this is my first fairy tail fanfic..just trying it out..

disclaimer: of course i don't own fairy tail nor any of its characters.

"You're with that girl again, aren't you?" said the 12 year old Erza to her 13 year old bestfriend, Jellal. They were in her house, and it was already late.

"Yeah" Jellal smiled scratching his head. "I'm so sorry I was not able to go your game" he apologized as he promised he would come. "Here. I heard from Ultear (his sister) you won and you're even the MVP. Congrats!" said Jellal as he handed a bracelet with Erza's name in violet (her favourite color) but she didn't accept it, instead she looked away.

"Thanks. But you know I don't like accessories" she said as she looked outside of her window.

"I knew you'd say that" said Jellal with the goody smile, then placed the bracelet on her table, then went near her.

"You really like her, huh?" asked Erza breaking the silence. Jellal looked at her, but she on the other hand was not looking at him.

"Yeah. I do" was his short reply. "I'm really sorry for not being there on your birthday and game Erza. I'm sorry I've neglected my bestfriend duties" said Jellal apologetically. She shook her head, still not looking at him.

"You don't have to apologize. I know you just want to spend more time with the one you love. I mean, I'm just your best friend after all" she said smiling sadly.

"Erza! That's not true! I would have been there if you just let her watch your game also!" said Jellal in an annoyed tone as Erza just emphasized that she's just a friend.

She sighed a little then started going to her bed. "Can you leave for now? I'm kind of tired" she said as she lie on her bed and covered herself with her blanket.

"But Erza-" insisted Jellal knowing that she's mad at him, because she didn't look at him.

"Goodnight Jellal" she said it almost a command. He couldn't do anything because he knew Erza won't talk to him, so he decided to let her sleep and rest first.

"Okay. See you tomorrow Erza" he said as he turned the knob.

"Goodbye Jellal" she whispered but he heard. Not exactly fond of saying goodbye, he left and closed the door. He went home after taking one last look at Erza's window from outside her house.

The next day, when Jellal went to Erza's house, it was empty. He immediately went to her room, it was empty. On the table lie his gifts to Erza since the day they've become friends. Stuffed toys, caps, mugs, clothes, and the bracelet were all in a box. There was a letter underneath it.


Thank you for always being there for me. I'm sorry for not telling you about my transfer, I plan on telling you after the game but knowing that you already found someone who you want to spend most of your time, I just couldn't tell you. I know my transfer wouldn't mean much you. Anyway, I can't bring these, your gifts, with me as it would always remind me of you. You can burn it if you want, I just can bring myself to burn it. Thank you everything. And sorry for loving you more than a friend. Sorry for being selfish. Goodbye Jellal.



"This Jellal guy, do you still love him?" asked Gray looking at Erza. She just told him of her past, of her first love. Gray, her bestfriend who she met after transferring, was hoping she's say 'no'. He loved her, more than a friend. But he kept his feelings to himself.

"I don't know. It has already been 4 years but I still can't seem to forget him" said Erza sighing as she leaned her head on Gray's shoulder. "Maybe if I see him, I'll know" she added.

Gray's heart broke. Does he stand a chance? Why did he even ask her if she likes someone? At least that someone is not Natsu, his friend/enemy/Erza's other bestfriend. Gray always thought that Erza and Natsu are in a relationship, if not, they have feelings for each other. Gray and Lucy, his and Erza's bestfriend, and has a thing for Natsu, always thought that Natsu and Erza got an abnormal relationship because one is always ready to sacrifice for the other.

"How about you Gray? Do you like someone?" asked Erza as she lifter her head and looked at Gray. Their faces were just inches away, he felt his cheeks warm up, but he couldn't look away to hide it, not when he's looking at her beautiful eyes. "I knew it!" exclaimed Erza rather excited. She understood his reaction as 'yes'. "So? Who is it? Spill it Gray" teased Erza elbowing him. Gray looked at her incredulously. "Is it Lucy? Oh. No. Maybe Juvia? She's cute and she's very devoted to you" teased Erza. Gray raised a brow at the mention of Juvia's name. Yes, she's his friend, but she's one crazy girl. He already rejected her confessions like a million times but she won't stop. "What? I'm just saying. Why are you even rejecting a cute girl like her? If I were her, I'd give up on you and look for another" said Erza sighing.

"If you were her, I'd immediately accept your love" he said in a very low voice, only he can hear.

"Did you say something?" wondered Erza looking at Gray questioningly.

"Nothing" was his immediate reply. He then looked away. "I do have someone I like, but I don't think she loves me back" he added then looked at Erza.

"It's really hard to love someone who won't love us back. But we still do" Erza sighed then looked away. Gray just looked at her. "Say Gray, am I that unlikeable? I mean, I've known him longer, yet he fell for another" said Erza closing her eyes.

Gray looked at her wide-eyed. "That's not true Erza. Only a stupid guy would not like you" he said frantically.

Erza laughed at his reaction. "How about you? And why won't anyone confess to me?" she asked looking at him.

Gray felt his cheeks heat up. He knows many guys, aside from him, wanted to confess to her, not only is she beautiful and intelligent but she is also very kind and helpful, although scary at times. Nobody dared because she's friends with the scariest guy in their school, Laxus. Plus she's friends with him and Natsu, their school's heartthrobs. But for him, he's afraid that it would destroy their friendship.

"Well, Loke always flirts with you" he said remembering the orange haired playboy.

Erza laughed sarcastically. "You know Loke flirts with anyone with skirts, right?" she said in between laughs.

Gray couldn't help but laugh also, seeing her laugh. Erza was right. Loke flirts with anyone. But one thing she didn't get right, Loke was indeed inlove with Erza. Gray would always catch him looking at Erza. But he's in no position to tell that to her.

Gray sighed again. He was looking at Erza and Natsu talking while doing their assigned task. "Oi. Don't make it so obvious that you're bored being my partner" complained Lucy, his lab partner.

"That guy is really lucky" said Gray sighing.

"So did you confess already?" asked Erza to Natsu. They were talking while doing their assigned task as they are lab partners.

"What? Why? Why would I confess to her?" asked Natsu blushing madly.

Erza laughed at his reaction. She knows Lucy likes Natsu as Natsu likes Lucy. But Natsu is just too afraid to confess. Plus he thinks that Lucy likes Gray. "Come on Natsu. Are you perhaps afraid? You coward" teased Erza nudging him.

Natsu's face now matched Erza's hair. "Of course I'm not a coward!" he exclaimed, students then looked at them, so they bowed and apologized. "I just don't stand a chance" Natsu continued, sighing.

"What do you mean exactly?" asked Erza raising a brow.

"Well, she likes Gray. And I think he likes her back" Natsu sighed.

Erza face palmed. 'Stupid. You're the one she likes. Can't you see that?' she thought. "Okay. If I may ask, how do I convince you that Gray doesn't like her like that?" she inquired. She's terrible at playing a matchmaker. Mira, her friend/rival, is better at that, but for Natsu, she had to do it.

"Maybe if Gray got a girlfriend" answered Natsu nonchalantly.

"If Gay got a girlfriend, you'd ask Lucy out? I mean confess. Not just asking out as a friend?" she said her eyes shining brightly.

"Maybe" Natsu answered shyly.

Erza's POV

So Natsu will ask her out if Gray got a girlfriend? Hmm. Maybe Juvia? No. No. No. I shook my head at the thought. Of course no matter how dumb Natsu is, if Juvia suddenly becomes Gray's girlfriend, he'd definitely think something was up. Hmmm. Think Erzaa! Cana? Then I looked at her and saw her flirting with some other guy. I sighed a little. I thought of all other women, but they're out of the picture as soon as I saw them with their respective partners. What would Mira do in this kind of situation? Hmm. And that's when it me. Maybe if I ask him out in public I'd be his girlfriend in an instant? Either way, I'll tell him afterwards. I'm pretty confident he won't reject me outright. He's too kind for that. Besides I trust him.

End of POV

"What?" exclaimed Gray blushing.

"You heard me. I said I want to be your girlfriend" she answered smiling at him.

Then Gray laughed crooked. So Everyone got surprised at his reaction. "Why would I ever want you to be my girlfriend? I'm not stupid" he said in between laughs. He didn't mean to tell her that. He's just too shocked and embarrassed. He heard the others laughed at Erza for being dumped and some even said "So confident," "To be dumped in public, poor Erza."

Erza's smile faded. Her eyes covered by her hair's shadow. "Erza" Natsu called out worriedly. She just wanted to disappear then and there. She thought that is she said that, at least Gray would not reject her in a harsh way like that. She thought that he'll say he'll think about it, then she'll tell him her plans. But now? She doesn't know what to do. It really hurts to be humiliated by the person you trust most. She's so sad. But then she thought, it's not his fault, it's her fault for being so unlikeable"

"Erza" called out Gray ever so lowly that only an insect would hear. Then Gray heard her laugh a little.

"Are you alright Erza?" asked Natsu so worried. He even held her hands. Gray's hands balled into fists.

"Yeah. I guess that's to be expected" Gray heard her answer. "After all, I'm really that unlikeable" she added then looked at Gray. "Right Gray?" she said smiling at him.

Natsu looked at gray with dark eyes. How dare he outright reject her! And in front of all these people! Although Erza's really stupid for confessing in public in the first place.

Gray clenched his fists harder. He thought it was weird that Erza suddenly confessed to him, so he had to say that. But he didn't really mean it. He dumped her because he thought it was weird but as soon as Erza spat those words, he mentally smacked himself. 'Maybe she really likes me' he thought. Making him a little happy though not visible on his face at the moment. And seeing Natsu comfort her, irked him a lot. So he grabbed Erza's wrist and pulled her to him, much to everyone's surprise. Gray started pulling her out of the room when Natsu grabbed his shoulder.

"What do you think you're doing?" exclaimed Natsu seething with anger.

"I want to talk to her. ALONE" he said ignoring everybody's whispers and glares.

Natsu wanted to beat the crap out of Gray, but when he looked at Erza, she just smiled at him and shook her head. He knows what it meant. So even if he's angry, he had to calm himself, for Erza. He let go of Gray's shoulder. Erza and Gray then went out of the room leaving their shocked classmates behind.

"What the hell!? Did you really do that just for that lame reason!? Did you even think about my feelings at all?!" Gray spat cornering Erza in the wall, both his hands on either sides of her head. Gray was seething with anger as he heard her reason for confessing. They were currently on the rooftop, away from everybody's earshot. She was just looking at her feet.

What Gray was saying was true. She didn't even consider his feelings. And she calls herself Gray's friend. How could she do this to him? Gray had every right to dump her in front of many students. But now, they'd think he's cruel for saying those words. She looked up at him finally, it was obvious that he's very angry. "I'm so sorry Gray!" apologized Erza bowing at him. "I know you have every right to be mad at me. Please forgive me" she apologized again.

His heart soften looking at her defeated stature. He couldn't stay mad at her. He loves her too much for that. "Erza look at me" he said sounding angry. She looked up. Their faces so near each other. "You want me to forgive you?" he said an evil smile forming on his face.

Erza nodded. "I'd do anything for it" she even said.

"Then kiss me" Gray said smirking.

"What?!" Erza panicked, her face matched that of her hair.

"Okay. You don't want. Bye" he said darkly as he removed his hands on either side of her head.

"Wait!" she said grabbing his forearm. "I'll do it" she chided, blushing madly. Gray looked at Erza as she leaned closer to him. When their lips touched, she was about to retreat immediately, but Gray put his hand on the back of his head and pulled her closer, to deepen the kiss. Erza couldn't help but close her eyes, her heart pounding so fast. Gray slipped his tongue asking for entrance which she granted. He then explored her mouth. She tasted like heaven for Gray. It was like a dream come true. He pulled away, even though he didn't want to, he had to. For a ridiculous thing called air. "Am I forgiven?" Erza asked blushing and was breathing heavily.

"Not yet. I'll tell you when you're forgiven" Gray answered smirking then held her hand. "For now let's tell the teacher that we should change partners" he saud pulling her gently as they started descending the stairs. Erza looked at him puzzled, and he felt it. "For Lucy and Natsu" he said coolly. At that moment, Erza didn't know why but she's kind of disappointed that Gray wanted to change partners just because it is for Lucy and Natsu. But immediately shrugged it off.

"Don't get too full of yourself Scarlet" threatened one of Gray's fangirls.

"Yeah. He just pities you" said another. "Besides, you're nothing, just like your friends" the girl added. Erza got so pissed, she can tolerate her being badmouthed but if someone badmouthed her friends she'd snap. So she slapped the girl in front of her. The fangirls was taken aback, they knew Erza was one not to be messed with but Misa (the one she slapped) was the school principal's daughter.

"What the hell is going on here?" asked Gray as he appeared. Misa also happens to be Gray's friend, as their parents are buddies.

"Gray! This girl just slapped me for no reason at all" whined Misa clinging onto him. "Gray-sama, she's really violent" the others chided in.

Erza was clenching her fist. "Do you want to say something Erza?" asked Gray looking at her. She got more pissed. She wanted to say something but stopped herself. She just decided to walk away.

"Just leave her alone Gray. She's not worth your time" said Misa clinging onto him. He gently pushed her away and ran after Erza. Misa got pissed at this. "You'll pay for this Scarlet" said Misa through gritted teeth then walked away, the others followed through.

"Erza! Wait up!" said Gray following her. "What happened back there?" he asked grabbing her wrist.

Erza sighed. "What do you want?" she asked, still now looking at him.

"You" he immediately answered. Erza's eyes turned into saucer looking at him. "Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" he asked so worried. He looked at her up and down for any sign of injury. He sighed in relief as he found none. "I'm glad you're alright" he said then hugged her.

Erza's heartbeat suddenly went crazy. She had to pull away from his warm hug, else she'd have a heart attack. "I'm fine Gray" she said fighting for her blush not to show.

"How many had this happened?" Gray asked as they walked together hand in hand.

"Couple of times" she answered, not wanting to lie to him anymore.

"When did this start? How come you never fight back? You fight back if it's a man" he asked quirking a brow.

The bullying actually started way back when she became friends with Gray and Natsu. But it stopped when she became close to Natsu. She suspected he had something to do with it since Natsu saw he being bullied once. It also became the reason why Natsu stick close to her. Then it started again when Gray announced that he and Erza are going out (after the fact of dumping her). "About a week now I guess" she answered. She never fights back to women just because they're bullying her for a certain boy. But she'd definitely fight back if it's to protect someone.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Gray asked madly. He looked at Erza as they stopped walking. He noticed that she didn't know how to answer his question. "Argh" Gray groaned as they started walking again. "From now on I want you to stay with me all the time. I won't let something like this to happen again. Is that clear?" he said in a commanding tone. He saw from the corner of his eyes that she nodded. "Good" he then said.

to be continued...

well?how did i do so far?good? bad? terrible? or even worse than terrible?