A/N: This is Anna's POV of the story, so if you want to read Elsa's POV too, you should read my other fanfic, Light in the Darkness, though I suggest you to read Anna's POV first.
Chapter 1: First day.
Hello, my name is Anna and I'm… well I'm just me, I mean I'm clumsy, awkward, desperate to find love and I have a serious lack of social skills. Do you wanna know why? Well, let's just say I have overprotective parents. They are good parents, don't get me wrong, but they literally kept me inside the house for about ten years, since I was five and that accident happened… well, you can say it was partially my fault, but hey! I was only a kid then, and now I'm a full grown woman… almost. However, now I finally convinced them to let me assist to Arendelle High. I'm going to be a junior, even if I should have been a sophomore, because of the high score I got at the exam.
This is my first time on the outside world and my first time going to a school instead of being home-schooled, so… yeah, I'm very excited, I wanna make so many friends, I wanna meet everyone, but most of all I wanna meet The One, do you know what I mean?
Right now I'm arriving to my new school, it so large and crowded and the buildings are very nice, they are white and have columns painted with the colors of Arendelle: purple and green. I descend from the car after saying goodbye to my dad and walk, well, run to the entrance. There are so many people, most of them about my age and I can't help but smile like a fool seeing in front of my eyes all of what I've been dreaming of. I'm so distracted that I don't see where I'm going and suddenly I hit something and fall on my rear.
"Oh! I'm so sorry, are you hurt?"
Well, not something, someone. I open my eyes and see him, but I think maybe I hit my head and I'm hallucinating, because no one could be this handsome in real life. Seriously, I'm not kidding, he is gorgeous. His auburn hair glows with the light of sun, his eyes are a beautiful shade of green, his sideburns suit him perfectly and that charming smile he's giving me is so perfect. I can feel my cheeks getting red as my heart starts racing like crazy.
"Y-yes... I mean no… I-I'm okay." I'm barely able to reply.
He gives me his hand to help me up and I accept it, but when I touch him my legs literally become jelly. However, I'm somehow able to keep myself on my feet.
"I'm Hans." He says, still holding my hand. "What's your name?"
"A-a-a…" I clear my throat trying to speak. "Anna, my… my name is Anna."
"Anna…" My name sounds perfect pronounced by his soft voice. "It's a beautiful name."
"Thank you." I blush even more.
"I've never seen you around. Are you new here?"
"Y-y-yeah… Actually this is my first time going to a school."
"Really? Were you teached at home?"
"Mmmhm,." I nod. "My parents are a little bit overprotective."
"You can say so." He laughs, and his laughter is like music to my ears. "So Anna, which is your first class?"
"I don't know." I open my back pack and get out my schedule. "Maths with Mr. Weselton."
"Oh, you mean Weaseltown. He is a very annoying little man, too bad for you."
"Do you know him?"
"Yes, he was my teacher the previous year… It didn't end up very well. Whatever, I'll escort you to your class."
"R-really?" He offers me his elbow to hold. "Oh! Thank you! You really don't have to do this." I'm already grabbing his arm and smiling like crazy.
"It's a pleasure."
I had math class with Mr. Weaseltown, who is very funny even if it he doesn't mean it. I think having him as a teacher won't be so bad. Then I had chemistry with teacher Itzma and, seriously, that woman is scary and so old and ugly she looks like a mummy. After that, I had history with Mr. Tatch and that's when I met Rapunzel. She is a very nice girl and I think we could become good friends, we are very similar in many aspects.
After one interminable hour of history I have one free and Rapunzel does too, so we decide to walk around the school. While we're in our way we talk a little about ourselves. She tells me about her adoptive mother, Gothel, and how she was as overprotective as my parents, or perhaps even more, and how she found her real parents with a little help of her boyfriend, Flynn, and now she only sees Gothel once a week. I, as well, tell her everything about my past… except the accident.
After an amazing hour with Rapunzel I walk her to her class and, when we arrive to her classroom, I see Hans standing by the door.
"Hey, Hans!" I say, waving my hand, not noticing the glare Rapunzel is sending to him. When we are close enough to him I think I should introduce them to each other. "Hans, this is my new friend, Rapunzel. Rapunzel, this is…"
"Hans." She cuts me off. "I know. Everyone here knows him."
"R-r-really?" I can't help feeling strange. Is he really that popular?
"Of course, he is the heartbreaker of this High School."
"Nonsense." He replies. "She is only saying it because I've never put an eye on her before." He winks at me and I giggle nervously completely forgetting the words of Rapunzel.
"I'm going to my class." She says coldly and then she leans to whisper to my ear. "Don't trust him, he is not what he seems."
I don't have time to completely make sense to what she just said because, as she disappear inside the classroom, Hans gets close to me and hugs me by the waist, which makes my mind get rid of any rational thought.
"So, Anna, What do you have to do right now?"
"I-I've got another hour of free time." I somehow manage to reply.
"Perfect." He says and starts walking taking me with him.
We arrive to the cafeteria. There are many people sited here and there, most of them just talking, others eating and a few studying or doing homework. We head to a table where there are five girls and three boys. All of them seem very well dressed, actually their looks are perfect, from their hair to their shoes, and when they smile it's as if there were sparks surrounding them. I feel so out of place.
"Hey, guys." Hans greets them. "I want to introduce you to my new friend, Anna."
"H-hi." I stutter, my voice sounding shy and very soft.
"How cute!" A brunette dressed with a violet blouse and black leggings says. "Are you new here?"
"Yes, b-but I'm a junior" I state proudly.
"Then welcome to Arendelle High." She says with a big smile. "I'm Megara, but most of people know me as Meg, and wonder boy, over there..." She points to a muscular copper-haired man. "Is my boyfriend, Hercules."
"Hi". He says.
Then the girls start greeting me by kissing me on my cheek. It feels… different to kiss someone you just met, but I don't mind. It's a good different.
"I'm Aurora." A blonde girl dressed with a pink summer dress decorated with blue ribbons says.
"I'm Snow White, but you can call me Snow" A black-haired girl who is chewing gum and is dressed with a dark blue and red blouse and yellow jeans speaks.
"I'm Cinderella, but I'd prefer it if you call me Cindy or Ella." Now a blonde girl wearing a t-shirt and a skirt, both of them blue, speak.
"And I'm Ariel. It's nice to meet you." A redhead dressed with a short green skirt and a violet tank top says.
"It's nice to meet you as well." I answer nervously. "All of you."
Then I look expectantly to the boys who then start introducing themselves as well while shaking my hand.
"I'm John Smith." A blonde guy dressed with jeans and a t-shirt with the flag of U.K greets me. He actually has a British accent.
"I'm Febo." A blonde guy with a little beard growing on his chin who is wearing a tight golden shirt which accentuates his muscles and jeans speaks.
I can't help but notice they all are very handsome… but I prefer the girls, they are even more beautiful... wait, what? No, forget it. I-I prefer Hans. Yes. Hans, the hot guy with auburn hair, sideburns and gorgeous eyes. He is perfect to be my true love. I'm not going to see anyone else in that way. Anyone. Not boys and definitely not girls.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Snow points somewhere near the door of the cafeteria and shouts:
"Look! It's the ice queen!"
I turn to look where she is pointing and I see a beautiful… no, gorgeous… no, there are no words to describe this girl. She has platinum blonde hair that glitters at the light of sun, done in a single french braid and with a light blue diadem just above her bangs. She also has the fairest and most flawless skin I've ever seen, a body so perfect that I couldn't have ever imagined it even in my wildest dreams (Not that I dream about gorgeous girls often), and a pair of eyes whose shade of blue is like seeing directly the clear waters of a frozen lake. She is dressed in a white shirt, a black tie, a dark blue sweater and black dress pants. Her clothes don't really accentuate her good figure, but I'm sure she could be wearing a sack of potatoes and she'd still look astounding.
"That rude heartless girl." Snow says with a sour tone of voice.
"Yeah, I really hope she at least fail one subject this year." Aurora agrees.
"Come on girl, that wouldn't ever happen." Febo says. "She is the smartest girl in the school."
"Yeah" I say angrily, even if I don't know anything about her. "And why do you say such bad things about her, anyway?"
"She is cold and rude and mean and an ice queen." Hans answers. "Everyone in this high hates her." He adds as a matter of factly. "You are new here, so I forgive you for standing up for her."
Now I'm confused. Why do they hate her so much? She must have done something, right? You don't just say bad things about someone if she has never wronged you.
"That reminds me…" Hans speaks. "I have planned a joke for her."
"Oh, what is it about?" Cinderella asks excitedly.
Hans puts out of his pocket a ball of brown plasticine. Then he turns to me and puts it in my hands.
"What?" I ask not really understanding what's going on.
"I want you to smear this on her hair."
"What?!" I exclaim. "No, there's no way I'm gonna do it."
"Why not?" Hercules asks surprised.
"Because it's wrong." I try to reason. Maybe I never went to school before but I think I can tell when something isn't right.
"I don't see what's wrong with it." Meg says.
"She hasn't done anything to me. I have no right to do something so mean to her."
"Well, it's true she hadn't done anything to you, but to us, on the other hand..." Snow starts, pausing dramatically.
"We made a team with her last year. "Aurora says. "We were just being nice because we pitied her because she has no friends."
"We were supposed to make the final project together, and we did, but when the teacher told us we've got a 90, she just freaked out and told him we hadn't helped her to do it and that she deserved to get a 100 while we should have an 80." Ella continued.
"And you know what's the worst part?" Ariel asks." He obliged! I don't know what she does to the teachers, but they all seem to be hypnotized or something.
"Well…" I start, considering their words. "That wasn't nice from her. You were a team, and if you all worked together you should have had the same grade."
"Exactly!" The four girls exclaim.
"But... Why don't you do it? Why does it have to be me?"
"Because she doesn't know you. She won't mind if you approach her." John answers.
"But what if she gets mad and goes to a teacher and tell him and I'm kicked out?"
"Don't worry about it." Hans says. "She is called the ice queen because she doesn't have any feelings. For her it is the same if you hug her or hit her, if you tell her something nice or awful things. She'd never react to anything."
"Still, I'm not sure." I reply stubbornly. According to my experience with books and movies, this is something only bad guys do, and I don't want to be the bad guy. But, on the other hand… bad guys aren't as nice to random new girls like Hans and his bang are, and they sure know more about good and bad than I do… right?
"C'mon Anna, it'll be fun." Aurora insists.
"You are our friend, right Anna?" Hans asks." Friends do this kind of things for each other. Don't you think that Snow, Cindy, Aurora and Ariel deserve revenge?
I'm confused. I don't know what to do. On one side, I know revenge isn't right, and this could cause me serious problems, besides I really don't want to wrong her. On the other, I don't know the first thing about relations between friends, and they say it's the right thing to do, and I don't want them to think I don't want to be their friend because I really do. Besides it was Hans' idea, and I have to do anything for him in order for him to like me. And he said she won't mind, so it isn't really wrong if it doesn't upset her. Right?
"Fine. I'll do it for you." I finally say.
"Thanks Anna. We'll be forever in debt with you." Snow says.
They all agree and cheer me up. Hans place a kiss on my cheek that makes me turn the same shade as a tomato. Then he whispers to my ear:
"Good luck."
With a foolish smile on my face I start walking towards the gorgeous girl, ball of plasticine on my pocket.
Okay, this is going to be difficult.
I'm not good with human interactions, so I don't know how I'm going to do the task entrusted to me. Should I talk to her first? Or should I just smear it on her hair and run? Maybe it would be less rude if speak to her first… or would it be worst? Maybe if she thinks I'm trying to make friends with her and then I disappoint her, she'll be very sad… but Hans said she has no feelings… but what if it isn't true? Of course it's true; Hans said it.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I crash with the table where she is sited at.
"Sorry! Sorry, sorry." I frantically apologize to her." I just wasn't looking were I was going and…" I look into her eyes, gazing up at me.
Wow. They're even more beautiful up close.
I wait to her to say something, but she just keeps looking at me with a neutral expression.
"Okay... Uh... Can... Can I sit here?" I ask tentatively.
She nods once and turns her attention to the book she was reading. I pull out the chair and sit on it. Then we're immersed in an awkward silence and I start nervously playing with my braids. Several minutes (or seconds?) pass and I'm still stuck in the most unpleasurable quietness I've ever been. She is not even looking at me and I don't dare look her either. Finally I decide to say something.
"So... uh… Hi."
Seconds pass and she doesn't say anything so I turn my gaze out of her again, feeling a little hurt.
"Hi." She suddenly answers without getting her eyes off of that book.
"H-hi me?" I stutter not expecting her to talk. She nods. "Oh!... uhm… Hi."
"You already said that." She answers.
Oh my god, her voice is so soft and perfect, though a little bit cold. Well, a lot cold actually.
"D-did I?" I ask dumbly.
"Do you have some memory issues?" She asks annoyed. That makes me feel uncomfortable, it's as if she thinks I'm stupid or something.
"Well, excuse me, miss I'm-the-smartest-girl-in-the-school, but not everyone can be Einstein." I answer in a sour tone of voice.
"I can see that."
"Excuse me? What do you mean with it?"
"I mean there are lots of stupid and reckless adolescents in this High School."
"Including me?" Now I'm mad. Who does she thinks she is?
Well, at least she didn't say yes. But what about her neutral expression an her cold voice? And that superiority air surrounding her? Does she descends from royalty or something? I'm so done speaking with her.
Boiling in barely contained rage I push my chair back and prepare to leave, but then I see Hans from his table staring at me, together with all his friends. My friends as well now. I can't disappoint them. Also now I really want to teach her a lesson. Let's take this task seriously.
"You know?" I say more calmly, containing my anger. "I was thinking about just going away since I'm obviously upsetting you, but I felt sorry for seeing you here so lonely."
"I don't need your pity."
"I know, you're independent, I get it. But I also clearly see you can't interact with humans properly and I want to help you. Can we at least be friends?"
At least?! What else do you want Anna?! A girlfriend, perhaps?! Pay attention to what you're saying!
"N-not at least be friends, more like just be friends, like not being lovers or girlfriends or anything else. J-just friends" I frantically try to correct my previous words.
I see her sigh in resignation. Then she turns her beautiful eyes to me and answers, again with her unexpressive voice.
"Fine. I think it can't hurt."
She gave me a side smile that almost seems genuine, but her cold mask promptly returns. However, this gives my hopes up. Maybe it won't be so difficult after all.
"Anna." I say extending my arm so she can take my hand.
"Elsa." She answers shaking my hand.
Her hand feels so soft on mine, though a little bit cold. I like it.
"I like your name. It's beautiful, just as the rest of you." I actually mean it.
"Thanks, you are beautiful as well." The way she says it… it sounds as a phrase she'd memorized and she is saying it because it's the 'polite' thing. However, the way she is fidgeting anxiously with her hands says otherwise. I don't pay mind to it though, I'm just thinking about the plan right now.
"I… will continue reading." She says uncertainly, seeming almost nervous. "I-Is that okay?"
Okay? It's perfect for my plan!
"Yeah, sure, do what you want." I answer taking care that my voice doesn't sound strange, so I don't reveal my intentions.
She starts reading again while I think on manner of getting her hair down. That way it would be easier for me to daub the plasticine.
"You know? You have very beautiful hair. I hadn't seen a color like this before."
"Y-yes." She says so quietly I almost can't hear it. "It-it's a family thing."
"Where are you from?" I ask with genuine interest. To have blonde hair of this shade isn't common around here.
"Norway." She answers.
Well that kinda explains her fair constitution and her crystalline blue eyes.
"You know? I think a pretty hair like this would look even better down." I expected her to rapidly undo her braid at my compliment, but she just shakes her head.
"I prefer it braided." I sigh. Now what?
"Could you at least let me unbraid your hair for a moment? Just to see how it looks like. Then I'll leave it just as it was. Please?" I make a pout and pleading eyes just the moment she turns to look at me. I see her cheeks blushing but I don't think about it.
She sighs.
"Fine, just promise me you'll let it at the same state it is now."
"Anna's word." I say raising my right hand to make the oath. I cautiously take her long braid and I can't help to get amazed by the softness of her hair. It's like touching silk. It's a shame I have to cover it with plasticine. Well… everything for Hans' love and his friends' friendship.
I take off the blue hair band and I feel really strange, it's as if I were undressing her or something, though I bet that sensation is even better… Wait, get a grip Anna! Focus on what you're doing and the reason why you're doing it: the most handsome guy in the Earth.
I run my fingers through her strands, carefully untangling them, marveling at the thinness and healthiness of her hairs, admiring the way they fall over her shoulders making her look even more beautiful, if that is even humanly possible. Maybe she is a Greek goddess? The thought isn't as crazy as it sounds when you see her by yourself. Even Aphrodite would be jealous.
I continue stroking her hair for several minutes, just contemplating it, as someone would admire an art work. It's as if I'm in some kind of trance. However, every good moment has to come to an end. I suddenly see Hans and his friends in the distance pointing to her hair, making signals with their hands to indicate me to put the plasticine on it already. I frown. I don't wanna do it. Deep inside I know it's wrong, but I'm in the point of no return; if I don't do it they'll never accept me, they'll believe that I preferred her instead of them, so I extract the brown ball from my pocket.
I take a little bit of the dough with my left hand and start kneading it, to make it more malleable. Then I put some of it in the fingers of my right hand and continue stroking her hair, making the plasticine stick to the platinum blonde locks, covering their beauty. It's as if someone had put a black fabric above a lantern in a dark room, suddenly nothing looks as before, as if it's pulchritude had been reflecting on all the other things in that cafeteria, given them some of it's light.
I continue smearing it, even if my heart is telling me not to do it, hurting a little with each brown spot on the perfection my hands are holding. I'm ignoring my feelings because my mind tells me that I need to do it if I want to be popular, if I want to have friends and a handsome boyfriend, if I want my life to be perfect.
Finally after several minutes doing it and feeling butterflies on my stomach, hoping she won't notice what I'm doing, I finish putting the plasticine all over her hair. I stop a moment to admire my job.
What once was fair and flawless now is covered with a brown dough that doesn't does it any favor. What was once pleasurable to be seen now is just ridiculous. The dark color seems so out of place, I bet from the distant it actually looks like mud. I can't be happy seeing it, this is not what I wanted. This is bad. I shouldn't have done it.
Suddenly I see Hans and his friends taking photos with their cell phones and laughing like crazies, they're making fun of her, it's actually kinda cruel. Elsa just keeps reading her book, oblivious of what's happening, still thinking I have good intentions.
This is so, so wrong.
I quickly start removing the offensive plasticine, taking care of cleaning her hair as much as I can, hoping no spots remain on it. I soon enough discover it's easier to put it in than to take it off. I'm stuck several minutes on the demanding and complicated task till I can't clean the locks more than that. Then I braid it again, tying it with the hair band.
Finished! It's not perfect; it still is a little bit stained here and there, but it's better than how it was before, and hopefully she didn't even notice what happened. Maybe she is an ice queen after all.
"Are you done playing with my hair?" She asks. I can't quite tell what's different with her voice, but it sounds strange compared with our little chatting moments ago.
"I wasn't playing, I was just admiring it." I answer trying not to sound too nervous.
"Well, then I should get going to my class. Goodbye Anna." She grabs her book, places it inside her back pack, stands up and walks away, all of this without looking at me one single time and suddenly I feel as if something inside me had suddenly broken, but I can't really tell what.