You attack my mind - We will attack your body.

Chapter 1

The sun streaked the curtains of the room casting an amber shadow as the oranges kissed the occupants of the room. Two sleeping bodies, one was securely wrapped around the other but in fact wasn't asleep.

Phil Coulson propped himself up on one elbow and looked at his sensual angel that had agreed to be a permanent part of his life, but it took nearly getting killed to see that he actually had a family and lover who was worth fighting for. He lifted his other arm to run it down the curves and planes that was Melinda May's well-toned form. He couldn't help himself now that he had allowed himself to indulge in the illustrious fountain, tasted what he thought was the forbidden fruit, he knew that he could never let it go.

He gently pulled down the blanket and watched the silk travel down disclosing the most beautiful scene he'd ever witnessed, he had just pulled it down to reveal nothing but the sensual skin of her hips when he heard, "Have you not seen enough of my body? You know what it looks like, marks, scars and all and I am pretty sure that you have felt it not so long ago. Are you…?"

She never got a chance to finish the sentence before she was rolled on her back and silenced by the soft pulsing lips of Phil Coulson, he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth and began to nibble, nip and then soothe the sting with his tongue as it teased her own to come out to play.

No matter what he did he could always rip moans from her throat like tunes from a fiddle and boy does he enjoy doing it, he would do anything just to lay here and do what he's doing now and he would die a happy man. He ran his hands down her sides her legs automatically parting to cradle Phil's body, she locked her legs around him as though any minute he would disappear and she would wake up alone in her bed. It was still hard to believe that she finally had the man of her dreams right here with her, in bed and nothing was raining on their parade for a relaxing morning.

The kiss came to a natural and relaxed close, he nipped at her lips and looked at her lips swollen from receiving his glorious kisses, pupils dilated, hair spread out around her like a black halo for an angel which he had claimed, he still could not believed that he had been given this second chance this most prized gift. Staring in awe he said, "No Melinda, I have not nor, would I ever tire of your wonderful sexy body. I could lay here forever and describe just what you do to me but no words are ever enough, you are the light in what was a dark existence and I enjoy mapping out the planes of your body and would gladly to do so until time stopped." He looked in her eyes and all she saw was the sun shining in it and the love pouring out of the them could have stopped the world turning and over flowed into the sea, something she could never weary of.

He could gladly stay here with her the woman of his dreams in his arms, stroking her hair and watching the sun rise, he was thinking about his psychic abilities, the trouble it had caused, the lives that had been put at risk and where they were now. He knew that they could not stay there forever and had not even bothered to get to know anyone around them, what would be the point? Until he knew for certain that they were no longer at risk he would keep moving through all the countries in the world to ensure the safety of his love and their family.

"I can hear the cogs turning you know? Is there ever a time when you are not thinking about something or work." Melinda had moved her face to the crease of his neck, smelling something that was uniquely Phil and fast became of her favourite scent ever feeling his pulse under her lips was a stark reminder that he was alive and that she had nearly lost him.

They laid there contemplating what to do with their day and when would be a time to move again with the gang but something was itching in the back of his mind, he couldn't quite place it but something was feeling wrong to him.

He didn't want to say anything and put all his senses on the alert cause they would think that he was losing the plot but something was scratching as his brain and he could not shake it.

He looked to the side to find that May was not there and the bed was cold, he could have sworn that when he looked not five seconds ago she was there.

He shot up from the bed sweat dripping from his body and fear written on his pace like words in a book, now he knew that something was right.

The pain shot through his shoulders and brought him to his knees, a massive charge to the back of the head knocked him face first on the floor and now the world was going black but not before he saw a man step into his view, another one grab him dragging his lifeless body roughly to his feet and whisper, "The knight in shining armour really does have a chink after all. Grab him and strap him to the chair it is now time to see just how good a psychic he really is. Wonder just how much he really can stand?"

Coulson was desperately trying to fight the blanket of unconsciousness that was sweeping over him but he was drained from the induced vision or dream whatever you want to call it, the drugs in his system and the fact he has just been dropped to his knees by a six foot bruiser.

He knew that he was in trouble and that he needed to think his way out of it when he came around but the thing that made his blood run cold was, if he was in trouble then what happened to the others?

What had happened to May? Was she even alive?

Then his body gave in, his brain shut down and darkness overtook his pain stricken body, the energy removed like liquid from a half empty glass.