Woah... This is pretty short as far as my time loop ideas go. I'd just like to say, I own nothing. Not even the idea for time loops.

The basic summary of time loops is that the name is pretty self explanatory. Time is broken (it's way more complicated than that, this is just the simple version) and so time is repeating over and over and over again at certain points for certain individuals.

In my mind, Mikey would TOTALLY be a great Anchor. They are always looping so that the loops stay as stable as they can possibly be with time broken. Now, some loops are very weird. As in, the normal pattern of those closest to the Anchor start looping early on doesn't happen. In the TMNT loop, Mikey's been looping for probably over two thousand loops by this point. My favorite part of the time loops is that evil villains pretty much always end up reformed. Most just realize there's no point in taking over the world when all your hard work isn't going to count in a few years once time resets.

Shredder was the first other looper, and as soon as he stopped being evil and became sane again (after several dozen loops of a very experienced Mikey kicking his tin can rear) him and Mikey are pretty good pals. Not like best friends or anything, but they're alone in the loops together. You take your friends where you can. There are a few other loopers... but they don't come into this little oneshot.

It is very unlikely that I will continue this, just so you know. But if you ask and I feel up to it at some point I guess I can drag myself together and make another.


The lair was quiet and peaceful, just the same as it was any other day.

Michelangelo was relaxing on the couch with a stack of comic books. Leonardo was meditating in his room. Raphael was tuning his motorcycle up for a race he and Casey had planned. Donatello was in his lab doing only he understood what. Splinter was in his dojo doing whatever he did in his spare time.

Perfectly normal.

What wasn't normal was when the silence was broken by a long and harsh stream of curses, many in different languages and a few were... the names of trees? Leo and Splinter both were about ready to figure out what Raphael thought he was doing yelling like that, until they realized a very crucial detail...

It wasn't Raph.

"What's going on?" The purple banded turtle poked his head out of his lab with a confused look(and a slight blush, he'd never heard ANYONE use words so... inventive).

"Raphael?" Splinter was out of his dojo already, giving a murderous glance at the door to the garage.

"Hey, it ain't me." Raph opened up the door and wiped the grease off his hands with a scowl. Leo came out a second later, coming to a conclusion.


By the time the four looked over at the couch, the cursing had stopped and comic books were fluttering to the ground.

Michelangelo Hamato, Anchor, pounded his head against a wall.

"Stupid stupid stupid! UGH!" He groaned and clutched at his now aching skull. "Okay, that was stupid."

He looked around the rooftop he had instinctively headed towards, absentmindedly remembering to send out a mental ping in case any other loopers were around. Not that were many, even when they were all looping.

And not once had his family ever looped, not even one of them.

Heck, by this point he'd be completely ecstatic if one of them started looping and had a full blown breakdown! He was sick and tired of being in such a lonely loop Kami dang it!

"Well well, Michelangelo, what a surprise!" Mikey looked up completely at ease as a familiar armored figure came out of the shadows. Not like he didn't know he was there, he was the Anchor. And a ninja. Ninja Anchors were never surprised. Ever.

"Ha Shredhead, you look a little lost! Awake on the wrong side of the throne this morning?" He teased mockingly, putting a specific stress on a particular word.

"Indeed, I find myself in need of an Anchor this bland loop." Shredder relaxed and the threatening tone of voice disappeared, code phrase received and responded to.

"Bland? Really?" He didn't even twitch as the heavily armored warrior walked forwards and leaned against the wall right next to him. "Dude, I'd take bland right now. Heck, I'd taken Eiken right now if I could."

"Bad loop?" While Shredder was definitely evil in baseline, and had taken a LONG time until he'd STOPPED being evil, once he'd gotten over the whole evil insanity mwahaha take over the world destroy things mindset he was pretty decent.

The normally happy turtle sent him a glare Raph would have been proud of. The thought of his brother sent his mood reeling again. "Bad loop my shell, remember those weird variants where me and my brothers are evil and you're the good guy and you work with Master Splinter to fight us with the backing of the foot clan and all that craziness?"

Even beneath the mask, Mikey could see him flinch. "Yes, yes indeed. That variant pops up far too often for my taste."

"It was worse." Michelangelo deadpanned as the other looper took off his helmet just so he could stare at the turtle with wide eyes.



"May I ask what sent you out here to our meeting spot so early in the loop? I technically shouldn't even be in America yet, since I Awoke as soon as I crashed in Japan this loop I decided to bring things together in a... nicer situation."

"I kind of Awoke in the lair right after dying... when I was killed by my brothers." Mikey sighed. "I kinda freaked..."

"I don't blame you, such a situation would be far from pleasant." Oroku Saki nodded sympathetically. "Dying is never something I wish to relive, much less by the hand of those I trust."

"I don't even want to think about that twisted loop..." Mikey whined, sliding to the ground with his shell against the wall.

"How about this, have a vacation loop. I'll find... some way to pass off your disappearance as my influence without making it seem as if I killed you. That was your family does not feel completely terrible."

"That's... not a bad idea. Mention something about, 'imprisoning the ones you love', 'kay? I'm gonna go do something... maybe screw around with the turtleverses..." He shrugged noncommittally. "Something stupid that makes me completely forget what just happened me for the past fifteen years from my perspective."

"Ah yes, a good idea." Saki nodded. "I shall see you hopefully at some point?"

"Sure." Mikey shrugged again, eyes slightly glazing.

"I think you had better hurry up with the forgetting..." He murmured as he settled his helmet back on and began settling plans in his head.

"Yeah, good idea." Mikey's eyes were still glazed.

I don't even know with this, it just came to my while I was starting my Halloween costume. But if you guys like the idea of time loops check out my Fairy Tail story Looping Fairies! :D It's actually a lot larger collection of oneshots and it's really hilarious. X3 And if you're an MLP fan or like dragons, check out MLP Loops and Dragon Loops by Saphroneth. Holy crow those stories are amazing. Seriously, check them out. :3