Dan jumped into the shower and felt the warm water trickle down his back. He shivered as the comforting heat warmed up his body, and he let out a deep sigh. He started humming a un-rhythmic tune as he rubbed raspberry shampoo into his hair. He had woken up early because today was Phil's birthday, and he had a little surprise for him.

Dan stepped out of the shower and dried himself off before continuing to get dressed. He straightened his hair and looked into the misty mirror. "You can do this Dan" he thought to himself "don't worry yourself, it'll be easy..." He walked into his room and picked up the package he had wrapped for Phil. It was wrapped in midnight blue tissue paper and was about the size of an IPhone box. He had bought the gift month's ago, and was nervously wondering if Phil would like it or not. He grabbed x and continued into the kitchen to make them both a cup of tea.

Phil was lying in bed, listening to the sounds of Dan rummaging through the kitchen. "Dan's forgotten," he thought, and he felt a tear slide down his cheek. He scrunched his face up and clung onto his duvet covers, before burying himself under his pillows. After a few moments, he heard is bedroom door open and a faint whisper. "Phil?" He sat up, knocking the pillows onto the floor and staring at Dan. "Jesus christ," Dan squeaked " You scared the he'll outa me!" Phil let a wide grin spread across his face, and Dan followed. Dan passed Phil his tea, and then sat on the edge of the bed, looking nervous. "Dan," Phil asked "What's wrong?" Dan stared down at his hands before whispering "Happy birthday, Phil."

Phil grinned at Dan, but he didn't smile back. He just continued looking down and passed Phil the carefully wrapped gift. Phil was take aback. "Y-you remembered?" Dan looked up with a look of surprise on his face. "Of course I remembered, you twat," a small smile crept across his face, filling his body with warmth. "Now are you gonna open it or..."

Phil gently tore at the paper and Dan continued to look at his feet. Phil pulled the paper off, and it fell to the floor with a soft swooshing noise. He stared curiously at his gift. I was a small silver box with fascinating designs carved into the lid and sides. Phil ran his fingers over the carving, the continued to open the tiny clasp. Phil let out a gasp when he saw what was inside. Hearing this, Dan turned his head away and felt the feeling of dread wash over him. Phil picked up the gift that was hidden inside the box, surrounded by sunset-orange tissue paper. It was a thin gold chain, with glistening green emeralds set into the gold. He delicately lifted it up and gaped at the beautify of this gift. He quickly rushed over to Dan's side and wrapped his arms around his waist and whispered:
"Thank you, Its beautiful."
"Okay..." Dan thought. "Now is the time to tell him..."
"Phil," Dan started, feeling nervous and full of butterflies. "I-I love you..." Dan trailed off, because Phil's lips clashed with his. Dan let out a small gasp as Phil ran his fingers under Dan's shirt, feeling his bare torso. Phil pushed him down on the bed and he deepened the kiss and wrapped his legs around Dan.
"I love you." Phil murmured against Dan's hot breath as he pulled away slightly. He grinned to himself as he moved his head towards Dan's neck and started kissing him passionately, knowing that Dan hated being touched there. Phil could feel Dan's breath quicken s he continued to kiss his neck, and Dan's words hitched in his throat as he started to moan softly.
"Phil... "
Phil looked up and grinned at Dan. They both lay there, gazing into each others eyes, before Dan felt the need to roll Phil off him, and make some pancakes.