeth replies grabbing my arm and starts to drag me away.
"No, we need to give him a proper welcoming." ClarRisa replies grabbing my other arm, ripping me out of Annabeth's grasp. She drags me towards the bathrooms by my hair, making me beyond upset. It took everything in me not to give her a good zap or have a weed just accidently trip her. Or maybe I could light her hair on fire...or at the very least break out of her grip...but I can't not unless I want to go home on my first day.
She opens the bathroom door and shoves me towards a stall clearly ready to shove my head into the toilet. No way was I going to have toilet water on my head...wait toilet WATER! Fighting back a grin I let her lead me to the toilet but the moment she grabs the back of my head I let all Hades break loose.
The plumbing explodes sending Clarriss backwards and soaking her entire group head to toe. I quickly get up slipping away and getting out of there as fast as I can.
Annabeth is in the doorway starring at me wide eyed.
"How did you..?" I cut her off grabbing her arm and dragging her out of the bathroom.
"Who knows let's just get out of here!" I respond taking off back towards the cabins with Annabeth on my heals. We both are gasping for breath by the time we reach the cabins but smiling like crazy.
"She's going to kill you, you know that right?" Annabeth asks as Grover walks up to us with another kid that is short with brown hair and trouble in his eyes.
"She's a bully that got what was coming to her. I'm not sure how it happened but I'm glad it did." I respond smiling.
"Percy, this is Leo son of Hephaestus, Leo this is Percy he's new." Grover introduces us.
"Nice to meet you." I reply shaking Leo's hand.
"So you're staying in the Hermes cabin?" Leo asks as we walk together.
"Yeah I guess until I'm claimed." I shrug.
"If." Annabeth suddenly says getting my attention.
"If? What do you mean?" I ask confused.
"Some kids never get claimed. Sometimes because theyre parents are minor gods or they're parents honestly don't care or have time, so as you can imagine the Hermes cabin is a little over crowded." Annabeth explains.
"Never get claimed? I'm sure they're parents would claim of they knew maybe they don't know they exist, they're their parents after all they must care." I argue my heart growing heavy.
"It might surprise you, some gods just don't care. They may be gods Percy but most of them are not that great of parents."
That hit home in more ways than one. Not that great of parents? That's ridiculous, Aphrodite has always been there if I needed a hug, Athena always to give me some kind of advice, Apollo always getting me to laugh, Zeus being kind of strict, Hades the cool and understanding one, Hera being the mother I never had, and my dad just being there for me and caring no matter what. They were not bad parents! Right?
I don't say anything even when we reach the Hermes cabin feeling depressed and when I reached it I got even more depressed because inside there had to be at least 30 kids.
"How many are kids of Hermes?" I ask almost afraid of the answer.
"Eight, the rest unclaimed." Annabeth replies walking up to a blonde that I recognize from the Solstice earlier this year.
"You have a new one. Luke this is Percy. Percy this is Luke son of Hermes and head of the Hermes cabin." Annabeth introduces us her cheeks getting red under Luke's gaze.
"Hi Percy. I take it you're unclaimed?" Luke asks making my heart sink even more at the anger in his eyes.
"Yeah." I grumble silently begging my dad to claim me now, it has to be better to set Ina cabin by yourself than to be surrounded by depressed kids.
"There aren't many places to sleep right now. I'll get you a sleeping bag later." he promises.
"Thanks." I grumble in response.
For the next week I slept in Hermes's cabin feeling overwhelmed and guilty.I had been raised by the gods and yet they couldn't bother to claim their own children. I got very little sleep.