It's been a dream to write this down and make it a real story. The characters are a bit OOC and my facts might not all be on point. I'm no expert on Star Wars, but I like to think I know a lot. Correct me if you want I'm writing this for me and if you all enjoy it too, that's great. I hope you all love this this story as much as I do. No pairings, except the normal Padme and Anakin and all others from the TV show. Disclaimer- I don't own Star Wars the Clone Wars, or any of its characters, I only wish I did.

Chapter 1

Ahsoka POV

"Don't fight little girl. It won't make a difference, you'll still lose."

"Well then, I better go down in flames."

Ahsoka stood between a room full of Jedi Younglings and the very own Savage Opress. She heard that he'd taken down some of the best Jedi Knights and she knew she would most likely lose the fight she was about to start. Ahsoka knew this was the moment where she would probably die.

There was a full on attack going on at the Jedi Temple, led solely by Savage Opress. He had over a thousand members of the Death Watch with him. It was surely a suicide mission. The Jedi Temple couldn't be taken; there was no way. It was too heavily guarded.

Savage POV

But Savage was there knowing he wouldn't survive. Darth Maul had just abandoned him and he wanted to prove his worth to his brother. He wanted to show him he wasn't worthless. He was strong. And after killing the Jedi Younglings that would be proven.

Ahsoka POV

Ahsoka had had a few minutes warning before the Savage had arrived. Commander Cody sent out word that he was headed to the West Wing. The Youngling Wing. Ahsoka was already close to the wing and only had to run past the outdoor activity courts to get to the building. She rushed the Younglings inside and told them to stay inside. She said that she was going to buy time for help to come and they needed to be strong. Ahsoka wasn't going to let Savage get to them.

And that's how the Padawan Tano ended up with her lightsabers drawn, facing off Savage Opress.

"You're a feisty one," Savage noted. His lightsaber was drawn; he was ready for a fight. And Ahsoka sure as hell wasn't letting him get past her without one.

"So I'm told." And they fought.

Their lightsabers clashed left and right. The air around them was hot with tension and from the force circling around them. The two of them were caught in a dance of swordfight. Ahsoka threw her lightsabers against Savage's, but he used the force and pushed her back. She slammed into the wall of the Youngling Building and fell to the ground.

Savage began to walk toward her, a look of pure evil on his face. Ahsoka pushed herself back up and drew her lightsaber back to her hand. She lit it up and swung just in time to meet her foe's lightsaber above her head. Ahsoka caught him off guard and kneed him in the stomach.

He fell back and clutched a hand to his stomach in pain. The Padawan took her turn to strike as he was calling back his lightsaber. She thought she had the advantage until Savage elbowed her in her stomach.

"There goes a rib," she thought to herself but was interrupted by the ring of her com. "Ahsoka?" It rang.

"Yes Master," she clicked her com and made it so that she wouldn't have to press the communicate button every time she wanted to talk. It would hear her every move.

"Obi-Wan and I have heard about the attack on the Temple. Our mission is complete, Maul is dead, and we're arriving in the atmosphere now. What's going on?"

Savage was standing again and the two of them were circling each other waiting an attack. "The main attack is just heading through the front gates. They're winning so far. The Death Watch is outnumbered." Ahsoka warily eyed her assailant the entire time she took to respond to Anakin.

"They're? What do you mean Ahsoka? Where are you?"

The Padawan didn't get time to respond because her and Savage went at it again. She only gave a second to think about how Anakin was going to kill her for taking on a Sith, before focusing completely on the fight. Ahsoka and Savage's lightsabers hit so brutally that they both fell from each other's hands. In a quick moment of thinking Ahsoka used the force to push Savage back. He had the same idea and they both went flying in opposite directions.

"Ahsoka? Ahsoka!" her com was ringing with her master's voice.

"Yeah, I'm here," she tried to stand up but gasped in pain as she tried to put weight on her left foot. She still got up but balanced on her other side. It wasn't sprained or broken, she knew what that felt like and would recognize it.

Ahsoka looked down to see a piece of scrap metal lodged into her heel. She didn't have any time to ponder on it before she was thrown against the building wall once again.

Savage had pinned her small body to the wall and had his lightsaber only inches from her throat. But Ahsoka still had more of a fight in her and wasn't going to die then.

"So how well did I do?" She pushed her head back impossibly further into the wall, trying to retreat from the weapon that in one move could take all the life from her.

"I am stronger than you."

Ahsoka thought to herself. "Good just keep talking while I just get my lightsaber back,"

"But you were a good challenge, a lot of spirit in you. It's sad that that'll have to end now."


It was fast but the young Jedi swung her lightsaber at her enemy right in time. Savage fell back pain and was crumpled over holding…

The stump of his arm, where there should've been a forearm and a hand. "Oh loose something did you?" Ahsoka teased which only made Savage angrier. Not like she was one to argue. Her rib was definitely broken and her left foot was almost entirely useless, but she wasn't done fighting yet.

"Ahsoka talk to me!" Her com rang again.

"Yeah, I'm here Master."

"What-"she heard Anakin begin.

"Give me the com Anakin," a new voice interrupted. "Ahsoka, it's Obi-Wan. Where are you?"

Ahsoka watched as Savage grasped his lightsaber in his one hand and the two of them circled each other once again. "I'm at the West Wing."

She could hear Anakin arguing with his former master over the com and smiled slightly at the thought of it. "Who are you fighting?"

"Savage Opress," he answered for himself. "Ever hear of me old man?"

"Ahsoka get out of there!" she heard Anakin urge.

"No. I can't leave the Younglings." And she turned her com off.

Savage Opress and Ahsoka Tano connected their lightsabers once again. And the longer they went on the weaker each of them got, yet they still kept fighting. Punches and kicks were still thrown like it was nothing.

And then it happened. Savage's lightsaber flew from his hand and Ahsoka took the opportunity. Her lightsaber punctured straight through his chest.

"No!" She heard from off in the distance.

Nothing changed. Savage fell to his knees and then flat on the ground. His body was limp and he was dead.

Ahsoka let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and tried to straighten herself up. But she couldn't. Why couldn't she? She looked down her body to see…oh. There was a knife lodged in her stomach. She didn't even know it was there until she saw it.

Her feet could no longer hold her weight and Ahsoka fell backwards. She began to feel the pain of the knife wound and it tore through her body ripping up every part of her that felt fine just a second ago.

"Ahsoka!" she heard, from the same voice that had yelled 'no' earlier. Her vision cleared enough to see her Anakin and Master Kenobi running towards her.

Anakin fell to his knees beside his Padawan. "Ahsoka…"

Obi-Wan sat down on the other side of her after he checked to make sure that Savage Opress was dead. He began to assess her wounds and hid his eyes from hers. She knew he was just as shocked at the predicament as Anakin was, but he hid it well.

Unlike Obi-Wan, Anakin looked purely panicked. "I'll call for-"

"Don't," Ahsoka interrupted her voice somewhat hoarse. "There's bigger problems, there's a full blown war going on up front."

Anakin let out a strangled breath and looked down to his Padawan. She could read his expression. It was lost, and he was trying to figure out what he could do to fix this. To fix her. But there was nothing.

"I'm going to take the knife out Ahsoka and afterwards I'll have to apply pressure to the wound." Obi-Wan informed her.

Ahsoka nodded and not a second later did the knife get pulled out of her and get replaced with a harsh hand pushing down on the wound. She let out a small strangled cry at the pain.

That just broke Anakin more. "Force." He cursed. "Snips, why'd you try and take him on alone?"

Oh no. If Ahsoka was going to die she was not going to let him win the last argument. "I was buying time," her voice was small. "And I won." She gave a small smile.

"I know." Anakin tried his best to give a genuine smile back but it was painful. "I'm proud of you."

Obi-Wan readjusted his hand on her wound and Ahsoka flinched.

"Wow. It only took a knife to get you to say that your proud of me." She tried to laugh but it turned into a cough and Ahsoka could see blood coming out of the corner of her mouth.

"I'm always proud of you Snips." He was close to tears.

"I know Sky-Guy." She started to cough again. "You need to go though. Both of you. There's a war going on up front and they need you."

"I'm not leaving you."

"You have to."

"No." Anakin shook his head and looked down at his Padawan. The girl he'd trusted with his life countless times. The girl he grew to confide in more than anyone else. One of his best friends. "No. I'm not leaving."

Ahsoka shed a tear as she watched her master's thought process. "Sitting here and watching me die won't do any good."

"You're not going to-"

"Yes I am." Ahsoka had accepted the truth the minute she realized she'd been stabbed, but saying it actually made it real. And it was frightening but she wasn't going to be selfish, the armies needed a General. "Go. Leave Anakin."

He was about to decline all over again until Obi-Wan interrupted. "She's right Anakin. Listen to your Padawan. Go. I can take her through the West Hall to the infirmary if it hasn't been blocked off."

"I can't leave…"

Obi-Wan shook his head. "Yes. You have to. You have a troop to lead. They need you now."

Anakin nodded his head giving in to his two friends wishes. "Alright." He nodded again and looked down at Ahsoka. He grabbed her hand and gave it a quick squeeze. "You're going to be fine Snips. Alright? Trust me on that."

"I always trust you." Ahsoka's voice was weak when she spoke.

Anakin contacted Rex and told him he was on his way to their location, while Obi-Wan positioned Ahsoka's hand over the wound and told her to keep pressure there no matter how much it hurt. Ahsoka was small so she wasn't too much of a hassle for Obi-Wan to carry but she was drifting more and more out of consciousness every second.

"I'll see you soon Snips," was Anakin's way of saying goodbye.

"Hey Sky-Guy." Ahsoka murmured in a voice that was lower than a whisper. He turned back to his Padawan, eyes fully concerned. "Thank you."

"You're going to be fine," he said again reassuring himself more than his Padawan.

That was a lie.

Obi-Wan POV

Obi-Wan was worried. The longer he took to get to the infirmary, the less chance Ahsoka would have of surviving. She'd lost a lot of blood and he wasn't so sure about her condition now. She was fighting to stay conscious in his arms and was struggling with the pain and loss of blood.

It wasn't looking good.

When they got to the infirmary Obi-Wan handed Ahsoka off to one of the nurses and they rushed her to surgery. But she didn't get to the surgery doors before her heart stopped.

A/N-That you all so much for reading, literally it means a lot to me. And I hope you all liked it as much as I do. Thanks! :) -Saraphine